My elf is so cute

Chapter 300 Start of school, break into the tower

Chapter 300 Start of school, break into the tower
"Alas~" Jiang Xiaobei heaved a long sigh after hearing Lan Ze's story.

It was the first time he knew that Teacher Lan had such a rough experience before.

Lan Ze took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, raised the corners of his mouth, covering the original sad expression on his face, and then pretended to laugh easily:
"Haha, it's all over, and I feel much more comfortable after speaking today, let's go." He shook his hands at Jiang Xiaobei, turned around and walked back to Chi Yongrui's small courtyard.

Jiang Xiaobei stood up and left here step by step.

Hearing about Lan Ze's past, Jiang Xiaobei was also thinking about it while feeling sad.

One of the reasons why such a tragedy happened was that Lan Ze was not strong enough at the beginning. If he was strong enough not to fear the people of the Dark Council, would it still be the result today?
I have to work harder, hurry up, and raise the strength of Mao Xiaodou and the others to the level of heavenly kings.

"When you get to the Heavenly King level," Jiang Xiaobei thought about the little black pagoda he got from the Xuanyu Treasury, "it's time for his strength to soar."

Because the Magic University has not yet officially opened, and the training grounds of many schools have not opened, Jiang Xiaobei can only choose to go to the Fengxue Gym for training.

Before training, he still had to visit Bing Xinyue, Chen Bing and the others.

Jiang Xiaobei walked all the way to the door of Bing Xinyue's deputy curator's office, knocked on the door, and Bing Xinyue's cold voice came from inside: "Please come in."

"Hello, Teacher Bing." Jiang Xiaobei pushed open the door and walked in.

Bing Xinyue was looking down at a document at this moment, when she heard the words, she raised her head immediately, glanced at Jiang Xiaobei, then at the calendar next to her, and asked, "There are still two days before school starts. What, come so early?"

"Go back to school early to get used to it."

Bing Xinyue nodded, then continued to look down at the document in her hand, and at the same time said to Jiang Xiaobei: "My teacher is currently in his office, you can go to him and let him take you to the Ice Crystal Space, I still have a little busy."

"Yes, goodbye, Teacher Bing." Jiang Xiaobei turned around and was about to leave.

"By the way, wait a minute." Bing Xinyue suddenly stopped Jiang Xiaobei, "I read the news a while ago, and it said that there was someone in Xiangcheng who seemed to be an elf breakthrough domain-level king or a law-level king? Because the information was blocked, I didn't find it, do you know what's going on?"

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaobei blinked suspiciously, and asked, "Didn't Teacher Lan tell you?"

"What do you mean? This matter is still related to Lan Ze? What's going on?" Hearing Jiang Xiaobei mentioned Lan Ze, Bing Xinyue became interested and immediately asked.

Seeing Bing Xinyue's reaction, Jiang Xiaobei probably understood.

It seems that Teacher Lan never came to look for Bing Xinyue after coming to Shanghai, but I thought they had met just now.

So he immediately said: "This matter is indeed related to Teacher Lan. The vision in the news is caused by Teacher Lan's water spirit beast breaking through the law of the Heavenly King class."

"Law King?" Bing Xinyue frowned and said every word.

"Also, Teacher Lan has already arrived in Shanghai, these days, he has been with Dean Chi all the time." Jiang Xiaobei said again.

"What?" Bing Xinyue raised her head immediately, looked towards Jiang Xiaobei, saw Jiang Xiaobei nodded her head twice for confirmation, then frowned, lowered her head and said to herself: "He figured it out?"

Afterwards, Bing Xinyue stood up and walked outside.

"Go upstairs to the curator's office first."

Two days later, school officially started, and Xu Leilei and Lin Chuxia also returned to school one after another.

Jiang Xiaobei temporarily pulled Xu Leilei's magic cat over.

He prepared a small flowerpot, gave the seeds to Magic Cat, and then took out a bag of dried fish from the Ice Crystal Lake in the Secret Realm prepared for Magic Cat in advance, which made Magic Cat salivate.

"Magic cat, I will come to you every day to take care of this seed and the plants it germinates. If the plants grow well, I have many good things for you. This bag of dried fish is just a small gift." Speaking of handing the small dried fish to Magic Cat, Magic Cat immediately tore open and grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth with a beautiful expression on his face.

"Of course, if you don't take good care of it, you will damage this plant, hehe." As he said, a high-temperature flame ignited on Jiang Xiaobei's right hand, and he waved it at the magic cat.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobei's dangerous expression, Magic Cat suddenly felt:

The dried fish in my hand is no longer fragrant.

Immediately, he put down the food bag in his hand and put the Xiaoyao gourd seeds into the flower pot. A strong grass energy surged around his body and poured into the flower pot.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobei saw that in the flowerpot, a small bud grew slowly, tender and delicate.

"Well done, I'll rely on you for the next few days." Jiang Xiaobei patted Magic Cat on the head with a smile, then left the dormitory, ready to go to the Lost Tower.

As for the magic cat, after finishing the work, it can directly climb to Xu Leilei's bedroom through the balcony.

When the new term started, not many people came to the Lost Tower. When Jiang Xiaobei came, there were only a few scattered people in the hall.

After completing the formalities, Jiang Xiaobei entered the Lost Tower without further delay.

On the first floor, he released all six elves, and rushed up one level at a time.

All the way to the No.15 level, this time, facing twelve elite-level elves, because of their different strengths, they also felt differently.

Feeling the aura of the twelve elves in front of her, Xiaodou said that this time, without any other elves, she could defeat the twelve elves on the opposite side with one elf.

With that said, the hood was ready to attack.

First, a freezing wind was released. This skill was like a bone-piercing cold knife, stabbing most of the elves on the opposite side in an instant. Several of the elves were directly frozen in the ice because of the restraint of attributes.

Afterwards, the elves on the opposite side began to counterattack, and attacks of various attributes came towards the hood.

After Hood condensed an ice crystal barrier around his body, he stopped paying attention to the opponent's attack, and immediately used the secret skill of ice whirlwind to envelop the opponent's elves in it.

A series of attacks poured on the ice crystal barrier around the hood, bursting out strong energy fluctuations, but there was still a long way to go before breaking the ice crystal barrier.

However, the ice whirlwind that the hood is using now is much more powerful. After covering twelve elves in it, none of the elves can rush out of it.

After 3 minutes, Hood took the initiative to cancel the Ice Whirlwind, revealing the scene inside.

The twelve elves were all trapped in the ice.

At this time, Hood raised his right hand towards them, and the energy light flashed.

Break the ice!

After a loud noise, the ice block freezing the twelve elves shattered in an instant, and even the elves inside were shattered, turning into a large amount of energy light balls, which merged into the bodies of the hooded and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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