My elf is so cute

Chapter 302 Mirror Image Spirit

Chapter 302 Mirror Image Spirit
All of this happened very fast. In a hurry, the water spirit beast and the red lotus beast could only condense a little energy to form a defense.

But this point of defense, in the face of the instant attack of the magic flame released by the hood, is no different from blocking a car with a mantis arm.

Jiang Xiaobei only saw an exploding red light, and then, when the light faded away, only a bunch of energy light balls of different colors remained in it.

The rock armor lord, the little angel An Qi, and the others were directly scattered, and now there are only six elf energy bodies left on the field.

Naturally, there was no need to think too much about it. Two minutes later, a bunch of energy light spheres merged into the bodies of Hood and the other five elves, and the door leading to the No. 2 floor opened.

Waiting for Hood and Xiaodou to finish absorbing the energy light ball, Jiang Xiaobei was also recalling the information of the next few layers.

According to the information he obtained from asking seniors before:

The Lost Tower No.20 is from the [-]st floor to the [-]th floor, the difficulty is not low, it is called the battle of the mirror image.

It means that after entering, the Lost Tower will recreate an elf that is exactly the same as the elf that entered the tower to fight against.

The engraved elves, skills, secret techniques, etc. are all consistent with the tower-breaking elves, and the strength of these elves will increase as the tower level increases.

Just hearing about it, Jiang Xiaobei doesn't know what's going on, so he can only wait for the meeting to go in and then read it.

Soon, the five of Mao Xiaodou and the others absorbed the energy in the energy ball, and the harvest was not small. Jiang Xiaobei looked at it, nodded in satisfaction, then raised his hand, and said, "Follow me."

As he said that, he walked towards the front door first.

The first floor of Lost Tower No.20 has the same overall layout as the previous [-] floors, except that there are no twelve stone sculptures, but on both sides of the gate leading to the next floor, there are two extra sides with a height and width of two meters. above the mirror.

After Jiang Xiaobei and the others walked into this floor, the door behind him closed automatically, and the crystal stone above the space shot out five beams of light, which respectively shone on the five elves, the seal envoy and the others.

Then, as if the beam of light had been refracted, the beam of light shining on Hood and the others was directly refracted into the two large mirrors behind.

After the beam of light hit the mirror, Jiang Xiaobei saw waves of water appearing on the surface of the mirror. After waves of ripples flashed by, a dark blue foot stepped out from the mirror on the left.

Then, a sealed envoy that was almost exactly the same as Jiang Xiaobei's side came out, the only difference was that the sealed envoy that came out of the mirror emitted a faint light around its body.

"Is this a mirror image? It sure looks like it!"

While Jiang Xiaobei sighed, ripples continued on the two mirrors, and elves came out of them one by one.

One minute later, except for Jiang Xiaobei himself, the mirror copies of Mao Xiaodou's five elves all appeared on the opposite side.

Looking at these mirror copies, Jiang Xiaobei immediately checked their information.

In the end, he discovered that, in fact, the mirror image elves that were reproduced did not possess all the abilities of the original elves, as the seniors said.

For example, the hood is only in the state of ice now. In the information introduction of the mirror image hood, she can't switch to the ice and fire state, only the state of ice, and she can't release most of the fire skills.

The special talent of the seal messenger is the eye of mind, which can discern the opponent's weakness, but the information of the mirror seal messenger does not show that it has the talent of the mind eye.

The basalt aegis of the evil basalt and the holy brilliance of the platinum unicorn seem to require blood to activate it. The mirror image of the evil basalt and the mirror image of the platinum unicorn failed to reproduce this move.

There is also all the secret skills of the free water bottle, which are not available in the mirrored free water bottle. These are probably the special secret skills that belong to the constellation elves. They are also similar to blood skills, and the mirror image body cannot be released at all.

Under such circumstances, even if the strength is the same, it is not difficult for Hoo Xiaodou and the others to defeat their opponents.

Hooded and the others looked at the five elves that appeared in front of them, which were almost identical to them, and they were also a little curious, how could another one of them suddenly appear?
"You each face off against your own clones, and the battle is over quickly." Jiang Xiaobei gave an order.

Hooded and the others nodded, and immediately rushed forward, each finding their own replicas to fight.

The hood walked up to the mirror hood, looked at the mirror hood from head to toe, and found that, except for some faint rays of light around the body of the mirror hood, the rest of the body was just like him. Feel the same, even the Xue Ling necklace on her neck is exactly the same as her own.

that's amazing!

The hood was only concerned with observing the situation of the mirror image hood, and was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but the mirror image hood didn't have any other ideas, she just needed to attack the hood in front of her.

As soon as it came up, the mirrored hood attacked the hood, and a beam of aurora light quickly shot towards the hood.

The hood puffed its mouth, stretched out a hand, and a thick block of ice appeared in front of her, blocking the attack of the aurora light.

Afterwards, the hood immediately switched to the form of fire, turning into a Naruto doll.

A high-speed rotating fireball was condensed in the hand, and then it was thrown towards the small pocket of the mirror image cap.

When the rotating fireball shot towards the small pocket of the mirror image cap, its volume became larger and larger, and finally directly transformed into a huge flame whirlwind, covering the small pocket of the mirror image cap.

Flame vortex!

Due to the difference in strength between the hood and the mirror hood, coupled with the attribute restraint, the hood directly shattered the mirror hood and turned it into an energy light ball.

The difference from the previous level is that after the mirror cap Xiaodou was defeated, it did not turn into many energy light spheres, but only one energy light sphere. In this energy light sphere, there is a miniature snow shadow doll image .

After this energy light ball appeared, it immediately merged into Hood's body.

After this energy light sphere was integrated into the body, Xiaodou felt that it was more pure than when absorbing the energy light sphere before, and the rich energy instantly appeared in the body, and it was easily transformed into his own energy .

The absorption experience is much better than before, and the effect is also enhanced.

The hood had a rough feeling. If he absorbed more than 30 such energy light spheres, it is estimated that his strength would be improved again.

The envoy of seal, the platinum unicorn and the others also quickly defeated their own mirror images and absorbed their own energy light ball.

Seeing the door to the next level open, Jiang Xiaobei was about to step into it, then stopped suddenly, turned around and put away all the other elves, leaving only one elf in the hood.

He was going to try an idea of ​​his own.

Then, he stepped into the second floor of No.20 with a small hood.

After walking in, he waited for a while, only to see that the crystal stone on top of his head lit up once, and then a beam of light shone on the hood. Then, another mirrored hood came out of the mirror.

Then, there was no movement on the mirror surface, and the mirror images of the seal messengers did not appear.

Jiang Xiaobei waited for a while, and after confirming that no mirror image appeared behind him, he immediately released the other four elves except Shaolin Guagua.

In his somewhat helpless eyes, the crystal stone above his head shot out four beams of light immediately, and four mirror bodies slowly came out from the mirror.

"Sure enough, I still think too much."

He was still thinking, if he didn't release all the elves at the beginning, and released them after the engraving, would he re-enact the mirror images of these elves?

Facts have proved that I think too much.

 Thanks for the reward of 333 coins from Annan Expedition to the North, and thanks to the 100 coins reward from the clean spider boss

(End of this chapter)

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