My elf is so cute

Chapter 303 Battle against professional elves

Chapter 303 Battle against professional elves

The Hood and the others took a little more effort to defeat the mirror image elves in the second level of No.20 and lead to the next level.

Up to the fifth floor of No. 20, Jiang Xiaobei has been letting all five elves appear on the field, and the battle level is gradually increasing.

But from the sixth floor of No. 20, Jiang Xiaobei only allowed one elf in the cap and pocket to appear on the stage.

Now, the level of the cap and pocket has reached level 48, and the three levels of the seal messenger, the platinum unicorn, and the free water bottle are still level 45, the same as when they came out of Xuanyu Island.

And the level of Evil Xuanwu has now increased by one level compared to the original level, reaching level 44.

Although with the various secret skills and special skills they have mastered, they have a very high chance of winning against mirror images that are higher in level than themselves.

But now, Jiang Xiaobei just wanted to pass the level first, and see the situation of the next level earlier, and also wanted them to retain a little strength.

Wait a while, if Mao Xiaodou can clear the No.30 floor and defeat the No.30 floor, the snow shadow doll with professional strength, then some of the later levels will also require their efforts.

In the next few levels, because there is only one elf in the hood, the mirror image elf that appears in each level is only a snow shadow doll, so each level is passed quickly.

Half an hour later, the No. 20 ninth floor of the Lost Tower.

Facing the attack of the mirror image hood with a level as high as 49, the hood has now switched to the ice and fire state. In her hands, the skills of the two attributes of ice and fire are at hand, and they are easily released. Hood attacked and went away.

Although the level of the mirrored hood is level 49, it is one level higher than the hood.

However, the energy reserve in the hood in the state of ice and fire is twice that of the normal state. If it is compared to consumption, it is not as good as the hood.

In terms of combat power, the fire-type skills released by the hood can do great damage to the mirror image hood, and it still has a certain resistance to the attack of the mirror image hood.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the mirrored hood was crushed by the hood.

After persevering for a few minutes, it was terminated by a heat bomb from Hood, turning into a ball of energy light, which merged into her body.

The hoodie closed her eyes, absorbing the energy that was integrated into her body. After waiting for 3 minutes, she opened her eyes. All the energy in her body that had been consumed by the battle had recovered, and her strength had improved.

"Doudou." Mao Xiaodou raised his head and called out to Jiang Xiaobei, indicating that he was ready.

Hearing Hood's cry, Jiang Xiaobei smiled and nodded towards her, then took a deep breath, lifted his feet and walked towards the front door.

Later, what I and Xiaodou will face is a professional-level elf.

This is the first time that he and Hoo Xiaodou have truly fought against a professional-level strength. Although they are not real elves, they are not much different.

I don't know what kind of strength professional-level elves will display in actual battles.

"Come on!" Jiang Xiaobei gave himself a sigh of relief, then took the small hand in the hood and walked towards the front door.

As soon as he stepped into the No.30 floor of the Lost Tower, a relatively thick beam of light blue light shot out from the crystal stone above the space of the tower floor, shining on the small cap.

After refracting on the mirror, soon, a snow shadow doll almost identical to the hooded pocket came out from the rippled mirror.

After Xueying doll came out, she stood in front of the mirror without any movement or attack, but just looked at Jiang Xiaobei and Mao Xiaodou.

For a while, although she didn't launch an attack, she put a lot of pressure on Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei has also read her information, her level has reached level 50, professional level strength.

Jiang Xiaobei thought for a while, but he didn't plan to wait any longer, so he directly asked Mao Xiaodou to attack.

After Hood heard the command, he immediately raised his hands together and pointed at the snow shadow doll in front, then the fiery red light on his hands lit up, and then a pillar of flame shot directly towards the mirror image snow shadow doll.

Crit gun!
The mirror image snow shadow doll reacted quickly, and immediately released a beam of aurora light to meet the crit gun.

The collision of the flame and the ice exploded at the moment of the collision, raising waves of white smoke and filling the surrounding space.

The result of this tentative attack made Jiang Xiaobei's eyes light up.

Although the mirror image snow shadow doll just blocked the attack of the hood, but the hood didn't attack with much power, it was just a test.

This situation shows that the gap between Mao Xiaodou and this professional-level mirror image snow shadow doll is not as big as I imagined.

Hood and small pocket are powerful in battle!

After the tentative attack just now, the mirror image snow shadow doll finally started to attack the small pocket on its own initiative.

I saw a huge amount of ice energy gushing out from her body, turning into pieces of ice and snow in the air, and blowing towards the hood.

Freezing wind.

In the face of such a ranged attack, it is difficult for Hoodou to dodge, head-to-head. In terms of consumption, the current strength of Hoodou is no match for the professional-level mirror image Snow Shadow Doll.

Therefore, the small hood mobilized the fire energy in the body, forming a flame shield around the body to block the cold wind.

When the snow in the freezing wind fell on the flame shield, it was instantly melted, turned into little drops of water that fell on the flame shield, and then evaporated.

Soon, the entire space was shrouded in a thick layer of white mist.

Mirror Image Hood immediately took advantage of the white mist to display Hood's secret skill, the whirlwind of ice, and shrouded Hood himself in it.

Hood Xiaodou is very familiar with the Ice Whirlwind, and knows the weakness of this secret technique very well.

The key point of this secret technique is that before it can be formed, it is best to directly interfere with its display and prevent it from forming.

Therefore, before the surrounding white mist began to envelop, the hood removed the flame shield, and at the same time released a small ice whirlwind around it, to rotate in the same direction as the ice whirlwind released by the mirrored snow shadow doll. Rotate in the opposite direction.

Under such circumstances, the ice whirlwind was canceled out before it took shape.

Seeing that the previous few attacks had no effect, the mirror image Snow Shadow Doll didn't want to waste time, and directly launched a fierce attack.

She opened her hands, and an ice-blue circular formation condensed out, and then flew into the air under her control, turning into a giant circular formation with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Afterwards, chunks of black ice the size of a human head quickly shot out from the circular magic circle and shot towards the small hood.

Suddenly, it looked like a hailstorm.

This is an ice skill, Freezing Strike!

Hood and Xiaodou dodged left and right in this hailstorm, and if they couldn't dodge, they used their skills to smash the ice to protect themselves.

Jiang Xiaobei saw that this was not a solution, he was just passively beaten and did not fight back, so he had no chance of victory at all.

After thinking for a while, a light flashed in his hand, and then a badge engraved with a snowflake pattern appeared, which was an ice badge.

Holding the ice badge in his hand, Jiang Xiaobei mobilized his spiritual power and released a primary ice spell - the ice wall technique, which blocked him in front of Xiaodou.

With the help of the ice badge, the power of ice skills can be increased by 5%. This ice wall can still withstand the attack of freezing blows for a while.

The hood took advantage of this gap, and the fire energy in the body frantically gathered, and then a giant dark red fireball was released, bombarding towards the mirrored snow shadow doll behind.

The mirror image snow shadow doll felt the huge flame ball that flew rapidly, and obviously felt a strong sense of threat from above, and immediately released the defensive skill ice crystal enchantment to resist in front of her.

However, she still underestimated the power of the instant strike of the magic flame. The flame in it was not an ordinary flame, and the temperature was extremely high. After the fireball touched the ice crystal barrier, it was only slightly blocked, and then directly melted and shot down Mirror the body of the snow shadow doll.

 Thanks to Huan Yiyu Chihiro for the reward of 100 coins, and thanks to Annan Expedition for the reward of 333 coins

(End of this chapter)

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