Chapter 305

Li Xuanfeng rubbed his eyes, then took a look again, but the information he saw on Jiang Xiaobei's grade was still freshman year.

The freshman broke into the ranking list of the Lost Tower. He has never seen or heard of it in the three and a half years of school.

What is this concept?In Li Xuanfeng's view, this is simply impossible.

The Lost Tower Ranking List is a list that ranks the students based on how they broke into the tower. Only the top [-] students can be included.

Among the 100 people, there are usually around [-] professional-level trainers and professional-level elves. There must be a lot of tower floors that they can break through, allowing them to rank in the forefront.

The next 80 people, although not professional trainers, generally have no less than four or more elves, and their strengths are basically at the elite level.

Generally, after breaking through the top [-] floors, they can be ranked in the leaderboard.

Because, No. 11 to [-] floors of the Lost Tower, the test is the number of elves that the trainer has tamed.

In the tower breaking rules, the trainer is only allowed to bring six elves to the tower at a time, and in the face of No. It is difficult for elves who have reached the professional level to deal with so many elves.

From No. 20 to No. 30, the Lost Tower tests the quality of the elf strength possessed by the trainer.

Every elf that appears on the stage will be reproduced. If the individual strength is not strong, it is difficult to pass these ten levels.

Therefore, under such circumstances, there are very few who can break through the first [-] floors of the Lost Tower during college. Basically, as long as they can break through, they can enter the ranking list.

As for the regulations of the Demon University, students of the Elf Trainer Academy must pass through the first [-] floors of the Lost Tower in order to successfully graduate and obtain a diploma
This is the rule formulated by the first principal when the University of Magic was founded, because the first principal made a great contribution to the school. Even though he knew that this rule was unreasonable, the subsequent principals did not dare to change the rules set by the old principal at will. .

Later, it felt unreasonable. Many people may not be able to complete their graduation even if they postponed their graduation for two years, so the school added a relatively simple assessment. graduate.

Hearing Li Xuanfeng's exclamation, Song Mingjin also looked towards the Lost Tower ranking list, and soon noticed Jiang Xiaobei, who was ranked No. 80 and No. [-].

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei was only a freshman, his dark face was full of question marks.

"Are all the rookies these days so fierce? Li Zheng wasn't so perverted back then, right?" Li Zheng was the super talented trainer in this year's junior year, and now ranks third in the rankings.

Li Xuanfeng shook his head: "No, Li Zheng never broke into the Lost Tower leaderboard when he was a freshman, and he only broke into it in his sophomore year, and then the elves quickly broke through to the professional level, breaking into the top ten of the leaderboard in one fell swoop. "

"Which number one is this Jiang Xiaobei? Why does it seem to come out of nowhere?" Li Xuanfeng asked with some doubts. He couldn't remember that he took Jiang Xiaobei to Pengcheng K University's Mount Vesuvius. middle.

"I remember that during the Chinese New Year, the author of the very popular Guagua evolution plan paper was called Jiang Xiaobei, and he seemed to be from our Demon University. Could it be him?" Song Mingjin said uncertainly.

"Not likely."

At this time, many people are paying attention to the changes on the Lost Tower ranking list. Therefore, not only Li Xuanfeng and Song Mingjin noticed Jiang Xiaobei, but many people also saw his status on the Lost Tower ranking list. name.

In this way, a group of people who saw here reminded others to look here, and soon, almost everyone who is currently in the Lost Tower knows:
There was a freshman who broke into the Lost Tower leaderboard.

All of a sudden, the already lively place became even more lively.

"Oh my god, who knows who this freshman Jiang Xiaobei is? He's only a freshman, and he's passed the first 28 floors. How can he let me, a junior who only passed the [-]th floor, live?" .”

"I'm a senior, and I'm only on the 28th floor."

"It turned out to be Jiang Shen. As expected of Jiang Shen, he will always make something happen from time to time."

Jiang Xiaobei doesn't know anything about the outside world, and he is still standing quietly beside the hood.

It has to be said that the energy light ball produced by the professional-level elf energy body does contain a lot of energy. It took nearly 10 minutes for the hood to absorb it successfully.

However, to Jiang Xiaobei's disappointment, after Hood Xiaodou absorbed the energy light ball, his level did not increase.

We can only see if we can break through the next level.

Thinking about it, he put on a small hood and sealed the messenger to the next floor.

Arriving at the No.30 floor of the Lost Tower, Jiang Xiaobei looked around.

There are no stone carvings or mirrors here. Except for the surrounding walls, the gates on both sides and the crystal stones hanging above, there is almost nothing else, and the whole space looks very empty.

After Jiang Xiaobei and the others walked in, the door at the back closed and the crystal stone lit up.

A green seed, a burning flame, and a drop of blue water flew out of it one after another, forming a circle in the air and spinning rapidly.

During the rotation, the flames burned more and more intensely, and finally turned into a huge Vulcan, soaring in mid-air.

The water droplets continue to expand and change shape, and finally become a watery appearance.

The green seeds germinated, grew, bloomed, and bear fruit, and finally the fruit burst open, and a fat magic cat jumped out of it and fell to the ground.

Looking at Vulcan, Shui Ling, and Magic Cat in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei immediately searched for their information.

It turned out that although they appeared with great momentum, their strength was only level 45, which was completely incomparable with the previous level.

Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobei said to the seal envoy, the platinum unicorn and the evil Xuanwu beside him, "You three go up, and get rid of them quickly."

Hearing this, the seal envoy and the others rushed forward with a big move.

Legendary Power, Dance of Petals, Sand Hell.

Under the fierce attack of the seal envoys, Vulcan and his three elves were soon scattered.

However, after being dispersed, they did not turn into energy light balls like the elf energy body in front, but turned into flames, water droplets and seeds again, and the three revolved around each other.

Jiang Xiaobei discovered that these three were slowly fused together during the rotation process, and finally formed a new elf.

This elf is like a patchwork of the previous three elves. Its chest and head are like a fire god, its right arm and lower right body are like a water spirit, and its left half is like a magic cat.

Ugly, but physically imposing.

Seeing this elf, Jiang Xiaobei was surprised, but also a little funny.

"Is this a dung beetle? Is it really a fusion of Vulcan and the others?"

 Last night I wrote and fell asleep. After waking up this morning, I didn’t dare to read the comments, so I quickly added them.
(End of this chapter)

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