My elf is so cute

Chapter 306 Li Zheng's Suggestion

Chapter 306 Li Zheng's Suggestion

In Jiang Xiaobei's memory, this strange-looking elf first appeared in the game, during the task of obtaining the red lotus beast, and its name was the dung beetle.

Because the first impression was deep, even though the name was later changed to Sanyuan Beast, Jiang Xiaobei kept calling him a dung beetle.

Looking at the slightly ugly dung beetle in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei checked his information.

[Elf Name] Dung Beetle (Ternary Beast) (Energy Body)
【Elf Level】50
[Elf Talent] None
[Spirit Attributes] Water, Fire, Grass

Unexpectedly, after the fusion of Vulcan, Water Spirit, and Magic Cat, which are only level 45, the dung beetle turned into level 50, reaching the level of a professional-level elf.

However, this is not as good as the previous level, and the Hood can only fight alone.

Jiang Xiaobei wouldn't pay attention to the morals of the rivers and lakes with an energy body, so he directly let Mao Xiaodou and the others group fight, and he didn't forget to release all three of his badges.

The two badges of grass and fire are responsible for suppressing dung beetles, and the badge of fire increases the small pocket of the hood.

Within 5 minutes, the dung beetles that had just condensed on the stage re-formed into five energy light spheres, and merged into the bodies of Hood and the others.

After they were absorbed, Jiang Xiaobei led them to continue to enter the tower.

In the next few floors of the tower, the elves that appeared were not so regular.

On the second floor of No.30, there are six electric elves of different types, all of which are level 45, namely the grid monster, the starlight lion, the thunder cloud, the pink baa, the ghost fox and the little ball; the six electric elves The collected electricity is extremely powerful.

On the third floor of No.30, there appeared a level 50 three-headed hell dog energy body, mastering various powerful demon skills and extremely strong fighting ability.

On the fourth floor of No.30, there are three ice elf energy bodies, one ice lord at level 50, and two frozen wraiths at level 45. They cooperate with each other in battle, and the two frozen wraiths can display the field The ability to increase the power of the icefield lord's skills, Hood and the others spent a lot of effort to pass this level.

Also after passing this level, the level of Xiaoyao Aquarius broke through again, reaching level 46, ahead of the Seal Envoy and Platinum Unicorn.

However, on the fifth floor of No.30, Jiang Xiaobei and the others were unable to break through.

In this layer, there are six Vulcans in total, and five Vulcans of level 45 form a pentagon around a Vulcan of level 50, which can continuously gather their own energy towards the Vulcan in the center. .

Under such circumstances, not only is the Vulcan in the center not afraid of energy consumption, but his strength has also been increased to a certain extent, thus erupting into a stronger combat power.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobei and the others stopped at the fifth floor of Lost Tower No. 30 in their attempt to break into the tower this time.

At this time, outside the Lost Tower, many people gathered.

Some people saw that Jiang Xiaobei broke into the leaderboard, and with the passage of time, his ranking was still increasing little by little, so they spread the news to the outside world.

Many people who had nothing to do ran to the Lost Tower to see how far Jiang Xiaobei could reach the ranking.

Xu Leilei was the most well-informed guy, so he was the first to know about it. After notifying other people, he immediately rushed to the Lost Tower and listened to the chats of other people around him.

"It's already the No. 30 fourth floor! The ranking has also risen from the 83rd at the beginning to the current 64th. It depends on whether he can break through the No. 30 fifth floor."

"The fifth floor of No. 30 is a hurdle. Once you can pass it, Jiang Xiaobei's ranking can be improved by at least ten places."

"I have to say, it's really too strong. How did this Jiang Xiaobei cultivate elves? It's so fierce."

Xu Leilei raised his head, looked at Jiang Xiaobei's name on the stele in front of him, and cheerfully pulled a classmate whom he didn't know very well to blow.

"Let me tell you, Jiang Xiaobei and I grew up together. Since he was a child, he has shown a strong talent as a trainer. Of course, I am not bad. We have been known as the twin stars of Xiangcheng since we were young. Back then, That year

Just as he was bragging with others vividly, he suddenly felt someone pat him on the shoulder from behind, and immediately turned his head and asked, "Who is Xiaobei? You came out?"

Looking at Jiang Xiaobei behind him, Xu Leilei didn't care about bragging any more. He turned his head and stood on tiptoe to look towards the leaderboard. He saw that Jiang Xiaobei had passed the tower with floor number 34, but he hadn't passed No.30 five floors.

Immediately, he sighed in disappointment, as if he hadn't been able to break through by himself.

But what he said just now reminded the other people around that the handsome guy in front of him was Jiang Xiaobei.

Immediately, many people greeted him enthusiastically, and some girls were still thinking about adding Jiang Xiaobei's QQ account.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled at them politely, then pushed Xu Leilei, the two walked out from the crowd, and when they were about to reach the exit of the secret realm, his name came from behind them.

"Jiang Xiaobei, wait a minute."

Jiang Xiaobei turned his head and saw not far away, Xiao Yuwen was standing next to a stern boy in black sportswear, waving at him.

Jiang Xiaobei stopped in his tracks, watched Xiao Yuwen and the stern boy walk up to him, and sized up the stern boy.

This boy has medium-length hair and looks a little stern, but his eyes are very gentle, and the corners of his mouth are even slightly curved. I don't know why he looks a little stern and serious.

After taking a look, Jiang Xiaobei smiled and said, "Xiao Yuwen, what do you want from me?"

Xiao Yuwen was frowning at this time, and asked Jiang Xiaobei with some puzzlement: "It's only been half a year, how did your strength improve so much? Like riding a rocket?"

But before Jiang Xiaobei could answer, she waved her hand again and said, "Forget it, I guess I got some gains in some secret realms. I can't envy such good luck."

"Let me introduce you first. This is the president of our super power club, Li Zheng. He wants to meet you." Xiao Yuwen pointed to the boy beside her and said.

Li Zheng?

Hearing this name, Jiang Xiaobei's mind immediately came up with the name on the third floor of the Lost Tower ranking list.

Known as the most talented student in the current Magic University Trainer Academy, he rushed to the third place in the Lost Tower ranking just after his junior year, and his strength is estimated to be even stronger now.

It turns out that the person in front of me is that genius senior.

"Hello, Jiang Xiaobei, I'm Li Zheng." Li Zheng smiled and extended his right hand to Jiang Xiaobei.

"Hi senior." Jiang Xiaobei also extended his hand and shook hands with the other party.

"Before I came this time, I thought about inviting you to join our super power club, but according to Xiao Yuwen, if you joined Fengxue Gym, then you probably won't join our club again."

"However, I didn't come here in vain this time. I think you can consider applying to the school and entering the reserve team."

"The preparatory school team is basically the next school team member of the school. With your current strength and potential, it is not a big problem to enter it."

 Thank you for the reward of 3000 coins from the boss who loves cleanliness, thanks to the reward of 2000 coins under the nail palace, thanks to the reward of 188 coins from the boss of Annan Expedition, and thanks to the reward of 100 coins from the boss of Magic Kazuhiro

(End of this chapter)

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