My elf is so cute

Chapter 308 Challenge Sun Chaofan

Chapter 308 Challenge Sun Chaofan

Zhao Xiong told Jiang Xiaobei some related precautions.

"Do you remember it all?"

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, indicating that he had remembered it.

"Well, just remember it, then release your Shaolin Guagua." Zhao Xiong slapped the table with his big hand and stood up.

Jiang Xiaobei laughed helplessly, took out Shaolin Guagua Gulu Ball, and released it.


After Shaolin Guagua came out, he saw that there were no other elves around, only himself, so he couldn't help casting a puzzled look at Jiang Xiaobei.

At this moment, when Zhao Xiong saw Shaolin Guagua, his eyes lit up, and he walked directly to Shaolin Guagua, looking left and right, from the beginning to the end, never letting go.

Shaolin Guagua didn't understand what happened, so although he was very uncomfortable with the perverted eyes of the uncle around him, he still forcibly held back.

However, when he found out that this perverted uncle was so aggressive, he was not satisfied with just looking at it with his eyes, but even stretched out his hand, wanting to touch him.

Shaolin Guagua couldn't take it anymore, he took a few steps back, raised the Buddha pattern stick in his hand, and stared at Zhao Xiong warily.

Seeing this, Zhao Xiong withdrew his hand with some regrets. He wanted to see the strength of Shaolin Guagua's muscles, but it didn't work out like this.

"Come on, follow me to the training room, and I'll test the strength of Shaolin Guagua."

Throughout the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobei was dragged by Zhao Xiong to his own training room, where he conducted many tests on Shaolin Guagua.

Zhao Xiong was very satisfied with the results of the test. Although this Shaolin croak was not very talented in cultivation, his fighting ability as a martial elf was very strong, and he deserved the evaluation of a top elf.

Of course, Zhao Xiong didn't drag Jiang Xiaobei and Shaolin Guagua to test the information for nothing.

Afterwards, he gave Jiang Xiaobei a bottle of potion that he had concocted to nourish the body of martial spirits and improve their strength. It was said that the effect was excellent.

In addition, he also gave Jiang Xiaobei a copy of some martial arts elf training experience that he had summed up in the past.

Such a summary would be of great help to Jiang Xiaobei, not only for training Shaolin Guagua, but also for training the seal envoys.

At 08:30 on Saturday morning, Jiang Xiaobei came to Douling Plaza.

Although it was morning, there were still quite a few people in Dou Ling Square. In the battle field on the first floor, two students who didn't know their seniority were standing on both sides of the battle field, and their spirits were engaged in a fierce battle. fight.

Jiang Xiaobei came here, glanced around, but did not see Teacher Zhao Xiong.

After waiting for a while, until it was nearly nine o'clock, he saw Zhao Xiong's figure appearing at the gate of Dou Ling Square, walking slowly towards the center.

Seeing Zhao Xiong, Jiang Xiaobei immediately walked towards him. When he got to Zhao Xiong's side, he saw two boys walking towards Zhao Xiong from another direction.

Among the two boys, one is slender and doesn't look very handsome, but his skin is very fair, giving him a very delicate feeling; the other is relatively short and fat, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses .

Zhao Xiong patted the slender boy on the shoulder, smiled and said to Jiang Xiaobei: "This is Yi Hongyu, a junior, the one ranked first in the reserve team."

"You are Jiang Xiaobei, right? Nice to meet you." Yi Hongyu walked up to Jiang Xiaobei, and extended his hand to greet Jiang Xiaobei.

"Hello, my name is Guo Yunhao." The short, fat boy also walked up to Jiang Xiaobei and greeted him.

Just as they greeted each other, another tall and thin boy walked by from the auditorium. He walked over and also greeted Jiang Xiaobei.

"Hello, I'm Sun Chaofan."

Zhao Xiong glanced at his watch, frowned and looked at Yi Hongyu, and asked, "Where are the other two? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

"Ms. Zhao, we are here." At this moment, a crisp voice came from behind. Jiang Xiaobei and the others followed the voice and saw a girl in white casual clothes and a girl outside the gate of Douling Plaza. A boy in a black windbreaker ran towards this side.

After the two of them stopped in front of them, they all took a few breaths, obviously they were in a hurry on the way.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at these two people. From the information he had inquired in advance, these two people should be Li Kun and Li Yun, both junior students.

Among the five, only one is a sophomore, and that is the somewhat lanky Sun Chaofan, who is also the last one among the five.

Zhao Xiong looked at the six people who had arrived, nodded, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the sixteenth floor, the top floor."

A group of people came to the sixteenth floor. This floor was arranged in advance, so no one was fighting here, but there were some people in the auditorium. They probably heard about this and came to watch the battle.

Standing in front of the central battle arena, Zhao Xiong asked Jiang Xiaobei: "Jiang Xiaobei, which one do you want to challenge later?"

Without hesitation, Jiang Xiaobei said directly, "Mr. Zhao, I want to challenge Senior Sun Chaofan."

For him now, what matters is not where he ranks in the reserve school team, but whether he can enter the reserve school team, so he naturally has to choose a weaker opponent to challenge.

Sun Chaofan on the side showed such a helpless expression when he heard the words, and sighed: "Student, please be merciful for a while."

"I should say this sentence, and please be merciful, senior."

"Okay, don't babble, hurry up to the ring." Seeing that the two were still polite, Zhao Xiong waved his hands impatiently and urged.

The two had no choice but to quickly walk onto the ring.

Some of the students around showed expressions of interest. Looking towards the direction of the ring, other members of the reserve school team also found a place to watch the battle.

Under the stage, Zhao Xiong shouted with his loud voice: "The first match will be played, and the two sides will release the elves to participate in the first match."

"We still have to win the first game, Hood, you go." Jiang Xiaobei took out Hood's grunt ball and released it.

After the hood came out, he stretched his waist, twisted his body left and right, moved his muscles and bones, and then looked to the opposite side.

Opposite her, standing is a cool wolf, the evolved form of a demon wolf, a spirit with dual attributes of demon and cute.

Jiang Xiaobei went to investigate the Kukuwolf, and found that its level was 49, only one level away from the professional level. Although this level is like a gap, it is very difficult to improve, but the level of 49 also shows that The strength of the cool wolf is very strong.

Obviously, Sun Chaofan directly dispatched his trump card and wanted to win the first game.


  The update in the past two days has been very slow. I wanted to find a reason for myself, and I found a bunch of them, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that I am lazy.

  I don’t know why, but procrastination is very serious. It’s been a problem since junior high school. Every time I go home for a holiday, I can restrain myself from doing my homework for a few days, but after staying at home for a long time, I don’t want to do anything. I’m too lazy to doubt my life , and finally dragged until the beginning of school, the homework book was basically empty (laughing and crying)
  In the past few days, I think about starting to code after eating at noon. After eating, I lie on the sofa and don’t want to move. I think about typing at two o’clock.
  It's two o'clock: I'll play again, four o'clock, four o'clock must write
  It's four o'clock, it's already four o'clock, let's write after dinner.

  I dragged it on until more than eight o'clock and started writing it. I wrote a chapter until now, alas~
  And I dare not code in the middle of the night these days.

  My family is in the countryside. I don’t know whose cat these days is a wild cat that no one wants. It ran near my house and screamed strangely in the middle of the night.

  That sound is the same as the cry of a baby. I heard it in the middle of the night. It's scary.

  Tomorrow, I will overcome procrastination, code words! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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