My elf is so cute

Chapter 309 The first battle

Chapter 309 The First Battle

Looking at the information about this cool wolf, Jiang Xiaobei roughly estimated the elf level and strength of the students on the Lost Tower ranking list.

Those who have passed the first thirty floors should probably have an elf around level 48 or 49, just like this cool wolf.

However, it is very difficult to break through the threshold of level 49 to level 50.

In the school, there are only more than 20 people who are professional-level trainers. According to this calculation, the more than 80 people from the 20-odd to the 60-odd on the ranking list are all stuck on this threshold.

Even many of the top ranked people have several elves whose strength has reached this level.

However, Sun Chaofan ranks lower than himself. Presumably, only this cool wolf is not bad, and the other elves are not very strong.

After the Hood wins this round, it will basically be stable after that.

Sun Chaofan stood on the other side of the ring on the No. 16 floor of Douling Plaza, also staring at the cap.

Previously, in order to prepare for this challenge, he had also done enough homework in advance and inquired about the information of Jiang Xiaobei's elves.

Jiang Xiaobei's evil Basalt, Shaolin Quack, and the two elves have never really shown up in public, so apart from some of his acquaintances, others don't know that Jiang Xiaobei has these two elves.

Therefore, what Sun Chaofan found out was only some information about the cap, the seal messenger, the platinum unicorn, and the water bottle of Xiaoyao.

"Among Jiang Xiaobei's four elves, they are all at the elite level, but judging from the information we have inquired, only the Snow Shadow Doll and the Seal Envoy are more inclined towards combat, while the Platinum Unicorn is more inclined towards mounts, and their combat ability is not good. Qiang, that strange bottle-shaped elf doesn't seem to be a fighting elf either."

"So, this first game must be won. As long as you win this first game, you can basically win this challenge."

Sun Chaofan, like Jiang Xiaobei, is equally certain of winning this first match.

After De Mao Xiaodou and Ku Ku Lang got ready, Zhao Xiong waved his right hand to signify the start of the battle.

Hood raised the big-eared hooded doll in his hand, and a white light lit up on the doll, and then without the hood, it floated in the air by itself, flying around the hood, like a Only elf.

Its eyes glowed with a faint red light, and then the ice elements in the surrounding air quickly gathered towards the hood, and the aura emanating from the hood became stronger and stronger.

This rag doll is a special elf prop that snow shadow dolls are born with. It can increase the fighting ability of the snow shadow doll itself, and at the same time help release some skills. Their own quality will increase with the strength of the deity. Ascension and ascension.

Powerful snow shadow dolls, their rag doll itself is a top elf prop.

The reason why Snow Shadow Doll's own race can be ranked among the top races is also because of the existence of this rag doll.

After completing the evolution, in recent times, apart from cultivating and improving his strength, the other thing Hoodou is doing is to communicate with the doll in his hand and improve the connection between himself and the doll.

In the last two days, I have only mastered the skills of using dolls in battle. In today's battle, the hat and small pocket are used to test the results of my training these days.

At this moment, Mao Xiaodou boosted himself with the help of the doll, and was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

The cool wolf on the other side of the ring did not attack either.

At this time, his body was filled with layers of deep black energy, and the cool wolf against it was like a magic wolf that had just stepped out of hell, which was breathtaking.

He just used his skills, dark aura, to amplify himself.

On the current arena, one side is covered with snow and ice, and the wind is bitter. Pieces of light blue ice crystals are swirling around the white hood in the middle, as if ice and snow elves have descended into the world; the other side is surrounded by black mist, black and dark red energy The light surrounds the strong body of the cool wolf, making it look like a wolf demon.

The stark contrast between the two sides aroused the interest of many students watching the battle. They picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of the scene in front of them.

It seemed like a while, and it seemed like a long time later, that Xiaodou took the lead in attacking, and a large amount of ice energy gathered into ice picks, and charged towards the cool wolf.

Faced with Hood's attack, Kuku Wolf was not afraid. He didn't choose to retreat to evade, nor did he choose to defend in place. Instead, he directly faced the attack and rushed towards Hood.

There was a cold light on the glove with sharp iron spikes, and it punched the ice pick attacking him, smashing it into pieces.

During this process, although a few ice picks hit his body, they were all hidden by him and did not cause him serious damage.

Soon, Kuku Wolf rushed to the side of the hood, his eyes were full of tyrannical excitement, he clenched his right fist tightly, and aimed at the hood with the sharp iron spike on the glove.

Faced with this situation, there was no panic expression on Hood's face at this time, a blue light was shot directly from the hands of the floating rag doll above her body, and a thick ray of light was condensed in front of Hooded. The ice wall blocks the punch of the cool wolf.

clack clack.
The sound of ice shattering continued, and Hood took advantage of this time to quickly retreat a certain distance to the rear. During the retreat, Hood quickly switched to the state of ice and fire.

The rag doll has also undergone some changes. One pupil has frost, and the other pupil has flames, which are very similar to the hood and pocket in the state of ice and fire.

The cool wolf who smashed the ice wall quickly chased towards the small hood, his fists were gathering strength, ready to swing out at any time.

This time, Hood didn't retreat any further, his right fist was wrapped in a ball of ice and fire energy, and he faced the iron fist of Kuku wolf.

Compared with Kukulang's iron fist with knuckle gloves, the white and tender fist in the hood and small pocket looks like an egg hitting a rock, which makes people unbearable to look at.

How could such a tender little hand beat the iron fist of the cool wolf?Wouldn't it be broken into a bone in this way?

Many viewers are a little worried.

But after the real collision, the result surprised them.

Because of the protection of the dual-element energy of ice and fire, before the iron fist of the cool wolf touched the fist of the hood, it collided with the energy of the dual-element of ice and fire, and was blasted by this energy and retreated.

The combination of the two energies of the ice element and the fire element, with a little guidance, can burst into a strong explosive force, which is extremely powerful. The secret skill of ice and fire spinning that Hood Xiaodou learned is based on this principle.

The current cap and pocket absorb some energy utilization skills of the Ice and Fire Spinning Secret Technique, and directly use the characteristics of the dual-element energy. It can not only allow the two energies to merge and merge at the same time to exert force together, but also can cause the two energies to collide to produce a new energy. Strong explosive power.

Unaware of the energy characteristics of the hood, the Kuku wolf was caught off guard, and his fist was bursting with excruciating pain from the bursting energy. At the same time, the hood seized the opportunity and directly counterattacked.

 Thanks to Huan Yiyu Qianxun for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of 300 coins, thank you for the reward of 200 coins for Chen Fuzi, thank you for the reward of 588 coins for Liu Yuqi Liu Yuqi, thank you for backtracking× Time×Starting Point×Big Brother’s 588 Coin Reward

  At this time today, I can still write a chapter later
(End of this chapter)

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