My elf is so cute

Chapter 310 The challenge is successful, enter the reserve school team

Chapter 310 The challenge is successful, enter the reserve school team

The situation on the field changed rapidly. Originally, Kukuwolves still had the upper hand, but now suddenly it has become the upper hand of the hood.

Many students watching the game in the auditorium basically didn't understand why Kukulang suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

"The fusion of ice and fire? The degree of fusion is still very high. This snow shadow doll can actually master such power. It's amazing." Zhao Xiong is well-informed, but he can see what happened.

Yi Hongyu propped his hands on the railing of the guardrail in the viewing area, staring closely at the energy lingering around the hooded body on the field.

Just now, he also saw that these two kinds of energies with completely different attributes converged together, and the powerful force that erupted pushed the Kuku wolf away, making it impossible for him to touch the body of the hood.

If this continues, at most another 10 minutes, the cool wolf will be defeated.

Yi Hongyu thought so, suddenly his eyes widened, his pupils shrank, and he looked at the ring in front of him in shock.

"What kind of skill is this? It's so powerful!"

Hood didn't want to procrastinate any longer, and was ready for a quick fight. After swinging a relatively powerful punch, Kukulang defended passively.

Taking advantage of this gap, Hood took two steps back and released the magic flame instant strike.

A giant dark red lava fireball fell from the sky, like a meteor falling, and shot at the Kuku wolf who was still on the defensive.

Kukuwolf only felt a terrifying fire energy flying towards her. When he raised his head, he saw the mighty dark red giant fireball.

The fireball flew so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all. At this time, the Kuku wolf didn't hesitate, and directly defended with all his strength.


A heart-shaking explosion sounded, billowing smoke and dust drifted in the place where the Kuku wolf was before, after a while, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the Kuku wolf passed out directly in a big pit in the center of the ring.

"In the first match, Jiang Xiaobei won." Zhao Xiong checked the situation of the Kuku Wolf, and then confirmed the result of the match.

After the first battle, Jiang Xiaobei took out the grunt ball that sealed the messenger and released it.

It is safer to send out the seal envoy, win the opponent directly, and do not have a third match.

Mao Xiaodou bouncing up to Jiang Xiaobei's side, Jiang Xiaobei patted her head with a smile and said, "Good job."

"Doudou." Mao Xiaodou yelled with a smile, and then walked off the ring, leaving the field for the elves who were about to fight next.

In the distance, Sun Chaofan frowned, and put the Kuku wolf into the grunt ball.

Now it's troublesome, I have to win the next two matches, otherwise I will be squeezed out of the reserve school team.

After thinking about it, he took out another grunt ball.Unleash the elves within.

"Kung Fu Panda, it's up to you now."

The spirit released by him is the evolution form of Kung Fu Panda, a panda scholar, and a martial spirit. It is characterized by rough skin and thick flesh, strong defense, and its own strength is also very strong.

【Elf Name】Kung Fu Panda

[Elf level] 45 (elite level elf)

【Elf Talent】Green

After reading the Kung Fu Panda's information, Jiang Xiaobei heaved a sigh of relief, opened the Guru Ball in his hand, and released the sealed messenger inside.

This Kung Fu Panda has the same level as the Sealed Envoy.

At the same level, Jiang Xiaobei has strong confidence in the seal messenger. These days, he has always seen the efforts of the seal messenger. Let today's battle show the results of the seal messenger's efforts.

Zhao Xiong saw that the two sides were ready, and directly announced the start of the game.

However, the moment he saw the elves on both sides, he already knew the result of the second match.

As a professor of the Magic University, the king of the elves of the martial arts department, and the battle instructor of the Magic University team, he has a deep understanding of the martial arts elves. After a few glances, you can tell how well a martial arts elf is trained.

This Kung Fu Panda, judging from its overall spirit, can only be regarded as not bad. It is better than ordinary untrained wild elves, but it is not as good as really outstanding elves.

Although the seal envoy doesn't have the attribute of martial arts yet, and he can only have the attribute of martial arts when he evolves into an ancient war dragon, but he can be regarded as half a martial arts elf.

Through his observation, this seal envoy's body is well-proportioned in all aspects, the muscles are not very prominent, and the overall body is streamlined, but this body has extremely powerful explosive power.

The momentum is restrained, but his eyes are piercing, staring at the opponent all the time, his eyes are full of strong self-confidence and full of energy.

This seal envoy has been cultivated very well.

Therefore, he has a feeling that the next battle may end soon.

After hearing Zhao Xiong's order, Kung Fu Panda started to move immediately, only going towards the seal envoy.

The seal envoy just put on a defensive posture, his eyes were fixed on the Kung Fu Panda running towards him, looking for the opponent's flaws.

Soon, he discovered that when Kung Fu Panda rushed over, the upper body swayed irregularly, and there was a feeling of a slight tilt, which was a sign of instability in the lower body.

Perhaps, this Kung Fu Panda did not focus on training its lower body during its usual training, which led to this result.

Sure enough, after the Kung Fu Panda rushed over, it did not attack with leg skills, but swung its right fist vigorously.

The air flow surged on the fist, as if there was a sense of bursting.

Martial arts skill, Burst Fist.

Explosive Fist, the punch is filled with bursting Qi, it attacks the opponent's body, it looks fine, but the Qi can flow into the opponent's body and burst, extremely lethal.

The seal envoy didn't hit hard, but just raised his fist, followed the Kung Fu Panda Burst Fist, and pulled it sideways.

The punch was too powerful, and Kung Fu Panda couldn't stop it immediately. He lost his strength and took two steps forward.

Seeing this scene, the seal envoy's eyes lit up, and it turned out that his foot was not stable.

Immediately, before Kung Fu Panda turned around, the seal envoy put his right fist on the ground, swept his legs, and kicked Kung Fu Panda's feet with gravity.

The Kung Fu Panda couldn't control its body when it was swept away suddenly when it hadn't balanced its body well, and fell to the ground.

In line with the principle of taking advantage of the victory and pursuing the pursuit, the seal envoy immediately displayed his legendary power, his strength soared, and he punched the Kung Fu Panda with a heavy fist, and then kicked him off the ring with two kicks.

"In the second match, Jiang Xiaobei won. He won two out of three games. Jiang Xiaobei won two games in total. He won this match and entered the reserve school team. Sun Chaofan was eliminated." Zhao Xiong announced the outcome of the match in due course. result.

"Haha." Jiang Xiaobei clenched his fist and touched the fist of the seal envoy who came over.

 I fell asleep while writing last night.

  I always feel like I have sleepwalking. I wrote last night that I didn’t know when I fell asleep. I thought it was eleven o’clock, but when I saw it in the morning, I saw that my things were organized very well. The computer and the small table were all placed It's fine and the lights are off.

  But I have no impression of these at all, and the door is locked from the inside, so my parents can't get in at all.

(End of this chapter)

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