My elf is so cute

Chapter 311 The Results of Happy Gourd Vine

Chapter 311 The Results of Happy Gourd Vine

After the challenge was successful, Jiang Xiaobei officially entered the reserve school team and became a member of it.

Because Sun Chaofan, whom he challenged, was ranked last in the reserve school team before, so after Jiang Xiaobei came in, he was also ranked last, that is, No.5.

If he wanted to improve his ranking, he had to beat the classmates ahead of him in a formal situation, that is, with the school teacher as a notary.

In the reserve school team, the number one ranked Yi Hongyu is the tenth on the Lost Tower leaderboard, a professional trainer, and Jiang Xiaobei currently has no confidence in beating him.

He wasn't too afraid of the others, and if he really wanted to face it head-on, he would definitely not let himself down with the strength that Hoo Xiaodou and the others could unleash.

It's just that Mao Xiaodou and the others have just gone through a battle, and the energy in their bodies has been consumed a lot. If they continue to challenge, they will undoubtedly suffer a bit. Jiang Xiaobei is no longer ready to challenge. The different rankings are nothing more than given by the school. Some resources vary in quantity.

With the resources of the space bracelet that Lan Ze gave him, Jiang Xiaobei's demand for elf cultivation resources is not very great.

Sun Chaofan put away the Kung Fu Panda and sighed. He didn't expect to be defeated by this freshman student.

But thinking that he is only a sophomore at present, and when he is promoted to a junior, he will still be able to enter the reserve school team at that time, and he is relieved when he thinks about it this way.

He took out a metal seal from his pocket, with the school emblem of the Demon University printed in the center, and the word 5 engraved on the bottom.

"This is the seal of the member of the reserve school team, and it is handed over to you now." Sun Chaofan handed the seal to Jiang Xiaobei, at this time Zhao Xiong and several others also came over.

"First of all, congratulations to Jiang Xiaobei for successfully challenging and entering the reserve school team. Don't worry about Sun Chaofan. You are only a sophomore. You can still enter the school team next year. Work hard." Zhao Xiong comforted Sun Chaofan, Then he continued to look at Jiang Xiaobei and said:
"Now that you have entered the Magic University's reserve team, it's time to tell you about some rewards and rules."

"First of all, by entering the reserve school team, you will have two more chances to break into the Lost Tower every month."

"Secondly, you are currently ranked fifth. The school will transfer [-] points to your account every month, which can be used to exchange for resources in the school."

Ten thousand points?
Jiang Xiaobei frowned, there were quite a few.

At the beginning, I earned more than 2 points in the entrance examination, and then I never earned points again. It is not easy to obtain points in school, and it will take a lot of time.

So [-] points per month is really quite a lot.

Zhao Xiong smiled again at this time: "Of course, if you rank higher, you will get more points every month. If you win Yi Hongyu, you will be ranked first, and you can get [-] points every month. "

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei glanced at Yi Hongyu's harmless human and animal face next to him, thought about it, and gave up this unrealistic idea.

"Okay, after talking about the rewards, let's talk about your training."

"You are currently still members of the reserve school team, so you don't have to gather for special training as often as members of the official school team, so you are usually very relaxed. You only need to gather once a month at the end of the month, and the school will arrange for you to enter some secret places for training. Special training, I will notify you when the time comes."

After telling all the things that need to be remembered, Zhao Xiong asked them to disband and go back separately.

Jiang Xiaobei chatted with the others for a while, got to know each other, left their contact information, and then returned to the dormitory.

With the help of the grass-type magic growth technique and the magic cat every day, the Xiaoyao gourd vine grew rapidly, and there were no accidents during the growth process.

Half a month later, the Xiaoyao gourd vine, which had been planted for nearly 20 days, officially matured, producing a palm-sized ruby ​​gourd. The whole body was like red jade, and there were circles of yellow patterns on the bottom of the gourd.

Jiang Xiaobei took off the gourd and put it in his hand to observe.

"Why is it so small?" Looking at the gourd in his hand, Jiang Xiaobei was a little puzzled.

He remembered that Xiaoyao Guagua's Xiaoyao Gourd was almost bigger than himself, and with Guagua's body size, it was impossible for Xiaoyao Guagua to be so small.

"Could it be because it wasn't planted by Guagua?" Jiang Xiaobei guessed, and went to investigate the Xiaoyao gourd.

【Xiaoyao Gourd】It is produced by the vine of Xiaoyao Gourd, and there are seven seeds of Xiaoyao Gourd inside. After taking out the seeds of the gourd, put water into it, it can absorb the surrounding energy and melt into the water, improving the water quality. After taking it, it is very beneficial to the body. Well, it can prolong life.

"This is a good thing." Seeing this information, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes lit up.

My dad likes to drink the most. Give him this gourd and let him hold the wine, which is very good for his health.

"After a while, I will send two gourds home for my parents to use."

Afterwards, he picked up a large bag of snacks specially prepared for the magic cat, gave it to the magic cat next to him, and said to the side: "You go back first."

The magic cat took the snacks, its eyes lit up, and it meowed twice at Jiang Xiaobei, then climbed up the balcony with a strong figure, and returned to Xu Leilei's bedroom.After the magic cat left, Jiang Xiaobei called over to Xiaodou who was playing a game.

"Xiaodou, don't rush to play, come and help me cut the mouth of this gourd."

Mao Xiaodou looked up at the Xiaoyao Gourd in Jiang Xiaobei's hand, jumped off the sofa, controlled the characters' positions with a mobile phone in one hand, and released ice energy with the other hand, condensing an extremely The sharp ice blade cut everything on the top of the gourd, just like cutting tofu.

Xiaoyao Gourd may be easily cut open by Hoo Xiaodou because it is not united with Gua Gua and its defense ability is not very strong.

Holding the cut gourd and putting the mouth of the gourd in front of his eyes, Jiang Xiaobei looked inside.

Among them, there were seven sparkling seeds, which were particularly conspicuous in the dark gourd. When he opened the gourd, Jiang Xiaobei directly poured out the seven gourd seeds and put them in his hand.

Looking at the seven seeds in the palm of his hand, which were basically the same as the previous Happy Gourd seeds, Jiang Xiaobei was a little excited.

In the future, my funds and papers will depend on these seven seeds in front of me.

Next, keep two seeds for yourself, and continue to plant the remaining five to get more seeds.

Next, I will start working on the thesis of Xiaoyaoguagua, so the other two seeds, one is for evolution, and the other is ready for the people at the headquarters of the association to complete the inspection.

After everything was planned, Jiang Xiaobei was about to plant five gourd seeds. Looking at the small space on the balcony, he realized that he should rent a small experimental base outside the school.

 Thank you Annan Expedition for the reward of 133 coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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