My elf is so cute

Chapter 313 Subduing Guagua

Chapter 313 Subduing Guagua
The elf cultivation base of the University of Magic City is home to all kinds of elves carefully selected by the University of Magic City.

Most of the elves have higher plasticity when they are weak in their infancy, and they are more suitable for being tamed and cultivated by the students of the Devil University.

Moreover, as the strength of elves increases, the resources they need to consume in daily life will also increase greatly. Therefore, in order to reduce the consumption of resources in the cultivation base of elves, once the strength of elves in the base breaks through to high-level strength, then it will He was sent back to the secret realm to allow him to survive.

Therefore, in the elf cultivation base, it is rare to meet higher-level elves.

In this case, it is not a good thing for Jiang Xiaobei.

Jiang Xiaobei was thinking that if the school's elf cultivation base had such elves as croaks, he would choose a croak with higher strength, just like Shaolin croaks.

Because in the game's settings, there was no clear level limit for the evolution of Guagua, but it is not a game after all, and Jiang Xiaobei is not sure whether there will be some level restrictions, so to be on the safe side, it is better to find a higher strength croak.

Standing in the shed, Jiang Xiaobei released Shaolin Guagua, pointed to a piece of land just planted beside him, Jiang Xiaobei said to him: "Shaolin Guagua, take care of yourself here, if other people or elves break in Here, you have to protect this land."

"Quack!" Shaolin Guack held the Buddha-patterned stick and stabbed it hard on the ground, expressing that there was no problem.

Jiang Xiaobei nodded, then took out a large bag of carrot slices from the space bracelet, handed it to Shaolin Guagua whose eyes were shining, and gave some instructions before leaving here and returning to school.

There was no class for the whole afternoon today, so he went directly to the school's elf cultivation base.

When he came to the elf cultivation base, Jiang Xiaobei asked the staff here, and learned that there were still a few quacks living here.

Led by the staff, they came all the way to Quagua's living area.

At that time, there was a small peach grove, in which some small wooden houses were built, some were built on the ground, and some were built on peach trees, and there were some iron stakes in the middle of the peach grove. In front of the pile, he practiced unknown boxing techniques on the wooden pile punch by punch.

Next to the wooden pile, there was a big stone, and above the stone, there was a croak sitting on it, looking up at the sky, thinking about something.

The staff member who brought Jiang Xiaobei said to Jiang Xiaobei at this time: "Here are the quacks from the school. There are still four left, and one is probably sleeping in the house."

Jiang Xiaobei nodded to the staff, and then began to investigate these croaks.

The first thing to investigate was the croak that sat on the big rock, as if thinking about the life of a rabbit.

【Elf Name】Quack

[Elf level] 27 (intermediate elf)
【Elf Talent】Green

[Spirit Attributes] Normal, Cute

[Height] 1.0m [Weight] 27.5kg [Gender] Male

[Evolution form] Xiaoyao quack, Shaolin quack, rich quack (special item evolution)
[Elf Skills] Vine Whip, Crit Gun, Chain Foot
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit props] None
[Spirit Introduction] I have been immersed in my fantasy time, thinking that I can become multiple identities

After seeing the croaking message, Jiang Xiaobei was a little moved.

This croaking talent is very good, and its level is considered very good in this elf cultivation base. It is a very good choice.

However, it is not too late to make a decision after watching the other quacks first.

Soon, he checked the information of the other two quacks, and found that both of them were inferior in talent and level to the first one.

Although the staff said there was still a croak, but Jiang Xiaobei couldn't find it after looking for a long time, and he didn't look for it anymore, so he decided to choose the first croak to investigate.

Of course, all the elves here are not elf eggs, so if you want to subdue the elves, you need not only spend money, but also need the consent of the elves themselves.

Jiang Xiaobei walked towards that croak, and the two croaks who were training next to him heard the movement, stopped their movements, and turned their gazes to Jiang Xiaobei.

There was a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Living here, they have seen many people subdue the elves here and take them to the outside world to practice and improve their strength. They also want to do the same.

But few people are willing to subdue them. It used to be because the evolutionary form of croaking was not found. Now, although the evolutionary form of croaking in Shaolin has been discovered, there are only two Buddha-patterned trees that can be produced. Wen sticks are too rare to supply a large number of quack evolutions in batches.

Therefore, for the vast majority of croaks, whether there is such an evolutionary form as Shaolin croaks has little impact.

Jiang Xiaobei smiled at the two croaks, then walked to the side of the boulder, seeing the croaks that were still distracted, he coughed twice, which brought the croaks back to their senses, and looked towards him.

Seeing Guagua's gaze, Jiang Xiaobei smiled kindly, took out a Gulu ball, and then used his mental power to send him a sound transmission and asked:
"Quack, would you like to follow me to the outside world?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's sound transmission, the croak blinked its big eyes, feeling a little hesitant.

To be honest, he is also yearning for the outside world, but this is also the first time he has seen Jiang Xiaobei, and he doesn't know what kind of person Jiang Xiaobei is, and whether it is worth following him, so for a while Difficult to make a decision.

Jiang Xiaobei continued to transmit the voice: "I promise, I can help you improve your strength and help you evolve."


Hearing the word evolution, this croak was stunned, because in his cognition, their croak clan did not evolve like other elves, and he had never heard of that croak evolving.

Even if the evolution of Shaolin croaks is discovered, it is only a discussion among human beings. For guaguas who have no source of information, they are not clear about these things.

Seeing Guagua's doubts, Jiang Xiaobei used his mental power to create a picture in Guagua's mind, which was the evolution scene of Shaolin Guagua he had seen before.

"This is one of your evolutionary forms. Of course, you have other evolutionary forms. I can also make you evolve into other forms."

With this video, Jiang Xiaobei's words were very convincing, Guagua no longer hesitated, and chose to follow Jiang Xiaobei and become his elf.

Press the button in the Grunt Ball, a white light flashes, and the quack is put into the Grunt Ball, then shake it twice, and the quack is successfully put into the Grunt Ball.

After going through the relevant procedures, Jiang Xiaobei directly took Guagua back to the laboratory, preparing to let Guagua begin his evolution into Xiaoyao Guagua.

 Thank you for your 100 coin reward, Mr. Annan Expedition, thank you for your 100 coin reward, and thank you for your 100 coin reward from Mr. Chuangshijun Subaru

(End of this chapter)

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