My elf is so cute

Chapter 314 Heading to Lablan Mine

Chapter 314 Heading to Lablan Mine

Coming to the greenhouse, Jiang Xiaobei released the newly tamed Quack.

As soon as Guagua was released, he was attracted by Shaolin Guagua next to him.

This croak looks exactly the same as the Shaolin croak that Jiang Xiaobei conjured up in his mind just now.Is this Shaolin quack?
He leaned forward and greeted Shaolin Guagua.

"Quack quack."

"Gua~" Shaolin Guagua was also very happy when he saw Guagua next to him, an elf of the same race as himself, swallowed the carrot in his mouth, and shared his carrot slices with Guagua.

"Quack, quack~"

"Quack quack quack."

Jiang Xiaobei, who was not very familiar with Guagua language, couldn't hear what they were exchanging, so he took out another Happy Gourd seed, called Guagua over, and handed it to him:
"You will plant this seed later, and then for the next month, every day you will take good care of the plant that this seed will produce, and drop a drop of your own blood on it every morning, so that the gourd will bear fruit. After that, it's time for you to complete your evolution."

Guagua listened very carefully to the important matters related to his own evolution, and only after he understood everything that Jiang Xiaobei told him did he start planting.

Jiang Xiaobei prepared some planting tools for him, as well as a pack of medical disposable blood collection needles, which is convenient for Guagua to bleed Xiaoyao Gourd every day.

After finishing all these, Jiang Xiaobei didn't stay here any longer, there were still many things to do in the school, so he left Guagua and Shaolin Guagua here, and then returned to school.

In a blink of an eye, more than a week passed.

More than a month has passed since the start of school, and the National High School Student Elf Cup is in full swing. Now, the preliminary round is over, and the knockout round is going on.

This year's Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School team also successfully passed the preliminary round and entered the knockout stage.

However, it is undoubtedly very difficult for them to achieve the results of Jiang Xiaobei and the others last year, and it is even impossible for them to enter the quarterfinals.

Jiang Xiaobei is also very concerned about this event. This year's knockout round and finals are held at Jinling University in Jinling. If it is not because he is busy, he would like to go to the scene to watch the competition of the juniors.

Before the weekend of this week, Jiang Xiaobei received the information in advance.

The monthly practice of the preparatory school team has begun. This time, the members of their preparatory school team will go to the secret place of the Lablan Mine in foreign countries under the leadership of the school teacher to practice.

It is not so much experience as it is the welfare provided by the school.

The secret place of the Lablan Mine is rich in mineral resources, and a kind of spirit stone is produced in it, which is very precious, so it is blocked by the local government, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter it.

The spirit stone contains spirit essence, which is formed by the condensation of pure non-attribute energy. The spirit absorbs the spirit essence, and the energy can be quickly absorbed and transformed when it enters the body, and its own strength will be greatly improved, and almost There are no side effects.

The energy contained in a spirit stone the size of an egg is comparable to five cocoa fruits, so this kind of stone is very precious.

It took a lot of money for Mo Da to get a few places for them to enter.

After the end of the National High School Spirit Cup, the National High School League will start in about [-] days, which means that the National High School League is less than a month away.

As members of the preparatory school team, they also have the opportunity to participate in the competition as substitutes for the school team this year, so the school arranged for them to enter the secret realm of the Lablan Mine to improve their strength.

On Saturday morning, when Jiang Xiaobei arrived at the meeting place, he saw a person who surprised him very much.


"Teacher Lan, why are you here?" Jiang Xiaobei walked up to Lan Ze and asked.

Lan Ze looked at Jiang Xiaobei, patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "I am your team leader this time."


Seeing Jiang Xiaobei's surprised look, Lan Ze continued: "I have already resigned from Xiangcheng No. [-] Middle School, and I happen to have something to go to the secret place of the Lablan Mine, so this time I will take you there."

"After all, foreign countries are not as safe as domestic ones. With my current strength, I can better guarantee your safety."

After hearing Lan Ze's words, Jiang Xiaobei himself nodded in agreement.

Now the clear water spirit beast has not only increased its strength to the level of the king of law, but also after being reborn from the cocoon, the clear water spirit beast itself has extremely strong racial talent, and can be said to be the top group of elves.

If it wasn't for the siege of the emperor-level elves, or a large number of law-level heavenly king-level elves, there would be no problem with taking them away.

Jiang Xiaobei was the first to arrive, and while he was chatting with Lan Ze, others also came.

Yi Hongyu came with Guo Yunhao, and seeing Jiang Xiaobei and Lan Ze chatting, he walked over, looked at Lan Ze with some doubts and asked, "Hi, may I ask who you are?"

In the past, there were many teachers who led their preparatory school team members to special training, but they had never seen this one before them.

It stands to reason that if there is such a handsome young teacher in the school, his photo should have been hung on the confession wall by some nympho girls long ago, and spread throughout the school. I have no reason not to know?

Lan Ze looked at the two of them, with a smile on his face, and said, "My name is Lan Ze, and I am your team leader this time. You can just call me Teacher Lan."

At this time, Li Kun and Li Yun had just arrived, and Li Yun looked at Lan Ze's warm smile, gentle and mature temperament under the sunlight in front of her, and her heart couldn't help beating violently .

She grabbed Li Kun's arm beside her, and said shyly, "Ah, you are so handsome, what should I do, my brother, your sister, I am so excited."

"Hehe." Li Kun pulled out his arm expressionlessly, looking at his older sister's nympho, a little speechless.

"Old sister, according to incomplete statistics, this is the one hundred and seventh time you have had your heart beat, and if you add one more time, you can make up one hundred and eight heroes of Liangshan with the objects of your heart beat."

After speaking, without waiting for his elder sister to get angry, Li Kun walked quickly to Lan Ze and said hello. Seeing this, Li Yun had no choice but to follow.

Lan Ze saw that everyone was here, so he didn't talk nonsense, took out the grunt ball, and released the clear water spirit beast.

After the clear water spirit beast came out, it looked around, and when it saw Jiang Xiaobei, it greeted Jiang Xiaobei with a smile.

"The secret land of the Lablan Mine is located on an island in the rubber country. We will be closer by water this time." Lan Ze said, Jiang Xiaobei and the others saw that the clear water spirit beast had condensed six large bubbles, Six of them were wrapped in it.

Afterwards, the clear water spirit beast took them directly towards the east of the magic capital and flew towards the ocean. After reaching the ocean, it dived directly into the water and quickly flew in one direction.

Because the speed of the clear water spirit beast was too fast in the water, Jiang Xiaobei and the others could only feel that they were advancing rapidly in the air bubbles, and the surrounding scene was swiftly moving towards the rear, so they couldn't see clearly at all.

All they could see was the pale blue water.

Originally, he wanted to enjoy the scenery in the ocean, but now it seems that this idea is not feasible, so Jiang Xiaobei closed his eyes and rested, took a rest, and waited to reach his destination.

About two hours later, Jiang Xiaobei felt a slight tremor around him. He opened his eyes and saw that they were floating above a small island.

Below them, there were many foreigners in black police uniforms, pointing guns at them. A man who looked like a leader rode a guard bird and flew towards them. .

"It seems that we have reached our destination."

 Thank you. Big brother for the 100 coin reward, thank you for the sys time lapse big brother for the 100 coin reward, thank you for being happy!

(End of this chapter)

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