My elf is so cute

Chapter 316 Entering the Lablan Copper Mine

Chapter 316 Entering the Lablan Copper Mine
"Is this the spirit stone?" Jiang Xiaobei looked at the spar in his hand and said softly.

Regarding the spirit stone, he had seen related introductions on the Internet, including pictures of the spirit stone, so Jiang Xiaobei could now recognize this kind of gemstone that could only be produced in the secret realm of the Lablan Mine.

After watching for a while, he called Xiaodou who was still sitting on the back of the platinum unicorn, handed him the spirit stone in his hand, and said, "Xiaodou, try the effect of this spirit stone. "

Hood Xiaodou took a spirit stone from Jiang Xiaobei's hand, held it in his hand, and felt it a little.

Soon, he felt the pure energy contained in the spar in his hand, which was no less than the energy light beads in the Lost Tower.

After feeling it, I felt that there was no problem, and the hood immediately absorbed the energy in it.

Standing next to her, Jiang Xiaobei, who had been paying attention to her movements, soon saw that the spar in Hooded Hood's hand, one of the stripes flowed like flowing water, moving towards the spar and Hooded Hooded palm. The position of contact flows away.

The bright lines in the spar gradually decreased, and all of them were absorbed into the body by the hood.

Five minutes later, the spar that was originally covered with light patterns in the hand of the small hood has now become very transparent, like glass.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobei heard the system's notification sound.

"Ding! Congratulations on raising your Elf Snow Shadow Doll to level 49."

After absorbing the spirit essence in this spirit essence stone, the level of the hood has been improved.

Hood's level has been stuck at level 48 for a long time, more than two months, but he did not expect to break through directly after absorbing this spirit stone, plus the accumulation of the previous two months.

Hood's level has reached level 49, which is only one step away from level 50, which is the professional level.

If she can break through to the professional level before the start of the national college league, then she is also capable of showing her skills in this competition, right?

After putting away the remaining two spirit stones, Jiang Xiaobei sat on the back of the platinum unicorn again and continued to explore this secret realm.

Until the evening, with the help of the platinum unicorn, Jiang Xiaobei harvested a total of twenty spirit stones. These spirit stones ranged from large to small, the big ones were the size of watermelons, and the small ones It's only about the size of a thumb.

On the whole, his gains are great.

Just as Jiang Xiaobei was about to find a place to rest and set up the place for rest at night, suddenly the Platinum Unicorn seemed to smell some treasure again, with big bright eyes, wearing a hood and a small pocket, and Jiang Xiaobei Quickly ran towards a place.

The platinum unicorn led them to a small hill, and there were many huge irregular stones piled up in front of them.

Jiang Xiaobei glanced at the boulder pile in front of him, patted the platinum unicorn's head lightly, and asked, "Among these stones, is there any stone that contains the spirit stone? Which one is it?"

The Platinum Unicorn shook his head, and communicated with Jiang Xiaobei in his mind:

"No, I didn't feel the aura of treasures in these stones, but behind them, there is an extremely strong aura of treasures."

"Huh? Behind the stone pile."

Jiang Xiaobei jumped off the back of the platinum unicorn, walked to the boulder pile and looked around, but couldn't find a narrow opening leading to the back of the stone pile.

"Wait, what is this?"

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobei accidentally caught a glimpse of something on the ground, which immediately attracted his attention.

On the ground not far to his left, a small black thing was exposed, which was covered with sand and dust. If there was more, this thing would be submerged, and it would be difficult to notice without careful observation.

Jiang Xiaobei walked in, pushed away part of the soil with his feet, and then realized that it looked like a railroad track.

"Tracks? Huh?! Rails!"

He suddenly remembered, isn't there a deserted railway track at the entrance of the cave leading to the Lablan Crystal Mine?
Could it be that this is the cave?
Immediately, he summoned the evil Xuanwu, the seal envoy.

"Come on, you two help me move these boulders to other locations."

The Seal Messenger and Evil Xuanwu were a little curious about why they moved the stones, but seeing Jiang Xiaobei's impatient look, they didn't ask much, and started to move them directly.

With the current strength of the seal envoy, he can easily carry these stones, which are as tall as a person at most.

Easily, he lifted one stone after another and threw it aside.

The evil basalt has the attribute of the earth element, so it directly manipulates these boulders and rolls them aside.

With the joint efforts of the two elves, the boulder pile in front was quickly cleaned up, revealing the scene inside it.

In front, where the boulder pile was originally blocked, there is a cave entrance.

However, above the entrance of this cave, there are still stones blocking the center, blocking the way into it.

What is strange is that these stones do not seem to be on the ground, they seem to be very close to the ground and the surrounding stone walls, but upon careful observation, there is no attachment point, as if they are suspended in the air.

"Really." Looking at the scene that was almost the same as in memory, Jiang Xiaobei walked over excitedly.

Grasping one of the stones, Jiang Xiaobei gently tugged it, only feeling that there was a force attracting the stone, but the strength was not very strong, so he used a little more strength to pull it down.

The seal envoy also came over to help, one after another, and soon, the stones above were also cleaned up.

Behind the stone, on the inner wall of the cave entrance, there are many magic stones inlaid. From these magic stones, a little bit of energy continues to escape, forming a slowly rotating six-pointed star array in the center of the cave entrance.

Jiang Xiaobei was not surprised when he saw this magic circle that was obviously preventing others from entering the cave. A star shone with a pale yellow light.

This is the most common kind of magic in magic, star magic.

After the stars condensed, Jiang Xiaobei urged the star to land on the hexagram circle.

The stars shattered directly, turned into bits of starlight and merged into the array, and then the six-pointed star array slowly blurred, and finally dissipated in the air.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei smiled again, then turned his head to Hood, the Platinum Unicorn and the others shouted:

After finishing speaking, he turned his head, raised his footsteps and walked towards the cave, followed by Mao Xiaodou and the others, and they all walked into the cave.

In the cave, the first site should be the Lablan Copper Mine.

Not long after they walked in, the magician on the wall of the cave entrance lit up again, and the six-pointed star formation slowly condensed again. During the condensing process, strong suction appeared, pulling the stone that Jiang Xiaobei and the others pulled down before. Re-adsorbed in front of the circle.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from Ling Baiyu, thank you for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for the reward of 200 coins from the boss who loves cleanliness, thank you for the reward of 300 coins, and thank you Prince Not my boss's [-] coins reward

(End of this chapter)

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