My elf is so cute

Chapter 317 Arriving at the Lablan Crystal Mine

Chapter 317 Arriving at the Lablan Crystal Mine


Before entering the cave, Jiang Xiaobei heard harsh electric shocks coming from ahead.

In addition, in his line of sight, there was still a flickering light in the cave in front of him.

"What's going on? Is there an electric elf in front?" Jiang Xiaobei frowned, and then he didn't rush into the cave space in front of him, and raised his hand to release the Xiaoyao water bottle first.

He stood in the center of the five elves after the Hood and the others followed, and then walked forward.

It's better to be steady, and be careful in everything.

Slowly walking into the cave, Jiang Xiaobei glanced around a few times, only to realize that Zirazla's voice and flickering lights were actually emitted by a broken lamp on the wall in front of him.

This light is located above a metal gate, and is powered by a machine full of gears next to it. It may be because the light bulb has a problem for too long, so it is like this.

After understanding the reason, Jiang Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around again.

This is the Lablan Copper Mine, a copper mine, and the cave is full of various mining tools.

Next to the entrance of the cave, there is a huge smelting furnace, but it is no longer working now, but it is covered with dust.

After looking around and finding nothing important, Jiang Xiaobei chose to go deeper.

The metal gate leading to the deeper part is closed, which is not surprising to Jiang Xiaobei. The switch that controls the gate is in the gear machine next to it. I just don’t know if the switch will break after all these years have passed. Lose.

He walked over to the geared machine, crouched down, took the handle of the glass door beneath the machine, and opened it, revealing the wiring within.

After adjusting the positive and negative poles in the circuit correctly, Jiang Xiaobei held a switch handle on the top of the machine and pushed it up, only to hear a clicking sound, and the gears in the machine slowly rotated.

There was only a sound of iron clashing, and the metal gate leading to the Lablan Gold Mine opened automatically.

As soon as he walked into the Lablan Gold Mine, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes were almost blinded by streaks of golden light.

In front, there is a pile of gold ore as high as a hill.

As a normal person, seeing such a pile of gold nuggets placed in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little hot in his head, and subconsciously wanted to take them all away.

Even if you can't take it all away, you can fill up the water bottle space of the space bracelet and the Xiaoyao water bottle.

With these gold ores, I will be a real super rich in the future. There is no need to be tired of starting a company to make money, and there is no need to think about writing papers all day long. You don't have to worry about all the cultivation resources of Hood and the others.

"Huh~" Jiang Xiaobei took a deep breath and stood there for a while before calming himself down.

You can get some of these gold ores, but there is no need to fill both storage spaces, just about.

Maybe you will encounter more precious things later, so leave some space.

Moreover, there are still some problems with the idea I just had.

I chose to become an elf trainer, and my original intention was indeed to earn the resources and money needed for Hood and Xiaodou's cultivation and growth.

But you can't choose to give up this aspect just because you have money.

In this world, many precious things, such as top-level cultivation resources, cannot be bought with money. For example, top-level water-type treasures like the essence of sweet spring, no one will choose to sell them for money.

If you become a top elf cultivator yourself, it must be easier than some rich people if you want to obtain some top treasures.

After he figured it out, Jiang Xiaobei put a small amount of gold ore into the space bracelet, and resisted the thought of putting more in his heart, turned around and walked resolutely into the depths.

After walking past the Lablan Gold Mine, and then walking in, there is the Lablan Crystal Mine.

However, to enter the Lablan Crystal Mine, he had to go through a tunnel. Although he had never gone through this tunnel before, he felt that it was quite dangerous.

Standing here at the gold mine, looking at the dark tunnel in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei stepped into it, surrounded by five elves, responsible for protecting his safety.

The platinum unicorn stood at the forefront, and the platinum unicorn above its head emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the road ahead.

The seal envoy and the evil Xuanwu stood on both sides of him, protecting him on the left and right, the water bottle of Xiaoyao floated behind him, guarding the rear, and Xiaodou stood beside him, protecting him.

In the not-so-crowded tunnel, it was pitch black and quiet, except for their footsteps, there were almost no other sounds.

As they were walking, Jiang Xiaobei frowned slightly as if he heard something, and immediately used his mental strength to tell Mao Xiaodou that they should stop and not make a sound.

Standing in the middle of the five elves, Jiang Xiaobei listened intently.

He heard a slight sound of footsteps coming from the front, and the sound became louder and louder, which meant that the unknown thing that made the footsteps was walking towards them.

Not only Jiang Xiaobei heard it, but the five elves like Mao Xiaodou also noticed the sound of footsteps, and immediately became alert and looked forward.

After a full 2 ​​minutes, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of them, shining on their bodies.

Jiang Xiaobei got used to the light for a while, then half-closed his eyes and looked forward.

In front of him, there was a pig-like creature whose body seemed to be made of metal. What was more peculiar was that his big face, except for the eyes, was like a searchlight, emitting intense light continuously.

"What is this?" Jiang Xiaobei immediately went to investigate.

[Spirit Name] Search Beast——1
[Elf level] 41 (elite level elf)

[Elf Talent] Orange

[Elf Attributes] Earth, Stone
[Height] 1.6m [Weight] 227.5kg [Gender] No gender
【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Elf skills] violent impact, rolling stone, light stab cannon.
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
【Elf Props】Earth Spirit Stone
[Elf Introduction] A creature that lives in a dark cave. It has a part on its face that can emit strong light, which can convert the energy in the body into light. It likes to patrol its own territory. If it is irradiated by him , will definitely be attacked violently by him.

Just as Jiang Xiaobei was checking the information, the Search Beast in front of him had already launched an attack in this direction with a little mania.

In the surrounding stone walls, clusters of rich earth energy gathered towards his body, and then, a khaki beam of light shot out towards Jiang Xiaobei.

Seeing this, the evil Xuanwu stomped on the ground, and a thick earth wall rose instantly on the ground in front of it, resisting the attack of the searchlight beast, but the earth wall was finally smashed, and a large amount of dust appeared, heading towards scattered around.

"Depend on!"

He didn't pay attention for a moment, his face was covered with ashes, Jiang Xiaobei quickly wiped it off, frowned and said to the seal envoy, "Seal envoy, you go, let's make it quick."

The seal envoy nodded upon hearing the words, and then rushed forward quickly.

An elf like the Search Beast, except for its ability to emit a strong light, seems to have nothing outstanding in other aspects. Its combat ability is mediocre. When the seal envoy got close, it quickly knocked him out.

After fainting, the searchlight beast no longer emits light, and looks exactly like a tin pig.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at it for a while, and after finding nothing special, he lost all interest in the searchlight beast and continued walking forward.

There were no dangers along the way. In the end, Jiang Xiaobei passed through this tunnel and came to the deepest Lablan Crystal Mine.

1——This searchlight beast is the monster in the mini-game leading to the crystal mine. If he finds it, he fails to clear the level and cannot enter the crystal mine. I don’t know if you remember it.

In fact, there is no such spirit, the author made it up.

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone
(End of this chapter)

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