My elf is so cute

Chapter 322 Dark Council 3 Great Heavenly Kings, Badge Induction

Chapter 322 The Three Heavenly Kings of the Dark Council, Badge Induction

After breaking through the professional level, the elf's own energy will be compressed and condensed, and eventually the quality of the energy in the body will be greatly improved, the energy reserves will be more sufficient, and the skills displayed will be more powerful.

Generally, elves will be stuck for a long time before breaking through. This time is used to compress energy and improve the quality of energy.

But the hood is different. She once absorbed the origin of ice, which made the quality of energy in her body very high. Later, because of the ice-fire dual-element badge, she mutated herself, and the energy in that process also changed again. Sublimated a bit.

Therefore, before she made a breakthrough, the degree of solidification and quality of her energy was higher than that of many professional-level elves.

Therefore, she was not stuck on this threshold and directly completed the breakthrough.

After the breakthrough, although the quality of the energy has not improved much, the total amount of energy has greatly increased, much more than before.

Professional-level trainer, this level means that when a trainer reaches this level, he can take this as a profession and have the ability to independently explore most of the secret realms.

Trainers of this level can be called social elites. Any professional trainer will be respected by many people, and their strength will be respected.

Now, with the strength of Hood and Xiaodou breaking through to the professional level, it marks that Jiang Xiaobei has stepped into this rank.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobei still has a whole bottle of crystal stone milk left, so in the next period of time, Mao Xiaodou's strength will be greatly improved.

The things that should be done are basically done, and there is nothing else to do here in the crystal mine, Jiang Xiaobei directly returns to the original way, back to the outside world.

Walking all the way to the outermost cave entrance, after opening the door and coming out of the magic circle, he stood in front of the cave entrance, looked at the re-blocked cave entrance, thought for a while, and asked the seal messengers to carry the stones again, and cleared the cave entrance. The tracks are completely obscured.

In the following time, he sat on the back of the platinum unicorn and slowly walked around.

After obtaining the crystal stone milk and the gems in the backpack, Jiang Xiaobei is not so keen on collecting spirit stones now. If he can find them, he will put them away.

On the road, I also met some earth-type elves and stone-type elves, so it was just for Mao Xiaodou to fight with them and get used to the strength after the breakthrough.

After some observations, Jiang Xiaobei could intuitively feel that compared to before the breakthrough, the current strength of Hoo Xiaodou has increased by at least [-]%.

In this way, after Jiang Xiaobei stayed in this secret place for more than a day, he gathered at the previously agreed place, and finally Lan Ze led them back to school.

When leaving the secret place of the Lablan Mine, Zos enthusiastically sent them away. When he saw Lan Ze leading Jiang Xiaobei and the others away, he looked at the gradually shrinking figure in the sky, his face was full of excitement. Only then slowly sank down.

"Don't blame me, I'm just a messenger."

On the way back, Lan Ze planned to continue walking by water and return to the school quickly to avoid accidents.

After flying out of the small island where the secret place of the Lablan Mine is located, the clear water spirit beast just dived into the sea water, and before accelerating to full speed, it stopped again and surfaced.

Jiang Xiaobei was feeling a little surprised when he saw three elves flying in mid-air in front of him, encircling them and blocking the clear water spirit beast. Beside these three elves, there was also a human .

Look at this, the visitor is not good!

Among the three elves, the first one is a purple ghost fox, with a circle of dark purple and emerald green poisonous mist around its body, and a pair of dark red pupils staring at the clear water spirit beast; in this purple ghost fox Beside him was a tall man in a black windbreaker, wearing a purple fox mask, only his eyes were exposed, his arms were raised, and he was also looking at the clear water spirit beast.

On their right side, there is an ice-winged evil god floating, with snow and ice floating around his body, and the person beside him is dressed in black and wearing a ghost mask.

On the left, there is an Earl of Black Feather. Generally, Earl of Black Feather has demon attributes, but he is quiet by nature and does not like to kill. But this Earl of Black Feather has blood red eyes, and there seems to be the sound of howling ghosts and wolves around his body. It is not a kind person; beside him, there is also a man wearing a mask, which is in the form of a black crow face.

Jiang Xiaobei was the first to investigate the purple underworld fox.

【Elf Name】Purple Nether Fox
[Elf Level] 82 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf Talent] Blue

[Spirit Attribute] Poison

Rule Heavenly King Level Elf!
After reading Ziminghu's message, Jiang Xiaobei frowned, and went to investigate the other two elves again.

Ice Wing Cthulhu, level 71, domain king level elf.

Earl of Black Feather, level 71, domain king level elf.

Moreover, when checking the information of that Frost Wing Cthulhu, the system also gave him a reminder that this Frost Wing Cthulhu was the one that was in Xiangcheng back then, and was the king of the Dark Council.

Now the situation is very clear, their whereabouts have been known by the people of the Dark Parliament, so they came here to stop them.

Just as he was about to ask Lan Ze what to do, suddenly, he sensed the four badges in the Sea of ​​Consciousness shaking violently at the same time. Jiang Xiaobei quickly looked inside the Sea of ​​Consciousness, only to find that the badges had returned to normal.

what happened?Somewhat strange.

At this time, Lan Ze looked at the three heavenly kings of the dark council in front of him, and walked forward in the air, and said loudly: "Purple fox, ice evil, black crow, one law king-level trainer, two field king-level trainers , your Dark Council really thinks highly of me."

Leading the group, Zihu turned his gaze towards Lan Ze, narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a while, suddenly turned his head to look at Bing Xie at the side, and asked:
"Fuck, what is he talking about? I don't understand. (English)"

Zihu is not from Huaguo, so he can't understand Chinese.

Lan Ze, Jiang Xiaobei and others also heard Zihu's words, they all rolled their eyes, just now when they saw you, they thought you were doing something, but they didn't understand after a long time.

Bingxie was also a little speechless, moved forward some distance, and said to Lan Ze: "Stop talking nonsense, Lan Ze, right? We have two purposes this time."

"First, hand over the reason why your elf strength has improved so quickly; second, hand over Jiang Xiaobei who is next to you, so that we can let the rest of you leave, otherwise none of you will be able to escape today."

However, although Jiang Xiaobei heard Bing Xie mention him at this time, he was attracted by another matter at this time.

He found that as Bingxie walked in, the four badges in his sea of ​​consciousness shook violently again. This was completely different from the reaction caused by the mutual induction between several badges when he discovered the badges a few times before. Same.

Could it be that this ice demon has a badge?
 Make up for last night.

  I feel like I should update it earlier, I can’t wait until night to write, otherwise I can’t handle it, I’m too sleepy

(End of this chapter)

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