My elf is so cute

Chapter 323 The Powerful Clear Water Spirit Beast

Chapter 323 The Powerful Clear Water Spirit Beast

"What are you looking for with Jiang Xiaobei?" Jiang Xiaobei didn't pay attention at this time, but Lan Ze had to be vigilant.

Could it be that something happened to Xiaobei that attracted the attention of the Dark Council? Then you have to pay attention to it. With Jiang Xiaobei's current strength, it is difficult to protect himself if he is being watched by such a big force.

"It's okay to tell you, Jiang Xiaobei," he called to Jiang Xiaobei: "Our Dark Council still lacks a capable elf trainer. You are very talented in this area, and our president is very optimistic about you. So we are here this time to invite you to join our dark council."

"As long as you agree to join us, our Dark Council can get you all the resources you need. Of course, if you don't agree." Said, Bing Xie gave a sinister smile, and continued: "Then Don't blame the three of us for being cruel."

Only then did Jiang Xiaobei come back to his senses, and frowned tightly after hearing Bing Xie's words.

It is impossible to join the Dark Council, he has a great future, why should he join such an organization, and the philosophy of the Dark Council is not the same as his.

He was thinking, this ice evil probably has a badge, but which one is this badge?How can I get him?
"It's impossible for Jiang Xiaobei to join your dark council. I want to see if the three of you have the ability to keep us." Lan Ze was standing in front of Jiang Xiaobei, and then turned his gaze to him The clear water spirit beast next to it.

The clear water spirit beast connected with Lan Ze, nodded immediately, and a blue rune appeared on his forehead, and then a blue light centered on her, quickly spread towards the surroundings.

Clear Water Domain!

Seeing the rapid expansion of the clear water domain, the eyes of the most powerful Ziminghu flashed red, and a dark purple rune emerged from his chest, followed by circles of dark purple light emerging from the runes When it came out, it immediately enveloped the surrounding area, and headed towards the expanded clear water domain.

Nether Poison Domain!

In the realm of underworld poison, the purple underworld poison that sees blood and seals the throat is permeated everywhere. Ordinary elves below the king level are shrouded in it. Generally, within an hour or three quarters, they will be dissolved and decomposed by the poison of the purple underworld fox.

At the contact position between this domain and the sea surface, the sea water has been dyed a faint purple, containing a strong poison, dead fish carcasses are suspended above the sea surface, the whole body turns purple, and then slowly dissolves, turning into a The regiment is highly poisonous and merged into the realm of underworld poison.

The more lives that die, the stronger the poison domain.

As the trainer of Ziminghu, under the control of Ziminghu, the poison field will not cause any harm to Ziminghu.

At this time, Zihu was standing beside Ziminghu, looking at the two major domains that were about to collide in front of him, with a little disdain in his eyes.

Even though it is above the ocean, the home of the water elves, this water spirit beast has just broken through to the Heavenly King level of laws after all, and the collision of laws will definitely not win against the Purple Dark Fox.

Just as he was waiting to see the imminent collapse of the Clear Water Domain, a scene that surprised him happened.

A situation of immediate collapse happened, but the object of defeat was not the opponent, but Ziminghu.

As soon as the dark purple poison field came into contact with the blue water field, the poison in it seemed to be purified. On the area where the outer layer was in contact with the clear water field, there were endless hissing sounds, and clouds of purple smoke flowed from it. Escaping out and dissipating into the air, the clear water domain continued to move forward as if it had not been blocked.

Seeing that, the clear water domain is about to touch the Ziminghu's body position.

"What? How is this possible?" Zihu was shocked.

According to the information he learned in advance, Lanze's clear water spirit beast has just broken through not long ago, how could it be possible to directly suppress the Ziminghu who has broken through for many years in the field?
Even if the domain ability restrains the dark poison domain, it shouldn't be so obvious, right?

Bing Xie and Black Crow were surprised when they saw this situation, but they reacted very quickly. They immediately asked the Ice Wing God and Earl Black Feather to use their domains to assist Zi Minghu's dark poison domain and counter the clear water domain.

With a wave of the staff in the hand of the Ice Wing Cthulhu, a circle of blood-red rays of light emanated from the staff, followed by a dark red mask that rapidly expanded, heading towards the clear water field. Inside the mask, there were patches of dark red The snow and ice drifted with the wind.

Blood ice field!
Earl Black Feather waved his wings, and black whirlwinds spread towards the surroundings. The white clouds in the sky were torn to pieces, and he also headed towards the clear water domain.

Black Wind Domain!

The three major domains crashed into the clear water domain at the same time, and the originally expanding clear water domain stopped immediately, and even retreated steadily. The body of the clear water spirit beast beside Lan Ze shook, and quickly increased its energy output to stabilize the situation. A total of four domains each occupy half of the surrounding space.

The situation was temporarily stalemate, but the clear water spirit beast knew that such a stalemate would definitely be bad for itself, and the consumption of the opponent's three spirits must be lower than its own.

After thinking for a while, the Bishui Spirit Beast raised its right hand, and a sapphire ball of light condensed out, then waved towards the ocean below and merged into the water flow, and then with her as the center, the water flow in a radius of five miles slowed down. It slowly rotated, and finally formed a vortex in the sea, and the surrounding water sank.

A series of energy light patterns lit up on the surrounding water, converging towards the clear water spirit beast in the center, most of which merged into the body of the clear water spirit beast, and a small part of the energy condensed into a light blue streak around him. colored shield.

Skills, water agile.

Purify all negative aspects of yourself, then restore your own energy, and form a shield around it to resist part of the attack power.

After that, under the clear water spirit beast, an extremely thick column of water flew up into the sky, straight into the sky, and turned into black clouds in the sky, covering their surroundings.

Thick rain clouds blocked the light from the sun in the sky, making the surroundings instantly dark. In the clouds, there were streaks of tiny lightning flashes. In the end, there was a downpour from the clouds.

Skills, the rain is swaying!
The dense rain was like a rain of bullets, shooting at the opponent's three major domains, bit by bit dissipating part of the energy in the domains.

Under the ebb and flow, the clear water spirit beast once again had the upper hand, and the clear water domain once again had the upper hand.

Seeing this situation, Zihu frowned.

This is above the ocean, which is the opponent's home field, and looking at the two skills just now, it is because they are in the ocean that they can exert such a great effect, which makes the clear water spirit beast still able to occupy the opponent with three opponents. Advantage.

But if the other party is traveling by water, and I and others do not intercept it in the ocean, but enter the land, the other party's support will come more quickly, and it will be more difficult to successfully intercept it.

 My elder sister is engaged today, and I have a lot of things to do in the past two days, so I didn’t change it yesterday. I owe it for the time being, and I will make it up later
(End of this chapter)

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