My elf is so cute

Chapter 324 Imprisonment!

Chapter 324 Imprisonment!

Suspended beside the Ice Wing Cthulhu, watching the Ice Wing Cthulhu struggling to resist, Bing Xie had a gloomy face, staring towards the direction of the clear water spirit beast through layers of blood and ice, his eyes were full of tyranny and jealousy.

He knew a little about Lan Ze before. The nephew of Chi Yongrui, the blue sea trainer of Huaguo, was a generation of geniuses. He became a heavenly king trainer at a young age. Later, because of him, their dark council also appeared. No small loss.

This person, a few years ago, was an ordinary Heavenly King trainer just like himself, but at that time his Ice Wing Cthulhu strength was close to breaking through, while Lan Ze had just become a Heavenly King trainer not long ago.

A few years later, not long after the Ice Wing Cthulhu broke through to the Heavenly King level in the domain, the strength of the opponent's water spirit beast rose to the Lawful King level, forcing him to join forces with the other two Heavenly Kings from the council.

This person must have a secret!
If I can get his secret, then I will not be far away from becoming a law king-level trainer, or even a title-level trainer.

Looking at the clear water field that is constantly oppressing ahead, Zihu frowned, and then shouted to Bingxie and Black Crow: "Summon all your other heavenly king-level elves, if this continues, we will suffer !"

As he spoke, he took out two grunt balls from his bosom and released the elves in them.

A Gemini rattlesnake of the Heavenly King level in the domain, and a flat-mouthed bat of the ordinary Heavenly King level.

After Bingxie and Black Crow heard this, they each took out a grunt ball and released the elves.

What Bingxie released was a Heart Eater, and what Black Crow released was a Bone Dragon Demon, both of which had the strength of ordinary heavenly kings.

After the four heavenly king-level elves came out, they looked at the situation and immediately used their skills to assist Zi Minghu, Ice Wing Cthulhu, and Earl Black Feather against the clear water spirit beast.

Even if this is the home court of the clear water spirit beast, no matter how powerful she is, facing the combined attack of seven heavenly king-level elves, she still can't bear it, so she quickly narrowed the scope of the field and focused on defense.

At this time, Lan Ze directly said to the clear water spirit beast: "Dive into the water and withdraw."

The clear water spirit beast nodded when he heard the words, and immediately condensed one after another of bubbles, enveloping Lan Ze, Jiang Xiaobei and the others, then quickly dived into the water and rushed towards Huaguo.


Seeing this, Zihu and the others quickly merged with the black crow, stood on Earl Heiyu's back, and quickly chased towards the clear water spirit beast following the induction.

Except for the smaller Zi Minghu, the rest of the elves were temporarily collected in the grunt ball.

Count Black Feather's flight speed is extremely fast. Under the same level, his flight speed can be ranked in the top five among wing elves.

Therefore, even if the strength of the clear water spirit beast is far superior to Earl Heiyu, it is still extremely difficult to get rid of his pursuit.

Below the water surface, a turquoise water polo rushed forward as if it had not encountered any resistance, creating layers of ripples, and the turbulent flow of water formed a long white wave on the water surface.

Above the water surface, Earl Black Feather was like a stream of black light, carrying the purple fox, Bingxie and the others in hot pursuit of the clear water spirit beast. On its back, a green venom bullet was condensed in each of the hands of the purple fox, and then Find the right direction, and throw it towards the clear water spirit beast under the water.

The venom bullet was shot into the water, or was dodged by the clear water spirit beast, or was blocked by the shield around the clear water spirit beast's body, and did not cause damage to the clear water spirit beast.

However, after these highly poisonous venom bombs melted into the water, they brought disaster to some elves and marine life living around them. In just a short while, countless marine life lost their lives.

The Bishui Spirit Beast was thinking while driving at full speed.

There is still some time before returning to the territory of Huaguo, and she does not know if there will be any accidents after being chased like this, so she wants to fight back.

Looking back at Earl Black Feather behind him, some thoughts gradually emerged in the mind of the clear water spirit beast.

On Earl Heiyu's back, the three kings of the Dark Council stood together, looking at the white waves below, and discussing countermeasures.

"We can't stop this going on. Sooner or later, they will run to the territory of Huaguo. When the other party's support arrives, it will be difficult for us to leave?" Bingxie stood aside and said anxiously to the others.

The black crow didn't say a word, just glanced at the purple fox lightly, and then continued to look down at the white waves passing by the clear water spirit beast.

With a sullen face at this moment, the purple fox took out an egg-sized spar block emitting a faint silver light from his pocket. In the center of the spar was a complex silver rune.

"Stone of confinement? You still have such a good thing?" Seeing this silver spar, Bingxie cried out in surprise, and then said: "If you have this treasure, why don't you use it sooner?"

"You pay me for one?" Zihu looked at Bingxie, with a bit of a bad tone.

Bing Xie curled her lips when she heard the words, turned her head away and stopped talking.

Just kidding, he can't afford to confine things like magic stones.

In this world, although there are no elves with space attributes, there are some skills and treasures with space attributes.

For example, space rupture, such as the space stone, and this imprisonment magic stone.

Imprisonment magic stone, which contains strong power of space, can be used to imprison an area and form a small space by using spiritual force. Within a certain period of time, things in this space cannot come out, and the outside world cannot enter it.

If the purple fox uses this confinement magic stone, it can directly imprison itself and the clear water spirit beast in a space. At that time, the clear water spirit beast will not be able to escape until the space is released.

Moreover, even if a title-level trainer comes, they cannot enter this space.

It's just that this treasure is a one-time consumable, so Zihu is struggling, is it worth using this treasure in order to catch Lan Ze and Jiang Xiaobei?

Just as he was comparing gains and losses, he suddenly felt a shaking, and saw the Earl of Black Feather flapping his wings violently and rushing straight into the sky.

Below, phantoms of clear water spirit beasts unexpectedly appeared, densely distributed without any pattern, and it was completely impossible to judge which one was the real clear water spirit beast.

This is the skill of the clear water spirit beast: wandering freely, wandering freely between the heaven and the earth, with unparalleled body skills, ethereal and invisible, so that the enemy can't catch your figure at all.

It was because Earl Heiyu could not judge the body that he hurriedly flew to a high place to avoid being attacked.

But he was still one step too late. Some phantoms of clear water spirit beasts quickly flew into the sky and surrounded Earl Heiyu. .

Feiyan Lingbo!

The phantom itself also had some attack power, and immediately restrained the figure of Earl Heiyu. The swift speed was extremely fast, and quickly slammed into Earl Heiyu, breaking through the energy layer around his body, and directly severely injured him.

All this happened extremely quickly, and Zihu and the others didn't react until Earl Heiyu was attacked.

Hearing Earl Heiyu's shrill cry, Zihu's heart was hardened, and he immediately activated the magic stone of imprisonment in his hand with mental power.

I can't just let you escape so easily!
A dazzling silver light flashed, and then the space with a radius of three miles around seemed to be frozen. The outer cloud layer floated over, but it seemed to touch the barrier, unable to go deep, and the outer seawater could no longer flow into the area below. area.

This space was completely imprisoned, Jiang Xiaobei and the others tried to escape, but they couldn't escape!
(End of this chapter)

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