My elf is so cute

Chapter 325 Arrival of the President of the Dark Council

Chapter 325 Arrival of the President of the Dark Council
"Hmph, you can't escape now, can you?" Bing Xie and the others hovered beside Zi Minghu, saying with a gloomy expression.

Earl Heiyu suffered a lot of injuries, and now he has been taken into the grunt ball by the black crow.

Hei Ya, who had always been expressionless, narrowed his eyes slightly at this time, and looked at Lan Ze and the others with cold eyes. Obviously, Earl Hei Yu's injury inspired his murderous intentions.

The clear water spirit beast brought Lan Ze, Jiang Xiaobei and others to the edge of the small space imprisoned by the confinement magic stone, and set off monstrous waves to attack the space barrier.

A series of powerful attacks landed on the space barrier at the edge of the space, but didn't even make a ripple, and directly bounced back, without even showing the possibility of breaking the barrier with a single click.

"Even three emperor-level elves can't break through the confinement space created by the confinement magic stone, let alone a law-level king-level elf." Bingxie's voice came from behind.

When the clear water spirit beast turned around, the other heavenly king-level elves that were originally contained in the grunt ball were all released and surrounded the clear water spirit beast.

Seeing such a situation, the clear water spirit beast immediately dived into the water and swam downward, but 100 meters downstream, it encountered a hard space barrier.

The bottom is also blocked, it seems that there is really no way out.

Returning to the surface of the water, Lan Ze had a serious expression on his face. He took out a grunt ball and released the ancient ice crystal tiger. Looking at Jiang Xiaobei, Yi Hongyu and others behind him, he said, "Stay here, don't move around. The ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger will protect you, and the water spirit beast and I will hold them back, and support will come soon."

After he finished speaking, he gave the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger two instructions, and then flew into the air together with the Clear Water Spirit Beast, facing the six Heavenly King-level spirits on the other side.

At present, the only good news is that Earl Heiyu, who was previously a Heavenly King in the field, has lost the ability to continue fighting because of the sudden attack of the clear water spirit beast, otherwise the situation will be even more disadvantaged.

The ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger condensed a layer of ice on the water, allowing Jiang Xiaobei and others to stand on it, and then he raised his head to the sky and roared, an ice crystal ball shot out from his mouth, suspended above his head, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly After several grades, a layer of transparent ice crystal shield quickly condensed to protect them in it.

The ice crystal bead seemed to be the size of an egg, with shapeless ice-blue runes engraved on it and inside, flowing quickly through it.

This is the seed of law, the seed of law of the ice crystal ancient tooth tiger.

If it is destroyed or shattered, the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger's strength will drop below the Heavenly King level in an instant, and its life will be in danger.

Now, because Jiang Xiaobei and the others are too weak, they can only hide below and watch the battle of the heavenly king level elves above.

Lan Ze and the Bishui Spirit Beast flew into the sky, glanced coldly at the six Heavenly King level elves around them, then looked at the three purple foxes ahead, and asked coldly:
"Are you sure you want to do this? One elf of the water spirit beast is indeed no match for your six heavenly king-level elves, but if you put your life together, at least half of these six elves will die! Who do you think it was?"

As soon as Lan Ze said this, except for Zihu who couldn't understand, the eyes of Bingxie and Black Crow flickered.

What Lan Ze said is indeed very reasonable. They are not good people in themselves if they can join the Dark Council. It is normal for them to intrigue and compete for resources in the Council.

If his own strength is fundamental, and a few heavenly king-level elves are killed in this battle, then his status in the council will be greatly reduced in the future.

Even his own life is in danger.

After Bingxie translated the words to Zihu, Zihu frowned and said loudly: "Okay, don't listen to his nonsense, the magic stone of imprisonment has been used, can we let him run away? I can tell You guys, the president gave me this stone of imprisonment, if he knows that we haven't succeeded after using it, you can imagine the methods of the president."

Hearing Zihu's words, the black crow and Bingxie instantly thought of the horror of the president of the Dark Council, their bodies trembled undetectably, and then stopped thinking about it, and prepared to command the elves to besiege the clear water spirit beast .

Seeing that his words just now did not affect the other party, Lan Ze had no choice but to make the clear water spirit beasts prepare for the battle.

Zihu continued: "Lan Ze, if you hand over your secret to that Jiang Xiaobei, we won't do anything to you. After an hour, the effect of the confinement magic stone disappears, and I will let you leave here."

"Huh." Lan Ze snorted coldly, and then the clear water spirit beast backed up and landed on the top of the ice cover condensed by the ice crystal ancient tooth tiger. With the power of the water flow, a water flow shield was condensed around it again.

Before, Lan Ze had notified Chi Yongrui that the opponent would come quickly. What they need to do now is to defend the opponent's attack and delay the time.

"Hmph, Ziminghu, show him some color, Poison Shadow Thorn!"

As soon as Zihu finished speaking, the faint purple light around Ziminghu swelled up, and the highly poisonous purple gas condensed into giant poisonous needles around Ziminghu. Under his control, like bullets fired from a machine gun, they all shot at the water shield condensed by the clear water spirit beast.

Sensing the strong dangerous aura on the poisonous shadow thorn, the clear water spirit beast immediately displayed the source of flowing water skills, and immediately below her, a thick column of water rushed up, and the rich water energy was directly integrated into the body of the clear water spirit beast At the same time, the clear water spirit beast immediately increased its energy output, enhancing the defensive ability of the water shield.

The source of running water, where there is a lot of water, has inexhaustible vitality and energy.

Although a small space is confined by the Imprisonment Stone, there is still a lot of sea water in it, and this is still the home of the clear water spirit beast.

The poisonous shadow thorns attacked on the water shield, stirring up layers of water patterns, splashing water one after another. Those poisonous needles looked amazingly powerful, but when the attack entered the water flow, the rapidly flowing water in the water shield had a powerful rotation resistance and shock resistance.

Moreover, the water shield was inspired by the ability "Shui Lingdong" used by the clear water spirit beast just now, which contained a powerful purification ability, and the poison in the poisonous shadow thorn was directly purified.

Therefore, the poisonous shadow thorn, which is extremely threatening to other elves, is now more easily resisted by the clear water spirit beast.

In fact, the poison elves mainly rely on the poison they conceived. If the poison has no effect, then their strength is almost nonexistent.

Therefore, even if Ziminghu is very strong, facing the clear water spirit beast that just restrained him, it would be very aggrieved to fight.

In the next 20 minutes or so, the opposing six Heavenly King-level spirits took turns to attack, but the clear water spirit beast focused on defending. Its strong defensive ability and not weak recovery ability made it impossible for the opponent to break through its defense.

"Purple Fox? What should we do?" Bing Xie asked, and found that nearly half of the energy in his Ice Wing Cthulhu's body had been consumed, so he immediately asked Purple Fox.

Among the three, Zihu is the strongest, so he is naturally the leader.

The purple fox frowned and was about to speak when he saw a stream of light streaking across the sky in the distance. A few seconds later, the streamer approached, revealing the figure of the evil spirit Capricorn. Behind the evil spirit Capricorn stood a man in blue. old man.

"Huaguo's Bihai trainer, Chi Yongrui, the emperor-level elf and evil spirit Capricorn! This is a big trouble!"

Because they used the confinement magic stone, they couldn't escape by themselves. They could only leave after the space barrier disappeared.

But the Bihai trainers were guarding outside. Once the space barrier disappeared, they would have no chance of escaping from the water-type emperor-level elf, Capricornus.

"Don't worry, I informed the president before that the Bihai trainer is here, and the president is probably coming soon." Zihu comforted the other two, but he was not sure in his heart.

He just informed the president before, explaining that he had used the magic stone of confinement, but he was really not sure whether the president would come or not.

After Chi Yongrui came at full speed in the evil spirit Capricornus, he stopped precisely three meters in front of the space barrier. Looking at the safe Lan Ze, Jiang Xiaobei and the others, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I didn't come late.

Afterwards, he used his mental power to feel the solid space barrier in front of him, looked indifferently at the Three Heavenly Kings of the Dark Council, and said in a cold voice, "Evil spirit Capricorn, shocking waves!"

Hearing this, the evil spirit Capricorn's pupils widened, and a pair of horns shot out a beam of light, which shot straight into the sky, and within a few seconds, the surrounding weather suddenly became gloomy.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, the wind is howling, and the lightning in the clouds is screaming. Below, the sea water is surging, and the surrounding sea water seems to be attracted.

Suddenly, a thick bolt of lightning split down from the sky and smashed into the sea water, followed by a series of raging waves continuously slamming towards the space barrier, making ear-splitting roars.

With such force, even an aircraft carrier can be smashed to pieces by him, but it has no effect on the space barrier. Make any traces below.

"Hahaha, Chi Yongrui, it's up to you? If you want to break through the space barrier, in your next life." A wild laughter sounded, and a light blue flame suddenly appeared in the sky not far away, and then the flame expanded and turned into a huge flames.

A man in a black robe and a black smirk mask walked out of it. After he walked out, the light blue flame continued to burn, and its shape slowly changed, eventually forming a night troll. Laughed wildly, and then stood behind the man in black.

"It's you." Seeing the man in black, Chi Yongrui frowned.

This black-robed man is the president of the Dark Council, calling himself the Black Emperor!

 Start to make up changes, first make up [-] words, and then there are more

(End of this chapter)

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