My elf is so cute

Chapter 326 Sacred Black Tortoise, Black Tortoise Aegis

Chapter 326 Sacred Black Tortoise, Black Tortoise Aegis (Two in One)

Black Emperor, from the meaning of the Emperor of Darkness.

Where there is light, there will be darkness, so the Black Emperor wants to become the emperor in the darkness and control everything in the dark world.

He has indeed become the person he wants to be now. Except for the Hades, there is no other force in the dark forces that can compare with the Dark Council.

Moreover, because the Hades religion is relatively low-key, its popularity in the world is not as high as that of the Dark Council.

So it can almost be said that the Dark Council is the biggest evil force in the world today.

Chi Yongrui looked at Heihuang very warily.

Before he became a title-level trainer, the Black Emperor had already become famous all over the world. Under the encirclement and suppression of strong men from all over the world, he was still able to retreat and leave calmly.

His trump card elf night troll can be said to be the most powerful night troll in the world, and even in Chi Yongrui's opinion, he can be called the most powerful ghost elf, and he has never heard of it However, there are more powerful ghost elves than the black emperor's night troll.

Now that all these years have passed, this guy's strength must be even more terrifying, and he should not be the opponent's opponent.

But vigilance is vigilance, but Chi Yongrui will not be afraid of the opponent, especially on this ocean, the home of the evil spirit Capricorn.

Inside the space barrier, the three heavenly kings of the Dark Council saw the arrival of the Black Emperor, and they all exclaimed in surprise:

At this time Jiang Xiaobei looked at the figure of the Black Emperor hidden in the black robe and mask, and was a little shocked. He didn't expect that even the president of the Dark Council came today.

At the same time, he also looked towards the Night Troll behind the Black Emperor.

【Elf Name】Night Troll
[Elf level] 95 (royal level elf)
[Elf Talent] Lavender
【Spirit Attributes】Ghost

[Height] 2.5m [Weight] 127.5kg [Gender] No gender
【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Skeleton Eats Heart, Haunted, Ghost Armor.
[Spirit Secret Skills] Death Domain, Double Shadow, Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts.
[Elf props] Death Sickle
[Elf Profile] The most powerful night troll in the world, the king of night trolls, an extremely evil elf who likes to devour the souls of living beings the most.

The night troll at level 95 is at the same level as Chen Bing's ice crystal ancient tooth tiger, and is extremely powerful.

The current scene is confusing and confusing, and I really don't know what will happen next.

Heihuang stood in the distance, glanced at the situation in the space barrier, and then cursed coldly: "Three trash!"

Hearing this scolding, the three of Zihu didn't dare to speak, and listened quietly.

Heihuang scolded, then turned his gaze to Chi Yongrui again, and said lightly: "I don't want to do too much when I come here today, you can go."

In the tone, it seemed that Chi Yongrui was regarded as a chicken and dog that could be trampled easily, and he was completely ignored.

Hearing Heihuang's words, Chi Yongrui laughed angrily.

"I want to see what you are capable of, the evil spirit Capricorn, the field of Capricorn!"

Hearing this, the body of the evil spirit Capricorn lit up with light of law runes, and then the dark blue light centered on the evil spirit Capricorn, and quickly spread towards the surroundings. Like stars.

In the surrounding ocean, streams of water surged upwards and merged into the Capricorn realm.

Almost in an instant, the Capricorn Domain covered a radius of seven or eight miles, and the dark blue light waves like water in it, carrying a huge oppressive force, frantically moved towards the Night Troll and the Black Emperor within it.

However, with the Heihuangye troll as the center, the area within a radius of five meters is like a vacuum. No matter how the evil spirit Capricorn activates the domain, it cannot penetrate within the five-meter range.

"That's it?"

The Black Emperor smiled lightly, and the night troll behind him also laughed like a ghost, and the laughter was piercing.

Suddenly, the night troll stopped laughing, and a gray light flashed on his one eye.

Then, it seemed as if the whole world turned gray.

Chi Yongrui and the evil spirit Capricorn only saw that the surroundings that were originally covered by the Capricorn domain and the dark blue water ripples and light waves all turned into gray, dead gray in an instant.

Moreover, they also discovered that they couldn't move.

It was as if time stood still, the clouds in the surrounding sky did not move, the water below stopped flowing, and the water droplets in the air did not fall, but were suspended in the air, motionless.

Their bodies also seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move.

"Jie Jie Jie~" The night troll laughed wildly, a huge sickle appeared in his hand, his body flashed, like a teleportation, appeared behind the evil spirit Capricorn, and the sickle waved, directly towards the evil spirit Capricorn's waist hack away.

Under the crisis of life and death, the evil spirit Capricorn's horns shone with light, and the law runes all over his body shone, which made him break free from the restraints, and quickly moved aside with Chi Yongrui.

The death scythe barely passed across the front of the evil spirit Capricorn's waist, and the evil spirit Capricorn narrowly avoided the result of being cut in half, but the saber energy carried by the death sickle cut a small line on the body of the evil spirit Capricorn. At the mouth, a gray energy full of dead silence merged into the body of the evil spirit Capricorn.

The evil spirit Capricorn took Chi Yongrui back to a safe distance, feeling the death energy wreaking havoc in the body, and quickly mobilized the energy of the whole body to drive them out of the body.

Seeing the surrounding gray dissipate and the world return to its original state, Chi Yongrui wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with lingering fear: "What a powerful field!"

He felt that just now, he and the evil spirit Capricorn really walked before the gate of hell, and were almost killed by a knife.

Both are imperial elves, why is there such a big gap?What is the opponent's domain, and why is it so weird?

"Chi Yongrui, I gave you a chance just now, and you don't cherish it, so you should die!" Heihuang looked at Chi Yongrui and said, and the night troll beside him waved the death scythe again.

The realm of death was activated, and the surrounding world turned into a dead gray again, and Chi Yongrui felt the uncomfortable feeling of being unable to move his body out of control.

Seeing the night troll picking up the death scythe and waving it towards them, this time the evil spirit Capricorn did not break free from the opponent's shackles, Chi Yongrui felt despair.

Could it be that he is really going to die this time?

"No!" In the space barrier, Lan Ze saw the scene where he was slashing towards Chi Yongrui and the evil spirit Capricorn with the scythe of death, and suddenly roared in despair.

The death scythe approached Chi Yongrui and the evil spirit Capricorn a little bit.


Suddenly, a brilliant ice crystal with a powerful impact, like a stream of light, quickly shot at the death sickle in the hands of the night troll, deflecting it.

There was an imposing roar of a tiger, and then a stream of white light rushed into the domain of death in an instant, blocking the evil spirits Capricorn and Chi Yongrui. Amidst the whistling wind and snow, a chilling white domain expanded towards the surroundings It rose up, and scattered the surrounding gray and dead Death God Domain.

Immediately afterwards, the streamer dissipated, revealing the huge and majestic Ice Crystal Ancient-toothed Tiger.

"Old Chi, let me just say that your strength is poor. You still refuse to accept it, and you almost lost your life?" Chen Bing jumped off the back of the Ice Crystal Ancient Toothed Tiger, walked to Chi Yongrui who was panting violently, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Old Chen." Chi Yongrui recovered a little from the shadow of death, and then thanked Chen Bing.

"Ice Emperor!" Heihuang's slightly hoarse voice rang out as he looked at the trendy old man in front of him.

"The Black Emperor!" Chen Bing glanced at the Black Emperor, then at the Night Troll, and said after a while: "I didn't expect that your Night Troll has already reached the fifth level of heaven."

After the strength reaches the imperial level, the division of strength is called the road to heaven!

There are nine levels of heaven on the road to heaven, and there is a level of pass in the first level!

These nine heavens correspond to levels 91 to 99 respectively.

Each level is a different world, the gap in strength is huge, and the further you go, the bigger the gap, the effect of crushing may appear.

That's why Chi Yongrui's evil spirit Capricorn was suppressed so badly just now.

The ninth level is level 99, also known as the Nine Levels of Heaven. With this strength, it is only one step away from becoming a god at level [-], so elves with this level of strength are also called demigods.

As for the saying that there is a level in the sky and a level, it means that on the way to the sky, you have to face a test that is difficult to break through if you don't want to advance to a level. If you break through the level, your strength level will increase. If you can't break through, you can only get stuck.

What are the checkpoints?Generally, it is all kinds of disasters, but also benefits.

The electric elves are facing the thunder calamity. After passing through it, they can absorb the power of the thunder calamity and improve their strength. However, they can only be hacked to death.

The fire elves are Fire Calamity, and the Wing Spirits are Wind Calamity. Each elf has its own catastrophe.

The fifth heaven that Chen Bing mentioned was level 95.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that your Ice Crystal Ancient Tooth Tiger has also reached the Fifth Layer Heaven Realm." The Black Emperor snorted coldly, but did not attack again.

He understood that with that ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger around, if he wanted to kill Chi Yongrui again, it would be tantamount to dreaming.

However, Chi Yongrui and Chen Bing couldn't help it, and the Black Emperor was not about to give up on this plan, and said directly to the purple fox inside the space barrier: "Use the devil's heart I gave you for your twin rattlesnakes!"

"Huh? Chairman? This."

"Huh? Do you want me to say more?"


The purple fox took out a small box with a bitter expression. After opening it, a ferocious aura emanated, instantly permeating the entire small space.

In it, there is a small purple-black heart that is beating slowly, and the thumping sound seems to have magical power, making other people's heartbeats speed up along with it.

The purple fox picked up the little purple-black heart, looked at it bitterly for a while, then gritted his teeth, and said to the twin rattlesnakes, "Twin rattlesnakes, eat it."

The twin rattlesnakes were not low in intelligence. At this moment, he already understood that something was wrong. However, as a demon elf, this demon heart had an indescribably fatal allure to him.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back, and he swallowed it in one gulp.

"Hiss~ hiss~ hiss~"

The twin rattlesnakes had just taken the devil's heart, and fell into the water below in pain, churning and stirring in it, emitting huge heat from their bodies, causing the water to emit steam continuously.

It took quite a while before the twin rattlesnakes calmed down, their bodies swollen and their eyes bloodshot.

"Twin Rattlesnakes, crash into that water spirit beast!" After a short period of pain, the purple fox regained its indifferent demeanor, and directed the Twin Rattlesnakes to hit the clear water spirit beast.

Then, he asked the other elves to protect them with all their strength.

Jiang Xiaobei, who was under protection, suddenly had an ominous premonition, and quickly probed the twin rattlesnakes.

[Elf introduction] After taking the devil's heart, all the energy in the body, including life energy, will be stimulated, and will be in a state of bursting. It will explode when it is hit by a strong impact. The powerful explosive force produced is equivalent to a peak-law king-level elf The power of self-explosion.


After reading the news, Jiang Xiaobei burst into foul language immediately, and quickly shouted: "He is going to explode himself, the power is very powerful! Everyone summons their own elves who are good at defensive skills, and use their defensive skills with all their strength!"

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaobei summoned the evil Xuanwu, and asked him to use the secret skill unique to their Xuanwu clan, the Xuanwu Aegis.


A golden light flashed, forming a thick golden tortoise shell shield in front of the evil Xuanwu, protecting Jiang Xiaobei and others behind him.

Several other people also released elves who are good at defensive skills, and used defensive skills to block in front of them.

The clear water spirit beast and the ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger also used all their energy to strengthen their defense capabilities.

The twin rattlesnakes came crashing into them at a leisurely pace. In the process of flying, their bodies continued to expand, and finally, when they collided with the water shield, they exploded on the spot just because of a little impact.

The body of the twin rattlesnakes was broken into countless parts, and the purple-black energy explosion light instantly enveloped the shield condensed by the clear water spirit beast.

Three seconds later, the water shield broke.

Five seconds later, the ice crystal shield broke.

Six seconds later, the Xuanwu Divine Shield broke, and the powerful energy rushed in front of the evil Xuanwu, and it was about to blow it into nothingness like the shield in front of it.

Jiang Xiaobei stood behind, watching this scene, clenched his fists.

He didn't want the evil Xuanwu to die, but even if he stayed in the grunt ball, he wouldn't be well defended, and he would also be blown into powder by the explosion.

Is that the end of it?

The purple-black energy hit the evil Xuanwu's body. When he was in despair, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly saw a golden light flashing in the corner of his eyes.

The golden light became stronger and stronger, and then broke through the purple-black energy. Jiang Xiaobei saw a golden light and shadow appearing on the evil Xuanwu's body, which was the holy Xuanwu.

Around the holy basalt, a layer of tortoise shell shield similar to that used by the evil basalt before was condensed. However, the defensive power of this tortoise shell shield is not comparable to that of the previous one. It completely blocked the attack of purple-black explosive energy.

After the energy of the purple-black explosion completely dissipated, another earth-yellow ray of light lit up on the sacred basalt light and shadow. Under the radiance of this ray, the clear water spirit beast and the ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger recovered quickly. come over.

After doing all this, she turned her head to Jiang Xiaobei behind her and the evil Xuanwu below her and said, "This is a means I left on you to protect you, it is used now, you have to be careful in the future! "

 This chapter is two in one, it is considered as today’s basic update, the previous chapter is considered supplementary, and there are still four more chapters left, and we will continue to supplement tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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