Chapter 327 Back to School
After speaking, the phantom of the sacred Xuanwu's head looked in the direction of the Black Emperor, roared, and then turned into a sky full of light and shadow, dissipating in this space.

"Holy Xuanwu?" The Black Emperor cast his eyes on the evil Xuanwu below, and after a while, he looked at Jiang Xiaobei behind him, his eyes narrowed behind the mask.

"Hmph hahaha~, interesting, really interesting."

He is not an elf who is hot-eyed and evil Xuanwu. With his strength, whether it is a beast or not is not very important. Even the sacred Xuanwu phantom just now has the same strength as his night troll.

He just didn't expect that Xuanwu, the sacred beast of Xuanyu Island, would hand over his child to a weak human being. For a royal elf, the possibility was infinitely close to zero.

Jiang Xiaobei watched the light and shadow of the sacred Xuanwu dissipate, blinked his eyes, and took a while to react.

I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that the sacred Xuanwu had left protective measures on the evil Xuanwu. This time, it saved a group of them and a group of elves.

What happened today, the ups and downs, made his heart pound.

Lan Ze's reaction was the quickest, and immediately let the clear water spirit beast block in front again, condensing a water shield to prevent the opponent from attacking again.

Zihu clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and stared at the evil Xuanwu below, wishing he could tear him apart.

It was all because of him that he blew himself up a Gemini rattlesnake at the level of a heavenly king in the field, but he failed to kill any of the opponents.

With such a huge loss, the task has not been completed yet, and the chairman will definitely not spare us lightly when the time comes.

The combined attack of the six Heavenly Kings before failed to break through the shield condensed by the clear water spirit beast. Now that there is one less member, there is no hope of breaking through the defense.

Now the scene was at a stalemate, and the time passed by every minute and every second, and more than half an hour passed.

Suddenly, there was a sound like glass shattering, and the surrounding space barriers shattered automatically, and the surrounding air flowed into this space again, and the small fish in the small space quickly escaped from this dangerous space. area.

In the sky, the figure of the emperor-level ice crystal ancient-toothed tiger flashed, and quickly led Chen Bing to Lan Ze, Jiang Xiaobei and the others to prevent the sudden attack of the Black Emperor.

And in the eyes of the evil spirit Capricornus, a dark blue light flashed, and immediately after the purple fox, Bingxie and the others charged a lifelike water dragon like a black dragon, opened its mouth wide, and moved towards the people and elves above. gobble up.

"See you again." As soon as the Heihuang finished speaking, a group of light blue will-o'-the-wisps burned around the purple fox and Bingxie, engulfing them. Among them, when the water on the water dragon touched the will-o'-the-wisps, it disappeared directly, like It's like being swallowed into a different space.

At the same time, the night troll behind the Black Emperor also turned into a ball of will-o'-the-wisps. The Black Emperor walked into it, the will-o'-the-wisp dissipated, and the members of the Dark Council disappeared completely.

"Hey~, this Black Emperor is really powerful, probably only the president can overwhelm him." Chi Yongrui looked at the direction where the Black Emperor disappeared, and suddenly said with emotion.

"The president's ace elf is an elf of the sixth heaven level. It can overwhelm him, but if you want to kill him, it will be very difficult." Chen Bing shook his head, and then let the ice crystal ancient tooth tiger lead a group of The people headed back towards Huaguo Demon Capital.

"This time, it's the school's problem, so we will give you [-] points each as compensation, but you have to keep this matter a secret, don't tell the outside world."

"Otherwise, once discovered and confirmed, a demerit will be imposed!"

In the office of the dean of the Great Elf Trainer Academy, Chi Yongrui said to Jiang Xiaobei, Yi Hongyu and others with a serious expression.

This time, it involved the three heavenly kings of the Dark Council and the president of the Dark Council, and it also involved the privacy of many elves.

Jiang Xiaobei and the others left the dean's office after reassuring them.

Walking outside, Yi Hongyu thought of the stalwart figure of Xuanwu and the powerful defensive ability of the golden shield at that time, and looked at Jiang Xiaobei, hesitating to speak.

"What's the matter, senior? What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobei noticed Yi Hongyu's situation, and turned his head to ask.

Yi Hongyu saw Jiang Xiaobei asking, and said directly: "I didn't expect you to have an elf like Xie."

He wanted to know how Jiang Xiaobei got such an elf, but he couldn't ask directly.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei smiled: "It's just luck."

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei didn't want to talk more about this, Yi Hongyu didn't continue this topic, and asked another matter: "Student, I don't know if you still have a Buddha pattern stick, I also want to cultivate one Shaolin Guagua, if you have one, I am willing to buy it at a price 20% higher than the market price."

"I'm sorry, I bought a few before, but now they are sold out."

In fact, Jiang Xiaobei still has quite a few left, but he is not very familiar with Yi Hongyu, so there is no need to sell them to him, and he is not worried about selling such things.

"That's it, excuse me, I have something else to do, bye."


After separating from Yi Hongyu, Jiang Xiaobei did not return to the dormitory, but went directly to the laboratory outside the school.

For the past two days, Shaolin Guagua and Guagua both lived in the laboratory. Now that Jiang Xiaobei is back, he naturally wants to go back and take a look.

On the way, Jiang Xiaobei paid a little attention to explore the space bracelet, and took stock of the gains of the trip.

Looking at the remaining eight Buddha pattern sticks, Jiang Xiaobei shook his head and smiled.

"Leilei, at the beginning, he said that he would buy a Buddha-pattern stick from himself, and he would also subdue a Shaolin croak, but he hasn't asked himself to ask for it until now, and he doesn't seem to subdue the elves like croaks."

"Forget it, leave him alone, leave one for him, and give it to him when he needs it."

It took more than 40 minutes to ride the subway all the way, and Jiang Xiaobei came to the laboratory.

As soon as he entered the garden, Shaolin Guagua jumped out of the shed with a vigilant expression on his face, holding the Buddha-pattern stick, and immediately relaxed when he saw that it was Jiang Xiaobei.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobei release the hood.

"Doudou?" Hoodou looked around and thought for a while before remembering that it was a laboratory.

It turned out to be home!

Hood stretched comfortably, waved to Jiang Xiaobei, and then ran to the rest room in the laboratory, ready to take a good rest.

During the half day in the secret place of the Lablan Mine, the surrounding environment was very poor, and the rest environment was not good, but she was exhausted.

Jiang Xiaobei shook his head with a smile, then walked towards the shed.

Walking into the greenhouse, in the open-air and sunny area, a green gourd vine is hung on a wooden pole in a curved way. The fresh green gourd leaves give people a very refreshing feeling.

At the top, a budding pink flower hangs from a vine branch.

In the root zone, a croak is standing next to a bucket of water, holding a small sprinkler in its hand, watering the gourd vine.

Looking at the shape of the flowers, Jiang Xiaobei nodded as he thought about the process of planting the Happy Gourd for the first time.

Looking at it like this, it is estimated that it will take half a month before the Xiaoyao Gourd will bear fruit, and by that time, whether the quack can successfully evolve into the Happy Guack, everything will be decided.

 I overslept this afternoon. When I woke up at 07:30 in the evening, I didn't know why I could sleep so well.

  After finishing the next update, I'm not sure if I can make it up
(End of this chapter)

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