My elf is so cute

Chapter 329 Competition Information, Evolution of Xiaoyao Guagua

Chapter 329 Competition Information, Evolution of Xiaoyao Guagua
"It seems that the skills learned by absorbing the essence of Ganquan can relieve the negative status, which is not bad. It will be very effective when facing poisonous elves in the future!"

After Jiang Xiaobei read the message, he nodded with a smile, and let Xiaoyao Aquarius stay on the stone lotus platform to continue practicing.

It took [-] points to rent it, so it can't be wasted.

Just let Xiaoyao Aquarius consolidate its skyrocketing strength.

For the next half month, except for class time, Jiang Xiaobei basically brought a few other elves to practice in the special training ground of the Demon University.

Because the National High School League is about to start, he doesn't care about his heart, and provides all the treasures he obtained before to each elf to help them maximize their strength.

The Xiaoyao water bottle is slowly absorbed with the purification of sweet spring every day to improve the strength.

The four of them, Hoodie, Sealed Envoy, Platinum Unicorn, and Evil Xuanwu, distributed the bottle of crystal stone milk obtained in the Rablan Crystal Mine in proportion.

Jiang Xiaobei also deliberately took out a little crystal stone milk from the bottle of Xiaoyao Gourd, and gave it to Shaolin Guagua and Guagua to absorb.

The strength of the two of them is relatively low, and they only take a small part, and their level has been greatly improved.

The quack level has been raised to level 30 and has become a high-level elf; the Shaolin quack level has been raised to level 40 and has become an elite level elf.

Half a month later, the crystal stone milk of the entire gourd was completely consumed, and the overall strength of Jiang Xiaobei's elf group had improved a lot compared to half a month ago.

The hood was upgraded to level 51.

With the help of a large amount of energy provided by Ganquan Essence, Xiaoyao Water Bottle has been upgraded by another level, reaching level 52, firmly pressing the cap and small pocket by one level.

The seal envoy has been upgraded two levels in a row, and the level is 49. It is only one step away from breaking through to the professional level and completing the evolution.

Evil Xuanwu also went up two levels in a row, level 48.

The strength of the Platinum Unicorn has not been greatly improved, only one level, and the level is the same as that of the evil Xuanwu, both of which are level 48.

The strength of the elves has been greatly improved, and it has also given Jiang Xiaobei a lot of confidence.

Now he has a feeling that although he still doesn't understand the strength of the top ten in the Lost Tower rankings, if he is allowed to face Yi Hongyu, who is ranked tenth, there is a possibility of victory.

Half a month later, in meeting room 203 of Teaching Building A of Shanghai University of Magic, Zhao Xiong stood on the podium, and below sat Jiang Xiaobei, Yi Hongyu, Guo Yunhao and other members of the University of Shanghai's preparatory team.

At this time, Zhao Xiong was telling Jiang Xiaobei and the others some precautions for the game.

"Three days later, the National College League will start. This competition is divided into preliminaries, round robins, knockouts, and finally the championship will be determined."

"Since our Magic University team was last year's runner-up and one of the top four teams, we can directly enter the round robin without participating in the qualifiers this year."

"The preliminaries will be held at the Magic City Elf Battle Square, and it will be open to the public. Although we don't have to participate, you can go and see it when the time comes."

"There are only 32 teams that can enter the round robin. At that time, in order to hide their strength, if the opponent is not very strong, generally the home team members will not play. They will not play until the knockout round. At that time, it is time for you to play. Play well."

"The top eight teams in the round-robin competition will be divided into two groups for the knockout round. The top two teams must be in different groups. This will prevent the strong teams from colliding in advance and cause the weak teams to win the championship."

"The round-robin competition system is two-two-one, that is, there are two single-spirit battles, two double-spirit battles, and one three-spirit battle; the single-spirit battle is that each trainer sends an elf to participate in the battle, and the winner will win. One point; for a two-spirit battle, each trainer sends two elves, and each side has two elves to cooperate with each other to fight; for a three-spirit battle, the rules are basically the same as for a two-spirit battle, that is, there are three elves.”

"In the team, each person can only play once."

"As for the rules of the knockout round, you don't have to participate this year, so I won't say much. You'll know after watching the game."

"This year's round robin and knockout rounds are both held in Kyoto, but the qualifiers will be held in each division three days later, and the round robin will only be held after the qualifiers, so we don't need to be in a hurry. We can go to Kyoto after the qualifiers are over. These days Here, prepare well, and I will let you know when we leave."

After Zhao Xiong said some information related to the National College League, he dissolved the meeting.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't stay to chat with the others, but hurried outside, released the Platinum Unicorn, and flew directly in the direction of the laboratory.

It is estimated that today, the Xiaoyao Gourd planted by Guagua is about to mature, and Jiang Xiaobei doesn't want to miss the scene of Guagua evolving into Xiaoyao Guagua.

After more than 20 minutes, Jiang Xiaobei and Platinum Unicorn arrived at the experimental park.

Jiang Xiaobei jumped off the back of the Platinum Unicorn, put away the Platinum Unicorn, took out the key card, entered the experimental park, ran all the way to his laboratory, and walked quickly into the greenhouse.

After walking in, he saw that Guagua was still sitting under the gourd vine, and the red jade-like happy gourd that grew out of the gourd vine was still hanging firmly on it, he was immediately relieved.

"Fortunately, it's not too late."

After seeing Jiang Xiaobei coming, Guagua was also quite excited. Jiang Xiaobei waved his hand immediately, and then immediately took out a drop of his own blood and dripped it on the root of the gourd vine.

He will be able to evolve immediately, and he waited a little anxiously to wait for Jiang Xiaobei. Seeing Jiang Xiaobei coming, he couldn't help but take the last step.

I saw the drop of blood dripping from the calabash vine dripped on the root of the calabash vine, and was quickly absorbed into the body by the calabash vine, followed by a bright red thread rising from the root, rushing upwards along the calabash vine, and finally poured into the Xiaoyao calabash .

The gourd body of Xiaoyao gourd suddenly shines brightly, exuding a warm red light, like red warm jade, which makes people feel warm in their hearts when they look at it.

Afterwards, Xiaoyao Gourd seemed to possess spiritual wisdom. Without the help of others, it disconnected the connection between the upper part and the gourd vine, and landed in the hand of Quagua who was looking at it with burning eyes.

As soon as the Happy Gourd fell into Guagua's hands, a white light of evolution suddenly lit up on Guagua's body, which complemented the red light on the Happy Gourd, and then slowly, the two rays of light gradually merged, finally forming a light red light. The light completely enveloped Guagua and Xiaoyao Gourd in it, and it was impossible to see what was inside from the outside.

After 10 minutes, the light slowly dissipated, and Jiang Xiaobei heard the prompt sound of the system in good time:

"Ding! Congratulations to your elf Quack for evolving into Happy Quack."

 I have a bad habit. I like to put my hands under my buttocks when I sit. When I sit on my hands, my whole body shakes, causing the whole chair to shake back and forth.

  Then I had a tragedy today, the shaking was a bit large, and I fell directly
  In desperation, I supported the ground with one hand, and then my middle finger and ring finger were hit by the tip of the chair. There was some blood stasis inside the two fingernails, which caused great pain, and I couldn't write normally.

  I tried Yizhichan code words, but it didn't work, so I had to use my mobile phone to code this chapter, and I will make up the next chapter tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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