My elf is so cute

Chapter 330 Breaking into the Lost Tower Again

Chapter 330 Breaking into the Lost Tower Again
Immediately afterwards, there was another series of beeps, reminding of some skills that Quack had suddenly comprehended after it evolved into Happy Guack.

The light of evolution dissipated, and a giant flaming gourd with a body height of half a person appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobei's eyes.

This is Happy Quack.

The size of the Xiaoyao Gourd, which was borne by the Happy Gourd vine before, has grown several times, and it is carried obliquely behind Guagua, making it look longer than his body.

Seeing Xiaoyao croaking, Jiang Xiaobei began to search for his information.

[Spirit Name] Happy Quack
[Elf level] 30 (advanced elf)
[Elf Talent] Dark Green
[Spirit Attributes] Fire, Grass
[Height] 1.2m [Weight] 67.5kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Elf Skills] Vine Whip, Seed Bomb, Crit Gun, Chain Kick, Flame Kick, Water Ripple
[Spirit Secret Technique] None
[Spirit props] None
[Elf Profile] The big gourd on the back is his treasure, and he can ride on it and fly freely between the sky and the earth.

The attributes of Xiaoyao Guagua are Fire and Grass. These two attributes do not sound very compatible, just like the dual attributes of ice and fire after the mutated Hood Xiaodou.

And more than that, the most special thing about Xiaoyao Guagua is that although his race has only fire and grass attributes, he can master more skill attributes than these. It can even be said that they can almost master most of the attributes skills. --1
Fire, Water, Grass, Earth, Stone, Martial Arts, Moe, Wing.
The combat ability of a single person is not as good as the evolutionary form of Shaolin Guagua. The combat ability is very ordinary, but the skill attributes that can be mastered are also a special talent of their race.

Xiaoyao Guagua has successfully evolved, so Jiang Xiaobei can start preparing a thesis on the evolution plan of Xiaoyao Guagua.

This time the thesis is basically similar to the previous Shaolin Guagua, it is more convenient to write and can be completed in a few days.

However, Jiang Xiaobei was not in a hurry to release it.

When the time comes, I can find an opportunity to show off my happiness in the national college league, and show off my ability before publishing the paper.

However, this time I have to rely on the Xiaoyao Gourd seeds to make money, but I can't apply for a patent.

The "Patent Law" stipulates that animal and plant varieties cannot apply for patent rights, but the method of breeding animal and plant varieties can be granted patent rights.

My Xiaoyao gourd seeds are directly planted, just put them in the soil, how do I apply for a patent?

Although most people spend sky-high prices to buy a Happy Gourd Seed just to evolve the Gua Gua, some people will plant it extravagantly if it is not complete, so that they will discover the secret of the Happy Gourd Seed.

It can only be said that at present, the seeds of the Xiaoyao Gourd are very precious, but slowly, it will become cheaper and cheaper.

"It's time to go, Xiaoyao Guagua, give these Xiaoyao Gourd Vine some water." Looking at the rows of Xiaoyao Gourd Vine on the gourd racks in the greenhouse, Jiang Xiaobei ordered Xiaoyao Guagua.

"Quack." Xiaoyao nodded, and then the Xiaoyao gourd behind him flew into the air under his control. The bottle opened, and after the water-blue light gathered, a water column with not very strong impact flowed from it. It sprayed out and sprinkled these happy gourd vines.

"Ah this?" Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei subconsciously looked at Shaolin Guagua who was beside him.

If the top of Shaolin Guagua's stick is decorated with iron agricultural tools, he will plow the land and Xiaoyao Guagua will water it.

What a pair of young experts in farming!
Shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobei shook his head to get rid of this strange thought in his mind, then put away Shaolin Guagua and Xiaoyao Guagua and returned to school.

There are still three days left, and the National College League is about to start. Although they don't need to participate in the qualifiers, they still need to spend some time to watch.

Therefore, taking advantage of these three days, Jiang Xiaobei wanted to see how many floors they could break into the Lost Tower with their current strength.

Now, where can I rank on the leaderboard of the Lost Tower?
With this in mind, Jiang Xiaobei went to the secret realm of the Lost Tower in the school that afternoon.

Coming to the Lost Tower again, it is still very popular, and many students from the Department of Demons and Spirits are waiting to enter.

Jiang Xiaobei looked around, and was surprised to see Xu Leilei and Xie Xu in the crowd.

He immediately walked over, walked behind them, patted their shoulders, and asked, "Are you two breaking into the Lost Tower today?"

"Who? Oh, Xiaobei, you almost scared me to death." Without any preparation, Xu Leilei was suddenly patted by Jiang Xiaobei from behind, and was startled. He turned his head and saw that it was Jiang Xiaobei.

"Well, my Keli Chicken has now completed its final evolution and has evolved into a Dazzling Chicken, and Xu Leilei's pony has also successfully evolved into Qianli Chiyun, so let's test the recent progress of our strength." Xie Xu Not intimidated.

"Huh? Have you evolved? Congratulations, by the way, Lei Lei, you said you would buy a Buddha-pattern stick from me, but you haven't said anything until now, do you still need it?" Jiang Xiaobei looked Xu Leilei asked.

"Of course." Xu Leilei nodded quickly, "I've been busy training Qianli Chiyun and Magic Cat recently, so I forgot to tame a quack. I'll tame a quack in two days, and then you can sell it to me. I."

Xie Xu, who was at the side, heard the Buddha-pattern stick, his eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly asked Jiang Xiaobei: "Squad leader, do you have any extra? I also want to tame a Shaolin croak."

"There are a few more, if you want me to keep them for you."

"Thank you, squad leader." Xie Xu was a little surprised. As a lover of martial arts elves, he hoped that the elves he conquered were all martial arts, and Shaolin Guagua was a very good choice.

"That's right." Jiang Xiaobei said suddenly, "Don't rush to buy my Buddha-pattern stick."

"Why?" Both Xu Leilei and Xie Xu looked puzzled.

"It's a secret now, and you'll know when the time comes." Jiang Xiaobei smiled mysteriously.

After a while, I will announce another evolutionary form of Guagua, Xiaoyao Guagua.

Although Xiaoyao Guagua's combat ability was not as good as Shaolin Guagua's, it also had its advantages. Jiang Xiaobei wanted them to make a decision after understanding whether he needed Shaolin Guagua or Xiaoyao Guagua.

The three chatted, and soon they were in line.

Jiang Xiaobei bid farewell to the other two, and walked into the Lost Tower.

As soon as he walked in, Jiang Xiaobei released the hood and the small pocket first, and it was good to come out to get some air. You can't keep the small pocket house in the purr ball, or you will easily become a waste house girl in the future.

Hoodie just came out of the grunt ball, rubbed his big sleepy eyes, and looked around.

Ok?The Lost Tower, do you still have to fight later?
Hoo Xiaodou leaned on Jiang Xiaobei with a salty face, he was a lazy cancer, he didn't want to fight, he didn't want to move~
The second elf that Jiang Xiaobei released was not the other four main elves, but Xiaoyao Guagua who had just completed evolution.

In the first few levels of the Lost Tower, the strength of the elf energy body inside is not very strong, just for Xiaoyaoguagua to adapt to the fighting ability after evolution.

The first layer is the meow energy body with a level of 31.

Jiang Xiaobei and Mao Xiaodou stood behind, watching the battle between Xiaoyao Guagua and Meow's energy body.

However, although Jiang Xiaobei did not give a battle command, before the battle started, Jiang Xiaobei told Xiaoyao Guagua about the information about the meow energy body.

And reminded him that using fire skills would be more effective.

Therefore, as soon as the battle started, Xiaoyao Guagua picked up the huge Xiaoyao Gourd, unplugged the bottle of the gourd, and pointed the mouth of the gourd at the meowing energy body.

Circles of fiery red light circles centered on the mouth of the gourd, gathered together, and finally, before Meow could launch an attack, a blazing flame spewed out from the mouth of the gourd, burning towards Meow.

Meow, who is not very intelligent, ignored the gushing flames, and directly launched a flying leaf knife at Xiaoyao Guagua.

A sharp green blade croaked towards Xiaoyao with a sharp piercing sound.

In desperation, Xiaoyao Guagua directly controlled Xiaoyao Gourd to float in front of him.

There was only a "bang" sound, and the flying leaf knife hit the Xiaoyao gourd bottle, but it didn't break the gourd, only leaving a little white mark.

"This Happy Gourd is so defensive!" Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help saying it when he saw this scene.

You know, this Xiaoyao Gourd is equivalent to the companion weapon of Xiaoyao Guagua. The stronger the strength of Xiaoyao Guagua, the more powerful this Xiaoyao Gourd will be. Now there are only Level 30 Xiaoyao Guagua, and his Xiaoyao Guagua's defense is so strong. Got it?
The Flying Leaf Knife failed to hurt Xiaoyao Guagua, but the flames burned to Meowu's body, causing him a lot of damage.

Afterwards, Xiaoyao Guagua took advantage of the victory to pursue and released another blaster.

An extremely fast beam of flame light was shot out from the bottle mouth, crashed into Meow's body, and exploded directly. The whole ball of flames enveloped Meow's whole body, and the entire Meow's body was ignited with flames.


Miaowu made a shrill cry, urging its energy to remove the flames on its body, but the mouth of the Xiaoyao gourd bottle beside it continued to spew out flames, so Miaowu couldn't extinguish the flames on its body at all, and finally failed to resist the burning of the flames , was broken up and turned into two energy light beads.

When Meow's energy body dissipated, the burning flames on his body were swallowed by the Xiaoyao Gourd again, and it seemed as if he could replenish some of the energy he had just consumed.

Coupled with the absorbed energy light ball, Xiaoyao Guagua is almost back to full state.

Walking to the second floor is the 32-level water system Popola.

This time, Xiaoyao Guagua started to attack with grass-type skills. The Xiaoyao Gourd was like a machine gun, and bomb-like seeds were ejected from the mouth of the gourd, blasting Popola's energy body forcefully.

On the third floor, the fireworks of the fire system, and a continuous stream of water sprayed out of the Xiaoyao gourd bottle.

A gourd contains three different attributes that generate and restrain each other at the same time. It has to be said that this Xiaoyao gourd is really a treasure.

1——In the game, the three kinds of croaks can master the skills of most attributes. Here, it can be set as Xiaoyao croaks. The rich croaks and Shaolin croaks have their own preferences, and they cannot master the skills of most attributes. (card count, free)

 Lazy cancer attack, the author is in the operating room rescue, today only [-] words

(End of this chapter)

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