My elf is so cute

Chapter 331 Temple of Nature, Pantheon

Chapter 331 Temple of Nature, Pantheon
Climbing all the way to the fifth floor, Xiaoyao Guagua had a lot of difficulty fighting against each other.

Jiang Xiaobei also put it away in a timely manner, letting the cap sweep all the way, crushing it all the way, and directly broke into the fifth floor of No.30.

The last time I entered the tower, I stopped at the fifth floor of No.30.

On this floor, there are a total of six Vulcans, one at level 50 and five at level 45. Together, they are extremely powerful.

However, this time, not only the strength of Mao Xiaodou and Xiaoyao Aquarius has made a breakthrough, they have broken through to become professional-level elves, and the strength of the seal messenger and platinum unicorn has also been greatly improved.

The fifth floor of No. 30 was no longer able to stop Jiang Xiaobei and the others.

Hood Xiaodou shot alone, suppressed the six Vulcans, and broke through this layer.

Come to the sixth floor of No.30.

As soon as he entered this floor, Jiang Xiaobei was stunned.

The scene on this floor is not like the previous dozens of floors. It is just a small space inside the tower. Instead, it looks like a forest.

In front of him was a dense forest, dark and silent, and there were a few strange creature calls from time to time, giving him a feeling, as if there were real creatures in it.

Moreover, what surprised him the most was that the space on this floor seemed to have been cast with space magic. Compared with the slightly smaller space on the previous dozens of floors, it really looked like a large wild forest. Looking inside, looking to both sides, there is no end in sight, just like a forest.

There are no walls around him, and behind him, except for a stone gate with a space passage, all other connections with the space of the Lost Tower are gone.

The top of the head is not a stone ceiling, but a piece of sky. The scorching sun stands in the center of the sky, emitting endless light and heat towards the bottom.

"What's going on with this level?" Jiang Xiaobei was a little confused.

He also asked other seniors about the Lost Tower before, but he heard from them that every floor of the Lost Tower is not the same after breaking through the fifth floor of No.30 and the sixth floor of No.30. But it varies from person to person.

Some people encounter a group of spirit energy bodies attacking, and some people encounter a single spirit energy body with strong fighting ability. In short, the spirit energy bodies encountered are not the same, but the strength of the overall spirit is the same, and the difficulty of clearing the level is the same.


I didn't hear anyone say that I ran directly into a forest, right? ! !

Hooded Xiaodou opened a pair of big eyes, looked around cutely, and sniffed the air with his small nose, then suddenly jumped up vigorously, and jumped directly onto a big green tree next to him. Finally, she jumped down again with a leaf in her hand.

She handed the leaves to Jiang Xiaobei and called:

These trees seem to be real!

"What? Let me take a look." Jiang Xiaobei quickly took the leaves from the hooded pocket, held them in his hand and began to examine them.

The touch and appearance look the same as ordinary leaves. Jiang Xiaobei pinches it hard with his nails, and the juice immediately flows out of it.

All these signs indicate that the leaf is real.

"That means." Jiang Xiaobei looked around: "Is this a living secret realm?"

Then, Jiang Xiaobei looked at Shimen behind him.

The aura of the space channel is still stable, Jiang Xiaobei stretched out a hand, and he was able to reach in, which made him suddenly relieved, as long as he can walk, if he is really trapped here and cannot get out, then he will cry to death it's here?
At present, it is unknown whether there are elves living in this forest, and how strong the elves are. To be on the safe side, Jiang Xiaobei immediately released the other elves. "Bottle!" "Shui Shui!"

As soon as Xiaoyao water bottle was released, Xiao Shui Shui and Xiao Shui bottle jumped up and shouted at Jiang Xiaobei.

In their water bottle space, something that Jiang Xiaobei had stored before changed, and it was suspended in the water bottle space.

This thing is the third treasure that Jiang Xiaobei obtained from the Xuanyu treasure house of the sacred Xuanwu, a small black tower.

"Is there such a thing? You release it to me."

Hearing this, Xiaoyao Water Bottle immediately released the small black tower. As soon as the small tower was released, it automatically flew up and flew in one direction.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobei had quick eyes and hands, and caught him immediately, otherwise he would have been sent flying.

Holding it in his hand, the little black tower still had a force to fly in one direction, as if something in that direction was attracting him, and one of the eight crystals floating around was emitting a faint green light.

Jiang Xiaobei knew what this little tower was. Seeing his reaction, he thought about the connection between the lost tower and the black little tower, and suddenly had some guesses in his mind.

After thinking for a while, he ordered the elves around him to surround him to guard against possible dangers around him. Then he held the small black tower in his hand and walked slowly in the direction it wanted to fly to. .

Along the way, they met a lot of elves. Although Jiang Xiaobei half of his attention was on the small black tower, he also devoted a lot of attention to the surroundings, and would investigate when he encountered elves.

The forest is full of insect-type, grass-type, and poison-type elves. Guangjiang Xiaobei and the others encountered several professional-level elves.

These elves also seemed to be a little wary of Jiang Xiaobei and his group, who had many spirits, so they didn't attack them.

Of course, Jiang Xiaobei also told all the elves not to cause trouble, so they walked for a long time without any danger.

As he went deeper into the forest, Jiang Xiaobei felt more and more attractive to the little black tower in his hand, until Jiang Xiaobei and the others came to a somewhat quaint palace.

This palace seems to have existed for a very long time. The surrounding walls are covered with vines, and a tall gate is closed. The tops of the two giant stone pillars in front of the gate are carved with a small grass He was lying on the blade of grass, staring at a spar above his head.

And in the center above the stone gate, there are four words carved in Rockwen: Temple of Nature.

"Sure enough, it's the Temple of Nature!" Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised.

The small black tower in his hand is the legendary Pantheon.

There are nine floors in the Pantheon. Every time you pass a level, you can get a lot of rewards. Not only can you improve the strength of the elves, but you can also get a series of treasures.

The condition for entering the Pantheon is to clear the Eight Great Temples.

The eight temples are: Nature Temple, Hero Temple, Mechanism Temple, Earth Spirit Temple, Humor Temple, Dragon Temple, Golem Temple, and Shadow Temple.

These eight great temples correspond to the eight crystal stones around the small tower of the Pantheon.

Break through the Eight Great Temples, and you can also get good rewards.

It's just that these temples haven't been activated yet, so even if Jiang Xiaobei has the small tower of the Pantheon, he can't break into the temple.

When Jiang Xiaobei first saw this small tower, he saw this information.

Just now, he looked at the forest and saw a green light emitting from a spar, so he guessed that there must be a place related to the Temple of Nature.

Sure enough, he found it here.

If the Temple of Nature can be activated here, then, after returning, can it be estimated that it is still impossible to break into the Temple of Nature.

Because in memory, the elves distributed in the eight great temples are all elves with a level of strength above 60, that is, they are all heavenly king elves. With their current strength, they are looking for abuse.

 The Eight Great Temples, the Pantheon, I don’t know if you still remember it, it’s in the arena hall of the Academy of Magic, but now it’s replaced by the Lost Tower, and it’s become a hidden map, you can only use the scene search to get inside
  In addition, I would like to recommend it to everyone. The TV series adapted by the son-in-law is really good. If you like watching TV series celebrating more than one year, you should also like this one. It was really cool to watch today.

  In addition, I am writing the next chapter. Today, lazy cancer has not been released, but I can still write it


(End of this chapter)

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