My elf is so cute

Chapter 333 Dragon Temple, Holy Azure Dragon

Chapter 333 Dragon Temple, Holy Azure Dragon

After the activation of the Temple of Nature, the small tower of the Pantheon returned to normal.

Suspended in mid-air, eight spars slowly rotated around the small tower of the Pantheon, and one of the spars exuded a soft, refreshing grass-green light.

Jiang Xiaobei stretched out his hand, and the small tower of the Pantheon Temple automatically flew back into his hand.

When he obtained the Pantheon from the Xuanyu Treasury before, he found out the method of identifying the owner of the Pantheon from the system.

You only need to use your own spiritual power to cultivate this thing, so as to engrave your own spiritual imprint on it.

Before, he spent a lot of time engraving the spiritual imprint on it, and now this Pantheon has recognized Jiang Xiaobei as its master.

Looking at the Pantheon in his hand, Jiang Xiaobei felt it for a while, and felt that there was a space in the grass-green spar, and as long as he wanted to, he could bring the elves into it.

This space is the real one, the Temple of Nature among the Eight Great Temples!

Jiang Xiaobei was about to take a look at what was going on, and with a thought, a grass-green light beam shot out from the spar of the Temple of Nature, covering Jiang Xiaobei, Mao Xiaodou and other elves.

However, after a while, the light beam disappeared, and they still stood where they were, without successfully entering it.

At the same time as the light beam disappeared, a message came from the Pantheon in his hand:

It is detected that the strength level of the elves is not up to the standard, and it is more dangerous to enter the Temple of Nature, so it is not allowed to enter for the time being.

"I'll go." Jiang Xiaobei was speechless.

There are also strength level restrictions, elves are not allowed to enter if they are less than a certain strength.

Since he can't get in now, Jiang Xiaobei doesn't care about him anymore. He turned his head and was about to ask Huayelong where he left from here, when he saw a space in the air not far behind him. aisle.

Jiang Xiaobei remembered very clearly that when he came before, there was absolutely no space channel in that location.

"Could it be that the assessment of oneself at this level is to activate the Temple of Nature? There is no battle or anything? Then this is too simple?"

But that being said, Jiang Xiaobei was naturally happy if there was no trouble, and he greeted Huayelong, and he walked into the space passage with a hood and a small pocket.

The evil Xuanwu with the strongest defensive ability walked in the forefront, and all the elves walked out of the space passage one after another, and Jiang Xiaobei was the last one to come out.

As soon as he walked out, he was directly attracted by the scene in front of him.

Surrounding them is a valley, surrounded by mountains on the left and right, with only a small path in the middle.

And at the end of the path, there seemed to be a huge dragon lying on the ground that seemed to be several thousand meters long.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a hill in the shape of a dragon. A huge dragon's head was placed directly in front of them, and its mouth opened, revealing a cave opening through the mountain.

Looking at the Julong Mountain, Jiang Xiaobei looked behind him again, and found that the other roads were basically blocked, and there was only one road leading to the front.

"Thinking about it, this space should be the space where the Dragon Temple is located."

With that said, they walked straight ahead.

Walking into the dragon's mouth and looking up, I saw rows of raised stone thorns in the upper stone wall, which really looked like dragon teeth.

Going deeper, it seems that you have reached the throat of the dragon. After entering, there is a passage. As you continue to go deeper, the color of the walls around the passage begins to change, gradually changing from the color of normal stones to dark gold.

Walking all the way along this dark golden passage, and walked nearly a hundred meters, and crossed a cave, the front suddenly opened up, and what appeared in front of him was a golden cave.

The walls around the cave seem to be all gold, shining golden.

On the ground of the cave, there is a huge pool. The pool is so deep that the bottom of the water cannot be seen clearly at a glance. In the center of the pool, there is an empty ground with a stone pillar on it. It is basically similar to the stone pillars in the Temple of Nature, with two intertwined dragons engraved on it.


Suddenly there was a sound of water breaking, and a huge figure rushed out from the bottom of the pool. The huge head rushed directly in front of Jiang Xiaobei with thick water mist, causing Jiang Xiaobei to take two steps back in fright.

Gathering his mind, he finally saw the appearance of the behemoth in front of him clearly.

This is a creature like the blue dragon in oriental mythology. It has a body shape like a snake, horns like a deer, and azure scales all over its body.

Eyes bigger than lanterns were staring at Jiang Xiaobei at this moment, and Jiang Xiaobei's heart was trembling when he saw it.

This is, the holy blue dragon!
Jiang Xiaobei went to investigate the sacred dragon.

【Elf Name】Sacred Azure Dragon

[Elf level] 95 (royal level elf)
[Elf Talent] Purple

[Spirit Attributes] Dragon, Electric
[Height] 231.0m [Weight] 21227.5kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Space Break, Time Roar, Dragon Roar
【Spirit Secret Technique】Azure Dragon Domain.
[Elf props] Azure Dragon Ball

[Elf Profile] The sacred blue dragon of the four elephants and beasts, the guardian of the dragon temple.

Another royal elf!
After reading the message of the sacred dragon, Jiang Xiaobei immediately placed the small tower of the Pantheon in front of him.

Since the other party is the guardian of the Dragon Temple, then with the small tower of the Pantheon in his hand, he shouldn't be able to attack him, right?
The sacred Qinglong glanced at the small tower in Jiang Xiaobei's hand, and he understood it.

However, he was also very puzzled, why did the Locke in front of him look so strange?Also so strange to dress.

Although he looks the same as the usual Locke, why are his ears round instead of pointed, and his height is also high.

Does Locke also evolve?

This space is a small space of its own, attached to the Lost Tower. The great changes in Locke's world did not affect this space, and the sacred blue dragon has been staying in this dragon temple for decades, without knowing it. changes in the outside world.

"Lock, I didn't sign a contract with you at the beginning, and I brought the Pantheon here every ten years, and I activated it. Why have you come here after nearly a hundred years?" the holy blue dragon asked.

Jiang Xiaobei frowned.

Could it be that the holy blue dragon regarded himself as Locke?He doesn't know the changes in Locke's world today?
After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobei still told the holy Qinglong the truth of the matter.

"What! Locke has been exterminated?" The sacred dragon was shocked when he heard the news: "A method that can directly exterminate a race from the air? It's unheard of."

Obviously, the message Jiang Xiaobei said shocked the sacred Qinglong, and he didn't see any reaction for a long time.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Xiaobei still didn't respond when he saw the holy blue dragon, so he couldn't help but picked up the small tower of the Pantheon Temple in his hand and asked the holy blue dragon:

"Senior Azure Dragon, look, can you activate this Dragon Temple for me?"

Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, the sacred Qinglong came back to his senses, glanced at Jiang Xiaobei, and asked: "The Dragon Temple is the strongest temple among the eight great temples, and it costs a lot to activate, and it needs a drop of blood from the deity." .”

"For no reason, why does this deity want to help you activate it? Unless you give me a holy dragon bloodstone every ten years like Locke did before, I will promise to help you activate it."

 Thank you for your 100 coin reward, Mr. Annan Expedition, thank you for your 100 coin reward, and thank you Mo Xiaobai enn for your 100 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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