My elf is so cute

Chapter 334 Absorbing Essence and Blood

Chapter 334 Absorbing Essence and Blood
"When the Dragon Temple is activated, the energy can be absorbed by itself, but to maintain the operation of the Dragon Temple, what is needed is not only energy, but also the pure breath of the dragon."

"When the Dragon Temple was built, the dragon spirit foundation used was a keel of my sacred Azure Dragon Clan, so only my blood essence can activate the Dragon Temple."

"Every time I use blood essence to activate the Dragon Temple, it can be maintained for ten years. If you can give me a Holy Dragon Blood Stone every ten years, I can help you activate this Dragon Temple."

Hearing what the Holy Azure Dragon said, Jiang Xiaobei frowned.

Holy Dragon Bloodstone?
I have never heard of it!I don't know what it looks like, where can I get it?

"Senior? I don't know what this holy dragon's blood stone you are talking about is?"

"Oh, the holy dragon left a holy dragon blood pool in the magic academy back then, and this holy dragon blood pool can condense a holy dragon blood stone every three years, which has a great effect on our dragon elves, so I am willing to Use blood essence to exchange this holy dragon blood stone."

Hearing the words of the Holy Azure Dragon, Jiang Xiaobei's heart skipped a beat.

holy dragon?

Could it be Abu?Did he still leave the holy dragon's blood pool at the Magic Academy?

However, the problem now is that in the entire world, it seems that the secret realm of the Academy of Magic has not been discovered yet, so there is no way to find the holy dragon blood pool!

Could it be that he really wants to stop at this level?
Not reconciled, he took out a blue-purple transparent spar from the space bracelet. There are dense electric arcs in the spar, and asked the holy dragon: "Senior holy dragon, I don't have a holy dragon blood stone. Look at this Can it replace the Holy Dragon Blood Stone?"

This is an electric-type gem in Toby's backpack that he obtained in the Rablan crystal mine back then. One-on-one baby.

Seeing that the secondary attribute of the sacred blue dragon is electricity, maybe they will agree to exchange this spirit stone for an activation opportunity.

It's just a pity for this gem, and he still thought that if he could subdue an electric elf in the future, he would just use this gem.

"Don't show me any messy things, I only change holy dragon purple, purple electric spirit stone?!"

"Ahem, although what I need is the holy dragon blood stone, but you can't get it out, so I'll make an exception and use the stone in your hand for a chance to activate it!"

The holy blue dragon was ecstatic at this moment, he didn't expect that the little guy in front of him actually had a purple electric spirit stone.

This thing, although the energy in it is nothing to him, and the little bit of Zixiao Shenlei contained in it can't hurt him, but if he gets this spirit stone, he can always feel the power of Zixiao Shenlei in it. The power of the law contained in it increases the strength of its own law.

Although he was a bit reluctant, Jiang Xiaobei still handed the Purple Electric Spirit Stone to the Holy Azure Dragon.

Under the control of the sacred blue dragon, the Purple Lightning Spirit Stone floated up and floated in front of him. After looking at it for a while, he tapped the huge dragon's head in satisfaction, a silver light flashed in his eyes, and then the Purple Lightning Spirit Stone disappeared directly. I don't know where I went.

"Little guy, give me your Pantheon!"

After receiving the Purple Lightning Spirit Stone, the Holy Azure Dragon also kept its promise and prepared to help Jiang Xiaobei activate the Dragon Temple.

After Jiang Xiaobei handed out the Pantheon, the sacred blue dragon let it fall on the stone pillar in the center of the pool, and then controlled one of the bright yellow crystals to hang on the top of the small tower.

He opened his dragon's mouth, and soon, a fist-sized blood drop with a little bit of golden brilliance flew out of his mouth, and landed on the bright yellow spar.

After the two came into contact, half of the blood bead seemed to be absorbed and swallowed by the spar, shrinking rapidly, and the light on the spar became more and more intense, and there was even an endless roar of dragons coming from above the spar.

At the same time, a faint golden brilliance radiated from the stone pillars below the small pagoda. From top to bottom, gradually, strips of golden lines centered on the stone pillars and spread towards the surroundings, with the The water in the water is also filled with golden brilliance.

If you look outside at this time, you will find that the entire dragon-shaped mountain begins to emit a little inconspicuous golden light from the dragon body, and the two huge dragon eyes at the position of the dragon head emit dazzling lights. The golden light, as if this is a giant dragon that just woke up from a deep sleep, opened its eyes.

All the energy in the entire space gathered towards the Longxing Mountain at this time. If there were no other elves in this space, the elves might have caused a riot long ago.

The activation process lasted for half an hour. After that, the spar that symbolized the Dragon Temple was like the spar in the Nature Temple, exuding a brilliance of its own attribute color.

And in this space, just like in the natural temple before, a space passage suddenly appeared somewhere on the mountain wall.

"Senior Holy Azure Dragon, thank you for helping me activate the Dragon Temple. If there is nothing else, we will leave first." Jiang Xiaobei greeted the Holy Azure Dragon, and prepared to take the elves out of this space.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei and the others were about to leave, the sacred Qinglong pondered for a while, then called Jiang Xiaobei to stop.

"Is there anything else?" Jiang Xiaobei had already stepped into the space channel with one foot, and immediately retracted it when he heard the words, and turned his head to ask the holy dragon.

The Holy Azure Dragon glanced at the evil Xuanwu behind Jiang Xiaobei, and then said: "My sacred Azure Dragon clan and the Holy Xuanwu clan have a pretty good relationship. For the sake of this evil Xuanwu, I won't bully you."

"Purple Lightning Spirit Stone is much more precious than the Holy Dragon Blood Stone, so I will give you two more choices."

"First, ten years later, I can help you activate the Dragon Temple again for free."

"Second." With that said, the sacred Qinglong looked at the seal envoy who was quietly watching the play, and said, "Seeing that you are a seal envoy with good talent, and now you are on the verge of evolution, I can help him improve his strength and carry out A relatively perfect evolution."

"Woo Hoo?" Hearing the Holy Azure Dragon mentioning him, the seal envoy was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Jiang Xiaobei.

"I'll choose the second one." Jiang Xiaobei didn't hesitate much.

Ten years later, even if he couldn't get the holy dragon blood stone, he believed that with his own strength to increase the speed, he might not be able to use this dragon temple by then.

But now, the holy blue dragon is willing to help the seal envoy improve his strength and complete the evolution, and the effect is definitely extraordinary.

"Okay, step back and let this sealed messenger come forward."

Saying that, the holy green dragon spit out a blood bead with golden brilliance again from the end, and controlled it to float into the body of the seal envoy.

"Absorb it."

Hearing the Holy Azure Dragon's words, he turned his head to see Jiang Xiaobei nodded to him, the seal envoy opened his mouth and directly swallowed the blood beads into his body.

In an instant, a strong golden light radiated from the body of the seal envoy.

 Thanks to Mr. Rice for the 100 coin reward, and thanks to Jushui Nanqiao for the 600 coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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