My elf is so cute

Chapter 335 Evolution, Ancient Battle Dragon!

Chapter 335 Evolution, Ancient Battle Dragon!
Golden brilliance shot out from every skin of the seal messenger's body, accompanied by a deafening dragon roar, the strong dragon power enveloped all corners around the seal messenger.

In Jiang Xiaobei's spiritual perception, the aura of the seal envoy in front of him increased dozens of times, as if he had turned into a king of heaven and a dragon, standing proudly in this space.

As time passed, in the golden light, dense golden thunder and lightning began to fill the air, and the sound of zizzing could be heard endlessly.

And it was also from this time that the seal messenger's expression became a little painful, and he only felt that his body was full of violent energy, which seemed to tear his body apart.


With a roar, he punched with all his strength and smashed to the ground.


With this punch, a large pothole appeared directly under his feet, and countless gravels shot towards the surroundings like bullets, and even golden lightning spread towards the surroundings.

The hoodie who had been standing beside Jiang Xiaobei reacted very quickly, and immediately released an ice crystal barrier to help them resist the attacks of gravel and lightning.

"bang bang bang"

However, making Jiang Xiaobei's eyes widen, it is unbelievable that these gravels hit the ice crystal barrier condensed in the hood, directly smashing the ice crystal barrier into dense cracks, and even along the gap, some The golden thunder and lightning drilled in.

If the evil Xuanwu hadn't immediately condensed a layer of earth-type shields around them, it is estimated that he and Xiaodou would have to change their hairstyles.

Seeing this scene, the holy blue dragon instantly shot out a golden light from the middle of the dragon's horn, forming a golden transparent shield, covering the seal envoy, preventing his scattered energy from hurting Jiang Xiaobei and the others.

Jiang Xiaobei looked at the sealed envoy who was engulfed in a golden shield and was continuously venting the frenzied energy in his body, and he was shocked.

Swallowing the blood essence of the holy green dragon, why is the power of the seal envoy so strong?
Just the aftermath of the attack caused by hammering the ground broke the ice crystal barrier condensed by the hood with all its strength, which is too powerful.

Moreover, would it be dangerous to see the seal envoy like this?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobei immediately looked at the Holy Azure Dragon with some concern, and asked, "Senior Holy Azure Dragon, is there any danger in sealing the envoy like this?"

Unexpectedly, the holy blue dragon directly tapped his faucet, and said: "With the current strength of this seal envoy, it is impossible to completely absorb my blood essence, 100% will explode and die."


"Don't worry, don't you still have me on the side? With my guidance, he will definitely not be in danger, but only beneficial. Now I let him insist on absorbing and refining alone. The longer he persists, the better his future will be." The greater the help."

Just as he was speaking, both he and Jiang Xiaobei saw that the body of the seal envoy in the golden shield began to swell, and the roar he made became more painful.

"Is it only possible to persist until here?"

Seeing this scene, the sacred Qinglong was about to make a move, but suddenly he sensed some slight fluctuations, and immediately stopped what he was about to use.

"Has the strength broken through? Is it going to evolve?"

At the same time, a system notification sound came from Jiang Xiaobei's ear:
"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal envoy level has been raised to level 50."

Just as the voice sounded, the body of the seal envoy whose body began to swell slowly returned to normal, and soft white rays of light radiated from his body, which mixed with the golden light, gradually turning the seal envoy's body The body is shrouded in it, and only the figure of the elf can be vaguely seen.

I saw that the figure of the seal envoy gradually expanded and increased, the body was elongated, and a single horn protruded slowly from the center of the head.

After the body shape changed stably, Jiang Xiaobei heard the system notification sound again.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf seal messenger has evolved into an ancient war dragon!"


There was another dragon roar. Compared with the roar made by the seal envoy just now, this roar was thicker, more majestic, and full of momentum.

The white light of evolution slowly dissipated, and gradually only the golden brilliance and electric glow remained around the ancient war dragon.

At this time, without the occlusion of the white light, the shape of the ancient war dragon could be clearly seen.

With a body more than two meters tall, a single bright red horn on the top of his head is slightly bent backward, which looks extremely sharp against the golden light, and the most eye-catching thing in his body is his pair of huge fists.

Jiang Xiaobei felt that it was almost bigger than his own head.

The original glove from the time of sealing the messenger had become two wrist guards, each with a sharp light blue spike at the tip. If an ordinary elf was punched down by him, he would lose half his life if he didn't die.

Finally completed the evolution and became an ancient war dragon!
After the evolution was completed, how many times did the ancient war dragon's physical strength increase compared to just now?
In this way, the degree of acceptance of the violent energy continuously produced in the body also becomes stronger.

The golden thunder and lightning stimulated the muscles on the ancient war dragon's body, causing his body to rapidly strengthen under this stimulation.

In this way, with the help of the blood essence of the holy green dragon, the strength of the ancient war dragon began to soar.

After reaching level 51, 52, and reaching level 53, he couldn't hold on anymore and couldn't continue to absorb, and in his feeling, the holy green dragon blood essence in his body had just consumed a small part.

Seeing that the body of the ancient war dragon began to swell and could no longer hold on, the sacred blue dragon began to move.

A blue ray of light was emitted from each of the two dragon horns, converging in the center, and then forming a cyan beam of light, covering the entire body of the ancient war dragon.

After the cyan beam of light enveloped him, the ancient war dragon only felt that his body became very comfortable as if soaked in a hot spring.

And the blood bead in his body seemed to be compressed by this golden light, turning into a solid golden blood bead, which directly penetrated into his heart.

When the blood that quickly flowed from the heart in the body touched this blood bead, the originally bright red blood suddenly had some light golden brilliance, and the volume of the blood bead gradually shrank.

After an unknown amount of time, the entire blood bead completely merged into the blood of the ancient war dragon, and all the blood in the body of the ancient war dragon also had a pale golden brilliance.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobei keenly discovered that a golden lightning flashed in the dark red pupils of the ancient war dragon.

Among the fists, streaks of golden lightning also lit up.

At this time, a series of system prompts sounded in Jiang Xiaobei's ears again.

"Ding! Your elven ancient war dragon has acquired the secondary attribute of electricity because of the fusion of the holy blue dragon's blood essence."

"Ding! Congratulations, your Elf Ancient Dragon Warrior talent has been upgraded to dark blue."

"Ding! Congratulations to your Elf Ancient War Dragon for mastering new skills, Lightning Strike, Thunder Spear, Gathering Power."

 Thank you, are you happy, big brother for the reward of 100 coins, thank you big brother for the reward of 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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