My elf is so cute

Chapter 336 Attempt to Super Evolution

Chapter 336 Attempt to Super Evolution

After seeing that the ancient war dragon had stabilized, the sacred blue dragon also stopped releasing the cyan beam of light, and told Jiang Xiaobei the benefits of the operation just now for the ancient war dragon.

For one thing, the ancient war dragon fused with the blood essence of the emperor-level elf's sacred blue dragon will have a considerable increase in its racial potential and cultivation talent. Jiang Xiaobei himself has detected these from the system.

Secondly, although the blood essence beads have been integrated into the blood of the ancient war dragon, the energy contained in them has not disappeared.

They will be released slowly as the strength of the ancient war dragon increases, allowing the ancient war dragon to absorb and refine. After a period of time, the speed of the ancient war dragon's strength level will increase very quickly.

Moreover, it can be seen from the increase in its talent that although such a strength has improved rapidly in a short period of time, it is different from pulling a seedling to encourage it, and it has all advantages and no disadvantages to the ancient war dragon itself.

After stabilizing, feeling the evolved body and the surging power in the body, the ancient war dragon was very happy, shook his fist, and suddenly brought a fierce punch.


He clashed his fists obliquely, then punched his chest with one fist behind his back, and bowed to the sacred green dragon with the gratitude etiquette of the ancient war dragon clan to express his gratitude.

Immediately afterwards, he walked in front of Jiang Xiaobei and other partners who were watching him.

Jiang Xiaobei looked up at the two-meter-tall ancient war dragon, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

When I saw him for the first time, he was still a young seal guard less than one meter tall.

In the blink of an eye, in less than a year, he has grown into the tall and powerful ancient war dragon he is today.

Jiang Xiaobei raised his palm, patted the muscular arm of the ancient war dragon, and said with a smile: "From now on, I should call you the ancient war dragon. Your current strength has surpassed that of the hood."

Hood pocket: (¬_¬)
Seeing Mao Xiaodou curling her mouth and rolling her eyes, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little funny, reached out and rubbed her light blue hair vigorously, and said with a smile: "Among the group of elves, you are the laziest, you know it all day long. Play mobile games."

Hearing this, Mao Xiaodou immediately became dissatisfied, put his hands on his hips, and shouted at Jiang Xiaobei:
"Doudou, Doudou"

The translation is: Don’t talk nonsense, I was training rapid response ability in a special environment, and at the same time carried out budget and deduction for the future, and studied the non-absolutely fair high-degree-of-freedom teamwork competition based on the principle of fairness on the network , is the ninth category of art that connects reality and virtuality.

In short, I am training!

"Aha?" Jiang Xiaobei was dumbfounded, how could he be so tall while playing a game?
Seeing Mao Xiaodou's smug expression after he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobei guessed with his toes, and knew that it was Mao Xiaodou who saw this sentence on the Internet at some point, and wrote it down, just for the sake of It's a time to beat yourself up.

"Okay, what you said makes sense, so the training effect must be very good, right? If your strength doesn't improve significantly in the next month, your monthly traffic will be reduced by 5G in the future."

Hood pocket: Σ(°△°|||)︴

After going through two consecutive temples, Jiang Xiaobei also spent a lot of time. Seeing that it was getting late, he didn't know what the next temple was and how long it would take.

And at seven o'clock in the evening, he still had a class, so Jiang Xiaobei didn't plan to go on breaking into it any longer. He had broken into towers more times this month, so come back tomorrow.

After saying goodbye to the holy green dragon, he left this space with the elves.

Walking out of this level of space, Jiang Xiaobei did not leave the Lost Tower, but walked to the space of the Temple of Nature, and found a hidden place in the forest without powerful elves around.

Here, he is going to try the super evolution of the ancient war dragon.

Now that the ancient war dragon has successfully evolved, he has the super-evolution stone of the ancient war dragon, and the bond keystone, and this super-evolution of the bond does not have a level limit like evolution using a fire furnace.

As long as the props are complete, the elf has evolved to its final form, and the relationship between the elf and the trainer is good, the evolution can basically be completed.

With this series of super-evolutionary factors complete, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't bear the restlessness in his heart, and was ready to try super-evolution.

The reason why he chose to be in this space was because he didn't know whether super-evolution would produce any abnormalities.

If you can, try it in school, don't you know that the matter of super evolution will be exposed?
He had already thought about it, before he had no absolute ability to protect himself, he would never announce the super evolution of the elves.

Announcing the super-evolution and methods of elves can bring a lot of reputation, status and wealth, but if you don't have the corresponding strength to guarantee, then you will be a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

At the beginning, his initial idea was to wait until the strength of Hood and Xiaodou reached the level of the king of the law, and then announce the super-evolution related matters. Before that, even if the super-evolution is used, it will never be seen by other people and other elves.

However, seeing the mighty strength of the Night Troll, the president of the Dark Council, on the ocean before, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly felt that the strength of Law's Heavenly King level was not so safe!
However, it will take a long time, and we will slowly conceive of this aspect in the future. Now let's try to make the ancient war dragon super-evolve.

Jiang Xiaobei took out the seven-color bond keystone and the dark blue ancient war dragon super-evolution stone, looked at the elves who were standing around and looked at him, and said that he brought them here the goal of.

When he finished speaking, all the elves were stunned.

"Huh?!" The ancient war dragon scratched his head, a little in disbelief.

Can I evolve again?I don't read much, don't you lie to me?I've never heard that our ancient war dragon can evolve again!

"Doudou!" Mao Xiaodou opened his eyes wide and called out.

He doesn't read much, I'm not less than a year old, and I read a lot!You must be lying. According to what I know from the Internet, the ancient war dragon has finally evolved, and it is impossible to evolve again.

Evil Xuanwu also talked about it. He learned a lot of knowledge from his mother since he was a child, but he never heard that the ancient war dragon can continue to evolve.

Jiang Xiaobei glanced at the hood in a strange way. Why was she agitated? Could it be that she was still thinking about the punishment she had just given him?
He pinched the collar of his clothes, twisted his neck, smiled, patted the platinum unicorn beside him confidently, and asked in the small pocket of the hood: "Can you see it from above? The platinum unicorn grew up alone Before the horned beast evolved into a bronze unicorn, did anyone on the Internet say that a small unicorn could evolve?"

The small pocket of the hood froze, as if there wasn't one.

Jiang Xiaobei pointed to the Shaolin croaks and Xiaoyao croaks on the side, and asked Mao Xiaodou: "Then before, there was a saying on the Internet that croaks can evolve into Xiaoyao croaks, Shaoyao croaks?"

The hood and pocket were taken aback again, as if there was nothing there.

"So, you have to trust your trainer, anyway, I am also a talented elf trainer."

Looking at Jiang Xiaobei's frightened expression, Mao Xiaodou wanted to complain, but he was a little helpless to find that what Jiang Xiaobei said was the truth.

"Okay, well, practice brings true knowledge, the ancient war dragon, then." Jiang Xiaobei threw the ancient war dragon's super evolution stone to the ancient war dragon, holding the bond keystone in his hand, and said:
"let us start."

 I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival and a good night's dreams

(End of this chapter)

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