My elf is so cute

Chapter 337 Super Evolution, Shadow Dragon Emperor

Chapter 337 Super Evolution, Shadow Dragon Emperor
The ancient war dragon stood in place, looking at the dark blue spar with dots of stars in his hand, his body felt a little restless for no reason.

This stone doesn't look like much at first glance.

But when he held it in his hand, there was an inexplicable burning sensation, and he even felt that the blood in his palm was rushing like a torrent, causing his whole body to start to heat up.

Could it be that he could really evolve again?

Hat Xiaodou, Platinum Unicorn, Evil Xuanwu and other elves walked around, leaving the middle place for Jiang Xiaobei and the ancient war dragon.

At the same time, they also set their expectant eyes on the one person and one spirit in the middle.

Ordinary evolution is a natural evolution after the elf's own strength has been achieved. It is born with the ability to complete it. It can be said to tap the potential of the body itself and improve itself.

The super-evolution is different, it is the elves with the help of foreign objects, that is, the super-evolution props, to realize the leap of their own life level and break the shackles of life. The strength improvement brought about by this is even greater.

There are two common super evolutions, permanent super evolution and fetter super evolution, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Permanent super-evolution, such as the evolution of the magic cat to the fighting cool cat, and the evolution of the Vulcan into the fire god of war. After the super-evolution, it will remain in the super-evolved form forever, just like ordinary evolution.

Although this can permanently retain the super-evolutionary form, the disadvantage is that the improvement in super-evolutionary strength is not as good as the super-evolution of fetters.

The super-evolution of the bond has a time limit, the stronger the strength, the longer the super-evolution can be maintained.

This has a time-limited nature. After each super-evolution, it is equivalent to an explosion of strength. It bursts out extremely strong strength at one time. It does not have the continuous and stable strength of permanent super-evolution, but it is extremely explosive.

Jiang Xiaobei clenched the keystone in his hands, his hands trembling slightly because of his excitement.

Taking a deep breath, he raised his head and looked at the ancient war dragon in front of him.

At this time, the ancient war dragon was also looking at Jiang Xiaobei. When the eyes of one person and one elf met, they could see the trust in each other from the other's eyes.

Between partners, the most important word is not trust?
I don't know when it started, Jiang Xiaobei felt that part of his spiritual power was drawn into the bond key stone, and the stone in his palm had already bloomed with colorful brilliance.

The super-evolutionary stone in the palm of the ancient war dragon also exudes a blue light like a dream.

The light emitted from the two stones became more and more intense, and suddenly, like firing lasers, each shot a slender beam of light towards the other.

The beams of light gathered in the center, forming a white ray of light, connecting Jiang Xiaobei and the ancient war dragon.

The white light on this bond is the same as the light when the elves evolved.

"Doudou!" Hooded Xiaodou slightly opened his small mouth, and a pair of big dark blue eyes watched the scene in front of him without blinking.

The light of evolution!Can the ancient war dragon really evolve again?

Thinking of this, the expression on Hood Xiaodou's face suddenly became a little dignified.

After the evolution of this ancient war dragon, it seemed to be very powerful, and he might not be his opponent anymore. Now he can still evolve.

Wouldn't it be insecure for her position as the eldest sister?
Alas, it seems that for the sake of traffic and status, I have to train hard.

The light on the white evolution light bond became more and more intense, and continuously merged into the body of the ancient war dragon.

In less than a minute, the ancient war dragon was completely enveloped by the white light of evolution as it was when it evolved, and the figure of the ancient war dragon could not be seen clearly from the outside.

"Roar!" Baptized by the light of evolution, the body of the ancient war dragon received huge energy.

The volume shrouded in white light continued to grow, and when it grew to a height of about three meters, a huge dark blue foot stepped out first.

Different from the slightly rounded, frog-like soles of the ancient war dragon, this sole has extremely sharp claws attached. When it touches the ground, the claws directly plunge into the ground as if there is no resistance .

Secondly, another claw sticks out, the huge fist has sharp and slender three-claw blades, and the cold light flashes, giving people a chilling feeling.

At this time, the light of evolution completely dissipated, and the super-evolved form of the ancient war dragon was fully revealed.

Wearing a majestic metal helmet, the sharp unicorn has changed from red to a steel-like color, the hair on the back of the head has turned dark blue, and light blue high-temperature flames are also burning around the body
This is the super-evolved form of the ancient war dragon, the Shadow Dragon Emperor!


Feeling the surging power in his body after the super-evolution, Jieying Dragon Emperor roared excitedly, and the sound spread for a few miles, and the strong dragon's power spread towards the surroundings.

The elves who originally lived nearby felt the terrible coercion, and immediately ran away in fright.

In the forest of this space, there are also some heavenly king-level elves.

At this time, under a towering tree not far from them, a spirit-touching flying dragon with ordinary king-level strength was sleeping on the ground. Look in the direction of Jieying Dragon Emperor.

What kind of dragon spirit is this?Such a strong bloodline, so far away, I have a feeling of lying on the ground and surrendering to him.

Could it be that a top dragon elf appeared in this space?
After thinking about it, the spirit-touching flying dragon ran towards Jieying Dragon Emperor.

"Ding! Congratulations to your elven ancient war dragon, who has tapped the potential of the bloodline and comprehended the skills of the true dragon bloodline in the super-evolved state."

[True Dragon Bloodline] Fully comprehend the use of the power of one's own dragon bloodline. After using it, one can activate the power of one's own bloodline, enhance one's own strength, defense, and the power of using electric skills, while being immune to some abnormal states.

The skill of True Dragon Bloodline can be said to be a divine skill, or it can be said to be tasteless.

His amplification effect depends on the strength of the dragon blood in the elf who releases the skill.

The bloodline is strong, so the boosting effect is naturally very good. The bloodline is very ordinary, just average, similar to ordinary boosting skills.

And the bloodline of the ancient war dragon itself is very good, and it has absorbed and fused the bloodline of the top dragon family, the holy blue dragon, not to mention the strength of the bloodline, so the bloodline of the real dragon can be regarded as a god for the ancient war dragon. technology.

Because it was the first time to try super-evolution, I don't know how long the ancient war dragon can maintain the state of the robbery dragon emperor. Jiang Xiaobei didn't waste any time and directly checked his information.

【Elf Name】Killing Shadow Dragon Emperor (Super Evolution)
[Elf level] 53+7 (Pseudo-king-level elf)
[Elf talent] dark blue (heart eye)
[Spirit Attributes] Dragon, Martial, Electric

"Pseudo-king class?!"

 Thank you Mo Xiaobai enn for the 100 coin reward, thank you Huaizhong Mao for the 200 coin reward, thank you Lie Yan 100 for the 100 coin reward, and thank you Rice Army boss for the [-] coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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