My elf is so cute

Chapter 338 Battle against the Heavenly King Level Spirit Touching Flying Dragon

Chapter 338 Battle against the Heavenly King-level Spirit-Touching Flying Dragon (Two in One)

Jiang Xiaobei didn't understand for a while, the Heavenly King level is the Heavenly King level, why is there a false word?
Therefore, he clicked on the system's introduction to this aspect.

[Pseudo Heavenly King Level] Its own strength level has been raised to the level of Heavenly King level due to super-evolution, but because it has not yet comprehended the law and condensed the seeds of law, it cannot mobilize the power of law during battle, and there is still an essential difference with the Heavenly King level elves. difference, so it is a pseudo-king class.

After reading the introduction, Jiang Xiaobei finally understood.

However, even if this is the case, even if it is only a pseudo-king class, Jiang Xiaobei is quite happy.

After all, this is at least reaching the threshold of the Heavenly King class.

If I can super-evolve the ancient war dragon and evolve into the state of the robbery dragon emperor in the national college league in the future, then...

With a laugh, Jiang Xiaobei dismissed this unrealistic idea.

If he really wanted to announce it in a nationally-focused competition, he would really be a fool.


Suddenly, light blue rays of light lit up on the body of the Shadow Dragon Emperor, and the dark blue dragon flames that pervaded his body dissipated immediately.

The super evolution stone that was originally integrated into the body of the ancient war dragon also fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Feeling the large amount of energy consumed in his body and his somewhat weak body, the ancient war dragon couldn't help casting a puzzled look at Jiang Xiaobei.

Why did it suddenly degenerate again?

Jiang Xiaobei looked at his watch and judged the time. After about 2 minutes, he smiled and said to the ancient war dragon: "Super evolution has a time limit. This is your first super evolution, and you are not familiar with it. After mastering it proficiently, it can greatly extend your super-evolution time."

"Woohoo!" Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, the ancient Zhanlong nodded, raised his right fist excitedly, cheered, then walked in front of Jiang Xiaobei, hugged him, and threw him high.

"Haha, all right, all right, put me down quickly."

After standing firmly on the ground, before looking up at Hood and the others, he felt a few scorching eyes shining on him.

Don't think about it, I know that several other elves also want to try super evolution.

Thinking of this, he was a little embarrassed.

Cap Xiaodou, Platinum Unicorn, and Evil Xuanwu can super-evolve, and Jiang Xiaobei knows their super-evolved forms.

But Xiaoyao Aquarius, Xiaoyao Quack, Shaolin Quack and others, he doesn't know how to help them super-evolve. ——1 (there are notes in the author's words)
However, looking at everyone's expectant eyes, Jiang Xiaobei didn't know how to tell them.

Everyone doesn't want to be inferior to others, and the same is true for elves. Other elves can super-evolve, but they can't. It is inevitable that they will be a little frustrated and even look down on themselves.

After thinking for a while, finally, with a smile on his face, he said to the elves:
"I know everyone wants to experience super-evolution, but this requires props. At present, I only have the super-evolution stone of the ancient war dragon, and I haven't found yours yet, so I can't help you with super-evolution for the time being."

"Now, everyone should improve their strength first, Evil Xuanwu, you haven't evolved into Holy Xuanwu yet, are you thinking about super-evolution?"

After hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, all the elves stopped their thoughts of wanting to super-evolve immediately.

Looking at the tall, smiling ancient war dragon standing beside him, the small pocket of the hat narrowed his eyes.

If this continues, the status of the main palace will not be guaranteed!
Decided, after going back, I will train for two more hours every day!Be sure to improve your own strength!

Just as the hood was debating whether to take this hour out of play time or sleep time, suddenly her little ears moved, and she suddenly looked in the direction of the front left.

The other two professional elves in the team, the ancient war dragon, and the free water bottle also looked in that direction at the same time, with serious expressions on their faces.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiaobei asked immediately when he saw that the three of them were abnormal.

But before they could answer him, he saw that there were many elves screaming in panic from the direction on the left front. In the sky, there were countless bird elves flying towards the sky in a panic. .

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei suddenly had a guess in his heart.

There are powerful spirits coming.

"Could it be attracted by the super-evolution of the ancient war dragon just now?" Thinking, he didn't dare to take the risk, if he encountered an elf with strength above the king level, he would be in trouble.

So he put away the weaker and slower Xiaoyao Guagua, Shaolin Guagua, and Evil Xuanwu for the time being, and jumped onto the back of the platinum unicorn with a small cap.

"Go, go to the space channel first."

Two minutes later, the Touching Spirit Flying Dragon arrived at the place where Jiang Xiaobei and the others had stopped just now.

Looking at the empty place, the Touching Spirit Flying Dragon lowered its head, flapping its nostrils, carefully smelling the surrounding scents.

Soon, he walked to the position where the ancient war dragon super-evolved to become the Jieying Dragon Emperor.

Looking at the slightly scorched land on the ground as if it had been burned by fire, and the strong pressure of the dragon that almost made him kneel on the ground exuded here.

The eyes of the flying dragon are getting brighter and brighter!
This breath is indeed extremely strong, a dragon breath so strong that he has never heard of it before. The owner of this breath has extremely strong blood in his body, and what excites him most is the coercion of the blood in this breath. Although it is strong, in his feeling, the master of this breath is not very strong.

If I can catch him and drink his dragon blood, then the improvement of my strength will be extremely huge.


Excitedly, he raised his head to the sky and roared on the spot, then followed the smell and chased after it.

Jiang Xiaobei had considered safety issues before, so the location he found was not far from the space passage, and the platinum unicorns were not slow, and they came to the passage before the Spirit Touching Dragon caught up.

Having no choice to leave here directly, Jiang Xiaobei and Mao Xiaodou stood beside the entrance of the space, released the evil Xuanwu at the same time, and waited quietly.

He wanted to see what kind of elves came to chase them this time, and how strong they were.

After waiting for only a minute, Jiang Xiaobei felt the ground tremors under his feet, followed by the rustling of leaves in front of him, and a huge spirit-touching flying dragon appeared in front of his eyes.

This spirit-flying dragon is four meters tall and has a strong physique. Its long tail trails behind it, drawing a deep mark on the ground. A pair of purple wings flapped slightly to speed up its running.

"Spirit-touching flying dragon?" Jiang Xiaobei began to investigate the information of this touching-spiriting flying dragon.

[Spirit Name] Touching Spirit Flying Dragon

[Elf Level] 62 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf Talent] Cyan

[Spirit Attributes] Dragon, Wing
[Height] 4.1m [Weight] 927.5kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skills] Reverse Scale, Dragon Dance, Dragon Minions.
[Spirit Secret Technique] Whirlwind Dragon Claw

[Spirit Items] Scale of the Holy Dragon

[Elf Profile] It was originally an ordinary tentacle grass dragon, but it accidentally obtained a scale of a holy dragon, which greatly increased its talent and strength, and soon became one of the most powerful elves in this space.

The Scale of the Holy Dragon?

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes lit up, and he quickly continued to check the Sacred Dragon's Scale prop.

[Scales of the Holy Dragon] The scales of the demigod-level elf holy dragon are extremely hard, and have a strong breath of light and dragon, which can enhance the power of the skills performed by dragon spirits.

Unexpectedly, the spirit-touching flying dragon in front of him had such a good thing.

It is likely to be the scales of the holy dragon Abu.

Write it down, and if you have a chance in the future, you must find a way to get it.

Now, even though he can't beat him, he can try the opponent's strength. If he really can't beat him, he escapes through the space channel behind him.

The Lost Tower has never heard of elves running out in all these years. Obviously, there must be something special about this space passage, which can prevent these elves from passing through this passage.

The Spirit Touching Flying Dragon gradually stopped in its tracks, looked at Jiang Xiaobei and Mao Xiaodou and other elves in front of it, narrowed its eyes slightly, and quickly locked on the ancient war dragon as it patrolled.

The breath he smelled before was emanating from this ancient war dragon.

However, one thing that made him feel a little strange was, how could such a pure dragon breath come from an ancient battle dragon?
It's not that he looks down on the ancient war dragon race, he also knows that the ancient war dragon is a top-level dragon elf, but, based on the aura he felt just now, regardless of strength, only the oppressive force of the aura itself on the bloodline, Compared with the oppressive force from the holy dragon scale he owns, it is not much better!
Could it be that this ancient war dragon is weird?
No matter, grab it first and then talk.

Thinking about it, he roared and charged straight up, a sharp cold light lit up on the claws connected to Purple Wing, aiming directly at the head of the ancient war dragon.

Seeing this situation, under Jiang Xiaobei's instructions, the evil Xuanwu slapped the ground heavily with two front paws, and a series of earthen walls protruded from the ground, standing directly in front of the spirit-touching flying dragon.

Seeing this, the Spirit Touching Flying Dragon was very disdainful in his heart, as if he hadn't seen these earth walls, he still rushed forward.

"Bang bang bang~"

Under the surprised eyes of the evil Xuanwu, these earthen walls seemed to be made of paper, and they were easily knocked away by him without blocking the spirit-touching flying dragon.

The evil Xuanwu immediately walked up to the ancient war dragon, a golden light flashed on his back, and a golden tortoise shell centered on him, spreading towards the surroundings, covering the ancient war dragon, Jiang Xiaobei, etc. inside.

On the tortoise shell shield, the golden python bowed its body and roared at the charging flying dragon.

Seeing the Black Tortoise Shield, the Spirit Touching Flying Dragon shrank its pupils, but instead of stopping the figure that was charging forward, it sped up its speed and rushed forward quickly.

When the Spirit-Touching Flying Dragon was about to approach the Xuanwu Aegis, the golden light python opened its mouth like lightning, biting at the Spirit-Touching Flying Dragon, but the speed of the Touching-Spiritual Flying Dragon was even faster.

A pair of purple wings tilted slightly, flapping towards the side, and then his figure seemed to turn into a phantom, moving towards the side, and the golden light python flew into the air.

"Roar!" There was a deafening dragon roar, and the purple sharp claws of the flying dragon, like lightning, slashed across the sacred basalt.

"Hmph~ Whoo!"

After this blow, dense cracks suddenly appeared on the Xuanwu Aegis. The evil Xuanwu inside the Xuanwu Aegis let out a muffled grunt, and his whole body seemed to be lying on the ground, with a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, this blow was fed back to Evil Xuanwu, and he was severely injured.

However, he blocked it!
An elite-level elf blocked the attack of the king-level elf!
This is the defensive power of Xuanwu.

While the evil Xuanwu was desperately defending, the other elves such as the inner hood and pocket were not idle, and they were all gathering energy with all their strength. At this time, they launched an attack at the same time.

Freeze Strike!

Legend power!

Dance of Petals!

Sacrificial Rain!

The powerful skills are issued together, and the brilliant colors of energy of various departments surround together, causing dazzling colorful light.

At this time, the Spirit Touching Flying Dragon had just landed, and it was obviously too late to release its defensive skills.

However, he was not in a hurry, he saw a cyan light flash in his eyes, and then on the solitary horn above his head, a light cyan bead reappeared, with a shapeless cyan inscription shining in it.

This is the seed of the law of the spirit-touching flying dragon, a seed of the law of the attribute of wind.

As soon as this Law Seed came out, a light blue whirlwind enveloped the Spirit Touching Flying Dragon, rapidly spinning around him.

After the four attacks of Hood, Ancient War Dragon, Platinum Unicorn, and Happy Water Bottle landed on the whirlwind, they seemed to be swallowed or annihilated, and disappeared little by little in place.

The skills disappeared, and the spirit-touching flying dragon took back the seed of law, and it was safe and sound, with no scars on its body.

"Is this the power of the Seed of Law?" Jiang Xiaobei frowned, and wanted to take the elves out of here and come back later.

"Woo hoo!" But at this moment, the ancient war dragon yelled at him with scorching eyes.

"The ancient war dragon? You want to super-evolve? But have you recovered your energy now?" After the experiment just now, the energy in the ancient war dragon's body should not be enough for him to super-evolve.


The ancient war dragon patted his chest, indicating that he had sufficient energy in his body.

It turned out that the blood essence beads of the sacred green dragon had been directly integrated into the body of the ancient war dragon, which could provide him with a lot of energy for cultivation at ordinary times, and also help him recover energy quickly during battles.

After just a while, the energy in the body has recovered a lot.

That is, these energies are consumed now, and when helping him cultivate in the future, the energy that can be provided will be less.

Hearing the cry of the ancient war dragon, Jiang Xiaobei understood what he meant, nodded immediately, and took out the bond keystone and the super evolution stone of the ancient war dragon from the space bracelet.

Throwing the Ancient War Dragon's Super Evolution Stone to the Ancient War Dragon, Jiang Xiaobei also smiled excitedly: "Okay! Then let's try it out. Is he the best, or we are stronger by super evolution!"

"Ancient battle dragon, super evolution!"

Two in one, today's one, and yesterday's update

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from the boss, thank you to the boss of Rice Army for the reward of 100 coins, thank you to the book friend 20200622220250717 for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you to the boss of Lie Yan 100 for the reward of 20200317103441261 coins, Thanks to book friend 100 for the reward of 500 coins, and thank you for the reward of [-] coins.

  1——Let me tell you here, I know that the sacred Xuanwu can super-evolve into the Northern Holy Beast Yuanzi, but
  First of all, I feel that Holy Xuanwu is obviously more handsome.
  Secondly, evolution requires level [-] to evolve, so there is no need to super-evolve.

  Therefore, I thought that in the book, the setting of the Northern Holy Beast Yuan Zi would be discarded.

(End of this chapter)

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