My elf is so cute

Chapter 339 Stopping at the Temple of Heroes

Chapter 339 Stopping at the Temple of Heroes
The light of evolution shines, and under the unbelievable gaze of the flying dragon, the ancient war dragon super-evolved and became the Dragon King of Jieying.

The dark blue flames swept up instantly, covering the area around the Jieying Dragon Emperor, and there were traces of tiny golden lightning mixed in the billowing heat waves, which erupted into shockingly strong fluctuations.

The scarlet pupils of the Jieying Dragon Emperor looked at the spirit-touching flying dragon, and with a roar, the strong dragon power immediately radiated towards the spirit-touching flying dragon.

With the might of the Dragon Emperor on his body, the Touching Spirit Flying Dragon took a step back subconsciously, using strong willpower to restrain the urge to kneel on the ground coming from his body.

But even so, he still felt that his whole body was trembling uncontrollably. If he really wanted to fight in this situation, his strength would drop by at least [-]%.

Touching Spirit Flying Dragon stared wide-eyed, looking at the Jieying Dragon Emperor in front of him, his mind went blank, and he was a little confused.

Yes, what I felt just now is this breath, but, who can tell me why the ancient war dragon can continue to evolve?How did the strength increase so much after evolution?What the hell is going on here?
At this moment, he had too many questions in his mind, but soon he noticed Jiang Xiaobei beside the Dragon Emperor Jieying, and the bond keystone in his hand exuding colorful light.

Just now, it seemed that this thing made the ancient war dragon evolve. If he got this gem in his hand, wouldn't he be able to evolve himself?

Thinking of this, he cast his scorching gaze on the bond keystone, roared excitedly, and then, with a figure like the wind, he swiftly rushed towards Jiang Xiaobei, even ignoring the Jieying Dragon Emperor beside him.


Jieying Dragon Emperor saw the spirit-touching flying dragon rushing towards Jiang Xiaobei, he roared angrily on the spot, and immediately cast his skill, True Dragon Bloodline.

In his body, the flowing blood speeded up instantly, rushing continuously, countless dragon roars came directly from his body, it seemed that the flowing blood was a giant dragon.

The flames and lightning lingering around his body turned into a thunder and fire dragon, surrounding his body, with a huge dragon head hanging behind his back, watching the spirit-touching flying dragon together with Jieying Dragon Emperor.

Under the increase of the true dragon bloodline, all aspects of the abilities of the Jieying Dragon Emperor have increased by at least [-]%, and when combined together, his strength has almost doubled.

Feeling the powerful force in his body at this time, the Jieying Dragon Emperor clenched his fists, and brought the sharp three-claw blades on it to grab the head of the Touching Spirit Flying Dragon.

Amidst the whistling sound, the sharp claw blade seemed to have an indestructible air blade, tearing the air, and the super high speed made Jiang Xiaobei almost unable to see the position of the claw blade clearly.

And the giant thunder and fire dragon around his body also followed her movements at this time, waving its giant claws, thunder and fire rang out, and grabbed towards the spirit-touching flying dragon.

The Spirit Touching Flying Dragon immediately felt a huge threat, so it had no choice but to stop rushing towards Jiang Xiaobei, turned around, and with a crazily spinning whirlwind on its claws, it faced the Jieying Dragon Emperor.


Although the spirit-touching flying dragon withstood the attack of the robbery shadow dragon emperor, the attack of the thunder and fire dragon landed on his back at the same time, and it exploded directly. The powerful explosive force instantly broke the energy defense around his body , Touching Spirit Flying Dragon was blown out on the spot and retreated a long distance.

Feeling the scorching pain from his back, the Spirit Touching Flying Dragon let out a roar, and rushed towards the Jieying Dragon Emperor again. While rushing over, he mobilized his own Law Seed, and the light blue whirlwind was like armor, covering his body. Spin around.

On the purple sharp claws, under the action of the Seed of Law, a stream of breezes with the power of annihilation swirled around.

At this time, the thunder and fire giant dragon around the body of the Shadow Dragon Emperor also fell down, as if it was integrated with the Shadow Dragon Emperor, and the blue flames protected the claws of the Shadow Dragon Emperor. Even if he has not yet comprehended the power of the law, Under the protection of this layer of energy, he was not very afraid of hitting the claws of the spirit-touching flying dragon carrying the power of law.

At this time, the strength of the two sides was evenly matched, and they gathered together and started to fight crazily. Every second, they collided several times. In the past 1 minute, the bodies of Jieying Dragon Emperor and Touching Flying Dragon were covered with blood. dense scars.

After a collision, the Jieying Dragon Emperor and the Touching Spirit Flying Dragon separated, panting violently while contemplating the battle strategy.

Now there is only half of the energy left in his body, and it is estimated that he can only last for one more minute of super-evolution time. His own strength is only at the professional level. The Shadow Dragon Emperor is not sure that he can defeat this spirit-touching flying dragon within 1 minute.

Jiang Xiaobei felt that it was almost the same at this time, so he said to Jieying Dragon Emperor: "Let's come here today, retreat first, and come back later when our strength is stronger."

Hearing the words, the Dragon Emperor Jieying nodded his head, condensed the energy in his body, and spewed out a breath of dragon's breath towards the spirit-touching flying dragon.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly withdrew from the super-evolved state, turned into an ancient war dragon, and was collected by Jiang Xiaobei into the Gulu ball.

After Jiang Xiaobei quickly put all the elves into the grunt ball, he looked at the Spirit Touching Flying Dragon that had avoided the dragon's breath and rushed over, smiled and shook his head at him, turned and left.

The Spirit Touching Flying Dragon rushed over and also wanted to rush into the space channel, but this space channel seemed illusory to him, he passed through it directly, and couldn't touch this channel at all.

"Roar!" Seeing the duck with its beak flying away like this, and also sustaining serious injuries, the Spirit Flying Dragon was furious and vented crazily.

The wind raged, and the surrounding trees and flowers were instantly destroyed and annihilated.

In less than 5 minutes, the land that was originally covered with vegetation turned into a wasteland.

Finally, the Touching Spirit Flying Dragon glared fiercely at the illusory space channel again, turned around and left.

After leaving here, Jiang Xiaobei returned to the dormitory and went to class.

In class, he was not in the mood to listen to the class, and began to summarize today's gains.

After activating the two temples, the Temple of Nature and the Temple of the Giant Dragon, the Seal Envoy also successfully broke through the professional level and evolved into an ancient war dragon, and was also successful in the experiment of super evolution.

The strength of Jieying Dragon Emperor did not disappoint him.

It's just that he still has a problem that he hasn't figured out. When he looked at the attribute panel of Jieying Dragon Emperor before, after the super evolution, the displayed level was +7.

I don't know, whether it is the strength of level +7 after the super evolution, or the degree of increase will gradually decrease as the strength increases.

Save this for later experiments.

Jiang Xiaobei naturally wanted to make it even sweeter after he had tried the sweetness of the elves' strength increasing after super-evolution.

"I don't know when I will be able to find the super-evolution stones of Hoodou and the others, Phantom Orchid, and Diamond Unicorn, they are all very fragrant!"

The next day, Jiang Xiaobei, who spared time, came to the Lost Tower again.

He has plenty of time today, and he is going to activate all the eight temples directly.

I chose to teleport directly to the level I had broken through before, that is, the Dragon Temple. When I walked into the cave again, the sacred green dragon immediately sensed them.

But when he left the previous time, Jiang Xiaobei also explained the reason to him, so he ignored it and continued to sleep.

Walking into this space passage in the cave, when it reappeared, what appeared in front of Jiang Xiaobei was a huge arena with an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of square meters.

And in the middle of the arena, there is a devil-tailed battle cat sitting cross-legged, closing its eyes and resting its mind!
Sensing the arrival of Jiang Xiaobei and others, the Mowei Zhan Mao immediately opened his eyes, looked towards Jiang Xiaobei, and said to Jiang Xiaobei with his spiritual thoughts:

"If you want to activate the Temple of Heroes, just defeat me!"

As he spoke, he stood up and walked towards the side of the ring.

Jiang Xiaobei looked towards the magic-tailed war cat:
【Elf Name】Magic Tail Battle Cat

[Elf Level] 65 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf Talent] Cyan

【Spirit Attribute】Martial Arts

Level 65 Demon Tail Battle Cat!

This is a fart!

 Thank you Annan Expedition for the reward of 388 coins, and thanks to the bosom cat for the reward of 200 coins

  In the previous chapter, I heard from readers and friends that there are also evolutionary types such as the sacred Xuanwu and the heaven-defying Xuanwu, not just the Northern Saint Beast Yuanzi.

  Then I feel okay!
  Nitian Xuanwu looks so handsome, and the big reader also posted a picture in the comments of the last chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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