My elf is so cute

Chapter 341 Heading to Kyoto, Entering the Secret Realm of the Petting Garden

Chapter 341 Heading to Kyoto, Entering the Secret Realm of the Petting Garden
Because the audiences in the eight venues were not together, the opening ceremony could not be opened in one of the venues, so the organizer erected a huge LCD screen in each of the eight venues.

The opening ceremony was played on the screen, and without wasting time, the qualifiers started directly.

The teams from the two schools that participated in the competition on the No. 3 battlefield soon also came on the field, bringing wonderful games to the audience.

But Jiang Xiaobei felt a little boring watching it.

After the whole morning, there was not a single professional-level elf. They were basically elite-level elves, and most of them were in the elite-level, and they were not particularly strong.

Even, they are not as good as some junior seniors from their magic university.

He used to be a little surprised, why are some seniors in his school so weak?

Now a comparison,

Mo Da, it’s okay~
Except for going to the game on the first morning, Jiang Xiaobei was not interested in watching the game in the following time.

Because he is currently a member of the preparatory school team and will be competing for the school, any leave during this period will be approved by the teachers of the selected courses.

This is equivalent to that he has an extra half month of vacation, and this half month cannot be wasted on watching these meaningless games.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Jiang Xiaobei prepared to go to Kyoto ahead of schedule and enter the secret realm of the pet garden to tame a meow.

In addition, the immature seal guard had now evolved into a powerful ancient war dragon. Jiang Xiaobei also wanted to take him home and visit his grandfather.

The Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm of the Li family in Kyoto is not easy to enter, but if you have an ancient battle dragon obtained from it, as long as you don't bring other people with you and want to enter, the Li family will not stop you.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobei went directly to Bing Xinyue's office in the school to find Bing Xinyue.

From Monday to Friday, most of the time Bing Xinyue would stay at the school to facilitate the guidance of the students she brought, and only on weekends would she return to the Fengxue Gym to handle affairs.

Came to Bing Xinyue's office, knocked on the door, she was indeed inside.

Jiang Xiaobei explained why he came here, Bing Xinyue nodded, and spoke to Sunshine Gym in the name of Fengxue Gym, and helped Jiang Xiaobei obtain the qualification to enter the secret realm of the pet garden.

Jiang Xiaobei thanked him on the spot, and without delay, packed up his things, asked the school teacher for leave one by one, and rode the platinum unicorn to the capital.

Platinum unicorns, as winged elves, can fly, and it is extremely convenient to travel in today's Huaguo.

You know, in today's China, if a trainer rides an elf on the highway, he has to pay tolls, and he must abide by the traffic rules, and there are certain speed limits, which is very troublesome.

But flying in the sky doesn't have too many requirements, so it's relatively convenient and fast for winged elves to travel.

The platinum unicorn was very fast, and it took him just over three hours to fly to the vicinity of the capital with Jiang Xiaobei.

Because the elves are extremely destructive, even if they are only elementary and intermediate elves, if they go mad and attack humans, it will seriously threaten the safety of ordinary people.

Even when powerful elves fight against each other, the aftermath may cause great harm to ordinary humans far away.

Therefore, with the development of science and technology, all countries are striving to promote the wearing of protective equipment, such as guardian bracelets, so that although it is difficult to resist when facing powerful elves, they can save their lives in the face of the aftermath of an attack.

Just because the protective equipment is expensive and the cost is too high, it has not been promoted.

As the capital of Huaguo, Kyoto is an important place in the country, and the security measures are relatively comprehensive.

In the sky above Kyoto, a semi-forbidden air policy is implemented. The flying height of the winged elves in the city cannot exceed 500 meters, and some areas are not allowed to fly within a few miles of the location. Otherwise, they will be considered as stealing state secrets and will be arrested directly.

Spirits above the Heavenly King level also need to register in advance to enter the city of Kyoto.

Although the Platinum Unicorn is only elite-level, but because it cannot fly over Kyoto, it landed on the ground outside the urban area.

Following the navigation on the mobile phone, Jiang Xiaobei quickly came to the location of the Sunshine Gym.

Because the Gymnasium occupies a large area and focuses on cultivating grass-based elves, the site of the Sunshine Gymnasium was not set up in the city center, but in a relatively remote suburb.

Before he walked in, Jiang Xiaobei felt the grandeur of the Sunshine Gym from a distance.

In the Gymnasium, the most conspicuous building is green and grassy, ​​stacked on top of each other, with a height of 300 meters. At a glance, it looks like a towering giant tree.

A green hill behind the building is where the Sunshine Gym raises elves.

Jiang Xiaobei approached and saw two big green trees planted in front of the gate of the building, judging from their shape, they were very similar to the towering Pengpeng.

Suddenly, the two trees trembled violently, and then a pair of big eyes opened on the trunk, staring at Jiang Xiaobei.

These are actually two real elves, towering and fluffy.

"Pengpeng~" One of the towering Pengpeng yelled, and Jiang Xiaobei heard the other party's voice transmission in Jiang Xiaobei's mind: "Hello, please wait a moment, the receptionist will come right away."

Using two towering tents as the receptionist in front of the door is worthy of the Sunshine Gym.

Jiang Xiaobei waited here for a while, and within a minute, a girl in her early twenties, wearing soft grass-green overalls, came out, came to Jiang Xiaobei, smiled politely: "Please follow me!" Come."

Jiang Xiaobei put away the platinum unicorn, and together with the cap and pocket, followed the girl into the Sunshine Gym.

The most distinctive feature of the hall on the first floor of the Sunshine Gymnasium is that the surrounding walls are all the brown color of tree trunks. Walking into it is like walking into a tree hole, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility.

At this time, it was noon, and in the hall on the first floor, except for some staff members, no one else came.

"Hi, may I ask what you want to do in our Sunshine Gym?" The girl at the reception asked with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobei took out a metal card given to him by Bing Xinyue from his pocket, with the pattern and name of Fengxue Taoist Temple printed on it.

"Huh? Please wait a moment. I'll inform our supervisor." Seeing this card, the receptionist opened his eyes in surprise, then took the metal card from Jiang Xiaobei's hand, and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

After a while, a middle-aged man in loose training clothes led the previous receptionist down the stairs, took the metal card, and handed it back to Jiang Xiaobei:
"Are you Jiang Xiaobei's classmate? My name is Lin Shu, and I'm a steward of the Sunshine Gym. We've already learned about the details. Next, I'll take you to the secret realm of the pet garden."

"Before entering, let me explain a few things to you."

"Most of the elves in the pet garden are not very precious, so there is no limit to subdue the elves, and our gymnasium will not send people to follow you. You can try to subdue the elves according to your needs."

"In the pet garden, the most powerful race is the magic cat clan. Their patriarch is a king-level elf, but the magic cat clan is gentle in nature. If you don't do something that offends them, you will generally not be attacked by them. "

Lin Shu said a few things to pay attention to, and then led Jiang Xiaobei and the others to the entrance of the secret space of the petting zoo.

The entrance to the secret realm of the pet garden is the same as the secret realm of Xiangcheng that Jiang Xiaobei discovered at the beginning. It is attached to a tree. Walking all the way, he talked to Lin Shu and the others twice, and Jiang Xiaobei raised his leg and stepped into the space passage.

 There's another chapter coming up, a little later

(End of this chapter)

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