My elf is so cute

Chapter 342 The Blocked Elf King

Chapter 342 The Blocked Elf King

The green grass is green and lush.

As soon as he walked out of the space passage, the first thing he saw was a piece of verdant green grass. Looking into the distance, there was no end in sight, a thousand miles away.

Nearby, there are many elves lying on the soft grass, playing, resting, or grazing.

The breeze was blowing, and the fragrance of green grass entered his nose. The smell made him feel relaxed and natural. He just felt relaxed and happy, and there were no worries.

"Is this the petting zoo? The scenery is so beautiful~"

Jiang Xiaobei sighed, and the little hood next to him also nodded her little head in agreement.

Obviously, she was also very intoxicated by the beauty of the grassland.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaobei took out the grunt ball and released the ancient war dragon, the evil basalt, the Xiaoyao water bottle and the platinum unicorn. to plant.

Not in a hurry to find Miaomiao, Jiang Xiaobei, Mao Xiaodou and the other five elves rested in this grassland for a while, ate something, and started to set off after they were almost rested.

Along the way, I met a lot of grass elves.

Common grass-type elves such as dandelion, wonderful grass, and grand seeds can be seen everywhere here. Jiang Xiaobei also encountered meows and meows several times, but he was not very satisfied with his talents, so he didn't capture them .

Along the way, after searching for a while, Jiang Xiaobei finally found a small population of meows. The leader of the population was a magic cat at level 38.

The magic cat at level 38 is strong, not very strong, but not weak either. Presumably, he should know a lot about the surrounding information.

So, Jiang Xiaobei asked the ancient Zhanlong to use "gentle" means to invite the magic cat over.

When Jiang Xiaobei saw the magic cat, he seemed to be moved by the gentle attitude of the ancient war dragon. He couldn't help but tremble all over.

No matter what Jiang Xiaobei asked, he answered fluently and quickly, without the slightest hesitation. Jiang Xiaobei also quickly understood the information he wanted to know, and learned about the location of the largest magic cat population here.

After giving the magic cat some compensation, Jiang Xiaobei left here and went directly to what he said was the largest gathering place of the magic cat population.

In a basin terrain, there is a piece of grass protruding from the middle, and a huge magic cat is lying on it, and the sound of purring means that the magic cat is sleeping.

In the surrounding grass, there are many magic cats. These magic cats either lie down on the ground to sleep, or sit and practice in situ, or pull out fresh green leaves from the grass and throw them into their mouths, or sit on the ground. Meow meow chatting together.

From time to time, two magic cats were chatting and chatting, with their hands clasped together, they stood up together and got into the dense grass in the distance. As the grass swayed, they meowed one after another. After a while, they came out of the grass.

Seeing this scene, some old magic cats suddenly showed a smile of reminiscence.

It's good to be young~
And around these magical cats, there are many young meows together, chasing and playing, playing carefree.

Suddenly, the big magic cat in the center suddenly sat up, and looked towards a certain direction in the sky with a pair of small eyes.

There, a platinum unicorn flies through the air.


"What? Has it been discovered?" Jiang Xiaobei, who was sitting on the back of the Platinum Unicorn, asked in surprise when he heard what Mao Xiaodou said.

So far, can it be found?
"Then go straight."

The magic cat is a kind of grass elf with a gentle personality, and after having the grass badge, most of the grass elves will have a good impression of themselves. If you want to subdue an elf, you will not be attacked by them.

After hearing Jiang Xiaobei's words, the platinum unicorn flew towards the basin where the magic cat population lived, and soon landed on the edge of the basin.

Seeing humans and strange elves approaching, many magical cats looked at them warily.

But for no reason, after seeing Jiang Xiaobei clearly, they all felt a little friendly, and the hostility in their hearts basically disappeared.

Jiang Xiaobei looked towards the magic cat in the center at first glance.

【Elf Name】Magic Cat
[Elf Level] 63 (Heavenly King Level Elf)

[Elf Talent] Cyan

[Spirit Attribute] Grass

Level 63, the strength is not bad.

At this time, the king-level magical cat also communicated with Jiang Xiaobei via sound transmission: "Human, why are you here with us?"

"Hello, I want to tame a meow."

Upon hearing this, the giant magic cat immediately lost interest. It turned out that it was subduing Miaomiao. What did you think it was?
He said directly to the meows around him:
"Miaomiao, who is willing to become this human, stands in front." After the notification, he lay down on the ground and rested again.

Their population is so large, in order to control the number, they have no objection to humans coming to subdue Miaomiao, and because their magic cats here have almost no natural enemies, and the giant magic cats are still in their prime, even if some talents are taken away It's a good meow, and I don't care too much.

Many Miaomiao who yearned for the outside world, after hearing the words of the giant magic cat, stood up anxiously, scrambling to squeeze out, as if they were afraid that Jiang Xiaobei would not choose them.

Jiang Xiaobei didn't expect such a scene at all.

When I went to subdue the seal guards, it was a lot of tests, many of them were guarded by the elders, and those who did not meet the conditions were not allowed to be subdued. Now it is better, rushing to send it off?

But that's good too, it's just convenient for Jiang Xiaobei to choose.

There were hundreds of meows gathered around, waiting for him to choose, Jiang Xiaobei explored for a while before he found the one he wanted in the group of meows.

A meow at level 11 with a talent of cyan.

It's very easy, so you can subdue it, and it's also very easy, so you can take it away.

On the way back to the flight, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little unbelievable, the smoothness made him feel a little dreamy.

I am not in a hurry to leave here later, I have to find a place to rest first, and let the new team member Meow Miao get to know the other elves, and I have to communicate with him to deepen my relationship.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt his sea of ​​consciousness shake, and immediately after that, among the four badges that were stably united at the four corners, the grass badge directly broke away from the joint, drilled out of his sea of ​​consciousness, and circled him three times. After a circle, it flew in one direction.

Jiang Xiaobei hurriedly asked the Platinum Unicorn to follow, but fortunately the grass badge was not flying fast, and the Platinum Unicorn could catch up.

After flying for nearly 10 minutes, the grass badge flew into a forest, stopped at one place, and then shot a green light from it, shining in the void in front of it.

Under the radiance of the green light, a complex circular magic circle appeared in the void, slowly rotating, and there were space fluctuations in it, very similar to those on the space channel.

Jiang Xiaobei rushed over at this time, and the grass badge circled around Jiang Xiaobei twice before reintegrating into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Now he has a little understanding of why the grass badge has changed. It is probably caused by this space magic circle, but he doesn't know where it leads, and is there any danger in it?

But he thought about it again, how many times the badge has changed like this time, and it has brought him surprises, almost no shock.

Thinking of this, he became firm in his heart, and led the elves into it.

As soon as he walked in, before adapting to the changes in the surrounding scene lighting, Jiang Xiaobei heard a low and hoarse moan of pain.

When he saw it clearly, he gasped in shock.

In front of him was a huge circular stone platform, and on the ground of the stone platform, strange and complicated magic circle patterns were engraved.

Behind the stone platform, there are two stone wings, and a purple-black crystal stone is suspended in the middle. From this crystal stone, eight chains of thick purple-black hair stick out, exuding a sinister atmosphere.

And these chains are all locked on the body of an elf in the center of the circular stone platform. The purple-black energy aura emanating from these chains is constantly invading the elf's body.

Although there was a faint green light on the elf's body to resist the injection of purple-black energy, it was obviously difficult. Many places where his body was in contact with the chains had already turned purple-black.

Although Jiang Xiaobei was a little surprised by the way the elves were trapped in the scene before him, what shocked him the most was:
This trapped elf is the grass-type elf king, the holy vine grass king!
 Two more, sleep first
(End of this chapter)

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