My elf is so cute

Chapter 343 Saving the Holy Vine Grass King

Chapter 343 Saving the Holy Vine Grass King
The whole body of the holy vine grass king was trapped by eight purple-black chains. His huge body was lying on the ground, his eyes were closed tightly, his body trembled slightly, and there was a painful moan from his mouth from time to time.

Jiang Xiaobei stared blankly at the scene in front of him, thinking of various possibilities in his mind, but he couldn't figure out why the King of Sacred Vine Grass was trapped here and was tortured.

He had investigated Shana's information before, level 99, demigod level, can be said to be the strongest group of elves in the world, and they are the existences standing at the top of the pyramid.

As the king of the grass-type elves, the holy vine grass king is the king of the grass-type, the top existence among the grass-type elves, and his strength at his peak will definitely not be much weaker than that of Xia Nai, and his strength may even be at the level of a demigod.

With such strength, and with the help of King Lingmancao by his side, how could this happen?
Thinking about it, he began to look around the scene.

What I am currently standing on is a tall circular stone platform, surrounded by a few thick trees and branches, with only a few gaps left to allow sunlight to shine in, so that the place will not look too dark.

"It's such a familiar scene?" After looking at it for a while, Jiang Xiaobei felt a faint sense of familiarity.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly clapped his hands, remembering where this is.

"Here it is, the Resurrection Altar!"

The Resurrection Altar was established by Enzo, with the purpose of resurrecting his teacher, Xue Li.

Build an altar here, engrave the magic circle of resurrection recorded on the ancient scrolls, use three ancient treasures: the Eye of Horus, the Pearl of the Azure Dragon, the Horn of the Horn, and finally add the lives of all the elves of the grass family to come. Bring Shirley back to life.

Jiang Xiaobei also remembered that in the original plot mission, despite many people obstructing her, Teacher Shirley was successfully resurrected in the end.

The tragic death of all the grass-type elves naturally aroused the wrath of the two grass-type elf kings, the Holy Vine Grass King and the Lingman Grass King, and vowed to never die with Enzo.

The kind-hearted teacher Shirley also didn't want to see so many innocent grass-type elves lose their lives because of resurrecting herself, so she was willing to sacrifice herself in exchange for the lives of the grass-type elves.

Before the sacrifice, he begged the two grass-type elf kings to let his students go.

"Could it be that the King of Sacred Vine Grass was blocked here by Enzo?" Jiang Xiaobei was thoughtful.

The Resurrection Altar and the trapped Sacred Vine Grass King, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't help but think about it.

Enzo's character is not to achieve his goal, and he will never give up. Although Teacher Shirley voluntarily sacrificed himself to resurrect the grass-type elves, it was not forced by the two kings of grass-type elves.

However, I have wasted so much effort, spent so much effort, and seeing that I have completed the goal of my life, suddenly everything is gone.

Enzo must have some negative emotions towards the two grass-type elf kings in his heart, and he has the motivation to do so.

However, a motive is a motive, does Enzo really have such ability?

This is the king of elves!
Even if he released Ming Gulong, he would feel like he was [-]-[-] against the Elf King.

Jiang Xiaobei racked his brains and thought of all the characters he could think of, but he still couldn't think of anyone who was particularly suitable.

Shaking his head, temporarily putting this thought aside, he turned his head to look at the small hood and the platinum unicorn, only to find that they were hiding behind him, their bodies trembling slightly.

The platinum unicorns all curled up, not daring to breathe heavily.

Although the holy vine grass king was sealed off, the aura of the king naturally exuded from his body still made the hooded pocket and the platinum unicorn jump in fear.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobei looking over, both of them looked over, and Hoodou asked weakly, "Doudou?"

She was asking Jiang Xiaobei, what is this big guy in front of her?Does Jiang Xiaobei know each other?

Jiang Xiaobei smiled and rubbed the hair of the small pocket, then said softly to the two of them, "Don't be afraid, it's fine."

After he finished speaking, he turned around again and officially began to investigate the information of King Sage Vine Grass.

[Spirit Name] Saint Vine Grass King

[Elf level] 90 (royal elf) (continuously passing)

[Elf Talent] Lavender
[Spirit Attribute] Grass

[Height] 4.2m [Weight] 4227.5kg [Gender] Male

【Evolutionary Form】Unable to evolve

[Spirit Skill] Light of the Holy Vine, Destruction of the Holy Vine
[Spirit Secret Technique] King's Heart.
[Spirit props] None
[Introduction to the Elf] The king of the grass-type elves, who used to exist at the level of a demigod, was locked by the evil spirit lock, and his strength continued to flow away. A large amount of evil spirit power has accumulated in his body. If things go on like this, within three years, the mind will be erased. The Grass King fell and transformed into a demon-type and a ghost-type elf.

Looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Jiang Xiaobei was shocked again.

Looking at it like this, the holy vine grass king is almost exhausted!
Also, this evil spirit lock is so ruthless?

Erase the mind and transform into demon and ghost spirits.

Almost like the walking dead.

Jiang Xiaobei couldn't imagine such a result at all.

And this kind of result, from the bottom of his heart, he is also very unwilling to see.

Although when he was a child, because he always wanted to fulfill Teacher Shirley and Enzo, when Teacher Shirley sacrificed himself, he also disliked the King of Sacred Vine Grass.

But when I really thought about it, the Holy Vine Grass King didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted to save those innocent grass elves.

He himself is also an elf king with a sense of justice and responsibility. He exists in this world and can make more contributions to this world.

Therefore, he wanted to save the holy vine grass king.

Thinking of this, he approached a little, and began to look at the state of the holy vine grass king.

Judging from the positions where the holy vine grass king's body is in contact with the evil spirit lock, those bodies that have turned purple and black, it can be seen that the holy vine grass king can no longer resist the attack of the evil spirit's power.

When the evil spirit locked the lock, there were waves of evil energy fluctuations coming out of it. Jiang Xiaobei felt dizzy and nauseated just by feeling it for a while.

The energy fluctuations from the outside world are not very strong, and most of them are restrained in the chains, but just for that small part, Jiang Xiaobei feels that the purity is no worse than that night troll, the head of the Dark Council.

It is indeed the chain that can seal the king of the holy vine grass.

Go to the back, come to the purple-black crystal stone that issued the chain, and start to investigate.

[Gloomy Magic Stone] In the deepest part of the dark space, the magic stone condensed from the origin of its space contains the most pure power of demons and ghosts in the world. It is engraved with a magic circle of devouring spirits, which can issue evil spirit locks, devour and transform The power of elves.

Judging from the introduction and functions, it is probably the top baby in the world, but now Jiang Xiaobei just wants to destroy him.

Only by destroying him can the king of holy vine grass be saved.

Just as he was considering whether to call out the ancient war dragons and try to break the stone, in the center of the round platform, the eyes of the holy vine grass king lying on the ground trembled, and then he slowly opened his eyes. opened, and looked towards Jiang Xiaobei with a little confusion.

 The first update, the next update is estimated to be very late
(End of this chapter)

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