My elf is so cute

Chapter 344 Break Free

Chapter 344 Break Free
"who are you?"

Suddenly a voice came from his ear, which didn't sound like the languages ​​he knew, but after hearing it, Jiang Xiaobei naturally understood the meaning. He was startled by the voice, and hurried towards Looking around, it was only then that the King of Sacred Vine Grass had opened his eyes, looking towards him.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobei was overjoyed, and immediately mobilized his mental power to communicate with the Holy Vine Grass King.

"Holy Vine Grass King, are you awake? Do you know of any way to save you?"

For a moment before, he wanted to let the ancient war dragon and the evil Xuanwu come out and try to attack the dark magic stone.

But in the second that this thought emerged, he stifled it.

Just kidding, how can a group of elves who are less than a heavenly king level be able to trap the holy vine grass king who was once a demigod at the peak?In case any protective measures are activated, I guess I will be wiped out on the spot.

When he asked the question just now, Jiang Xiaobei was also looking at the King of Sacred Vine Grass.

As a result, he found that the king of the holy vine grass just looked at him indifferently, without any reaction, and even gave him a feeling that the king of the holy vine grass looked at him like he was looking at a fool.

What's going on, could it be that he can't understand his own spiritual voice transmission?

Shouldn't it be?

The King of Vine Grass was still lying on the ground at this time, feeling the severe pain from his body and the power of evil spirits accumulated in his body, he frowned slightly and sighed inwardly.

I guess I can't last long, I don't know how my sister is doing now.

"Sacred Vine Grass King? Grass King?" Jiang Xiaobei stretched out his hands and waved in front of the Sacred Vine Grass King.

"Get lost!" The King of Sacred Vine Grass was a little irritable, and roared angrily, the golden horns on his head were shining brightly, and he was about to attack Jiang Xiaobei, but just as his energy was mobilized, the evil spirit lock around his body also erupted at the same time A large amount of evil spirit power was released, disrupting the energy movement in his body, devouring the energy he mobilized, making him unable to attack.


With a low growl of pain, the holy vine grass king curled up, and the severe pain in his body made him want to pass out.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobei was about to come, the King of Sacred Vine Grass roared directly: "Go back and tell Enzo that I can't be used by him, and he can't even try to control my body with the dark magic stone, even if I blew myself up, I won't let it He succeeded!"

After he finished speaking, he lay on the ground a little out of breath, silently resisting the power of the evil spirit raging in his body.

"Enzo?" Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei was a little shocked: "Enzo really did it? But what's the relationship between me and Enzo? I'm not his subordinate."

Immediately, he communicated with the holy vine grass king with his mental power:
"Sacred Vine Grass King, I am not Enzo's subordinate, I am here to save you this time."

"Hmph." The Sacred Vine Grass King snorted coldly, ignored Jiang Xiaobei, and closed his eyes.

Seeing that the Sacred Vine Grass King didn't believe him, Jiang Xiaobei had no choice but to summon a grass badge, held it in his hand, and said, "It brought me here, I'm really not Enzo's subordinate."


Sensing a very familiar grass-type aura, the Holy Vine Grass King immediately opened his eyes and looked at the grass-type badge in Jiang Xiaobei's hand.

The grass badge felt the breath of the Sacred Vine Grass King, and immediately flew out of Jiang Xiaobei's hand, flew to the Sacred Vine Grass King, and circled around him.

Immediately afterwards, as if feeling the weakness of the Sacred Vine Grass King, the grass-type emblem suddenly emitted a green beam of light containing the life force of endless vegetation, shining on the Sacred Vine Grass King.

Under the illumination of the green beam of light, the Holy Vine Grass King immediately felt a lot more comfortable in his body. The energy left in his body, which had been receding in the face of the power of evil spirits, gradually filled up.

After a while, a golden light shot out from the golden horn on the head of the Sacred Vine Grass King, shining on the grass badge, the grass badge stopped releasing energy, turned around the Sacred Vine Grass King again, and then returned to Jiang Xiaobei hands.

When the Grass Badge was cast, the two Grass Kings, Sacred Vine and Lingvine, were invited to help. It can be said that the Sacred Vine Grass King is also one of the forgers of the Grass Badge.

The top ten badges are equivalent to artifacts, and the artifacts have spirits. When facing their creators, it is as if meeting their own parents, so they will spare no effort to help the King of the Vine Grass.

With the help of the energy from the straw mat badge just now, although the holy vine grass king still couldn't get rid of the shackles of the evil spirit lock, the situation has improved a bit, at least he can resist for a while longer.

For a brief moment just now, the King of Sacred Vine Grass also communicated with the badge of the grass department, confirming that Jiang Xiaobei is indeed not under Enzuo.

"Thank you little friend for coming to help, but the energy source of this evil spirit lock is the dark magic stone, and I can't escape without destroying it."

"There is a devouring magic circle engraved in the dark magic stone, which can swallow all the energy attacking him and integrate into it. Without more than two demigod-level elves, it is impossible to break through it. You should leave quickly, just in case Zuo noticed the changes here, and he couldn't leave even if he wanted to."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei frowned immediately, and asked again: "Is there no other way?"

"Yes." The Saint Vine Grass King said: "If there are more than four badges here, forming a magic circle such as the Four Spirits Circle, temporarily blocking the energy output of the Dark Magic Stone, I can also break free."

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed: "But, the badges are all one-on-one artifacts, containing the origins of each department. How can you have at least four at the same time. What?!"

Looking at the four badges containing extremely pure energy floating around Jiang Xiaobei in front of him, the King of Sacred Vine Grass was a little dumbfounded at this time.

How can this be? !
"You can actually have four badges at the same time? It's absolutely impossible!" At this moment, he didn't even care whether he could break free, and stared blankly at this scene.

"Okay, senior holy vine grass king, you'd better tell me what to do to save you first."

"Okay, okay." The holy vine grass king who came back to his senses was also very excited. He had been trapped here for decades, and today he finally saw a glimmer of hope of breaking free.

"Four Spirits Formation, the four badges are required to have the spirit of the badge, but you can help me, without the spirit of the badge, you can temporarily condense the Four Spirits Formation, and you can just listen to my guidance later." King Shengvine Grass Said.

As he spoke, he let out a muffled snort, and then spurted out a drop of golden blood from his mouth, which split into four, burned out of thin air, turned into four golden flames, and merged into the four badges.

After the four badges had absorbed the golden flames, the rays of light on them immediately burst forth.

The ice-blue blizzard of endless frost, the fiery red flames, the vibrant grass-green saplings, and the thick and stable khaki-yellow soil.
The four badges revolved around each other, slowly rotating, and the speed of the rotation became faster and faster, and finally the appearance of the four badges was completely invisible, only feeling that they merged into one, forming a colorful circle of light.

"Quick, control them and surround the dark magic stone." The holy vine grass king roared.

Jiang Xiaobei immediately relied on his induction with the four badges to control the circle of light to cover the dark magic stone. After covering, the light circle immediately emitted mixed energy, forming a shield, covering the dark magic stone stand up.

In an instant, the energy supply of the chains bound to King Sacred Vine Grass seemed to be cut off, and the light on the chains of the evil spirits was greatly reduced.

Taking advantage of this moment, the grass-green light on the body of the King of Sacred Vine Grass shone, and then the golden light on the golden horn above his head shone, and a green-gold rune appeared, and then the rune automatically transformed into countless green-gold thunderbolts, Slashed on the evil spirit chains around the body.

"Bang bang bang~"

The chains of evil spirits exploded in an instant, turning into fly ash, and the king of holy vine grass regained his freedom.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobei take back the four badges.

The Sacred Vine Grass King was not in a hurry to get excited at this time, but immediately said to Jiang Xiaobei: "Use the grass badge to summon the space channel, and I broke free from the restraint. Enzo will probably sense it, so let's leave first."

 Supplementing yesterday's, there is a little bit of text, writing and revising, I feel that the front is unreasonable as I write, I deleted everything and re-written, it took a long time, it is a bit late, sorry.

  Thank you for the reward of 300 coins from Annan Expedition to the North, thank you for your reward of 200 coins, thank you boss for your reward of 100 coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the twelve young generals, thank you Book friend 20200317103441261 for the reward of 100 coins, thank you Mo Xiaobai enn for the reward of 100 coins, and thank you for the reward of 2763 coins for the prince not my boss
(End of this chapter)

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