My elf is so cute

Chapter 345 The Covenant of the Year

Chapter 345
It is located in a secret place on an island in the Pacific Ocean.

Inside the space is a desolate plain, and above the plain, there is a dead silence and no life.

In the middle of the plain, several boulders are surrounded in a mess.

In the space below the boulder, a man in black robe was suspended in mid-air, sitting cross-legged, constantly absorbing the dark red energy gushing out from the black sculpture surrounded by withered flowers in front of him.

Below him, there is a pool of blood. There are many huge corpses of elves floating in the pool of blood. There are still a few elves who have not yet lost their lives, but are suppressed by the magic circle in the pool of blood. He watched his own blood flow out of the body little by little, pour into the blood pool, and transform into blood essence.

And all the blood essence in this blood pool rushed towards the black sculpture in the depths, and the blood essence was swallowed directly after touching the black sculpture.

From time to time, tyrannical and berserk dragon roars could be heard from the black stone carving, but the man in black remained unmoved and continued to absorb the energy within.

Under the black robe, there was a pale and handsome face with dark red pupils, which looked extraordinarily bewitching.

Feeling the powerful energy absorbed into the body, the man in black squinted his eyes intoxicated, then looked at the slender palm, and said with a smile: "This human physical talent is really good. It’s not much worse than my previous body.”

Suddenly, he frowned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "That guy Shengvine broke free?"

Thinking of a dark red flame ignited on his right hand, he raised his palm, and the flame began to transform into a dark red circular magic circle with a diameter of three meters, slowly rotating, with strong flames and space fluctuations.

Waving his hand to stop the dark red energy that was continuously being released, the man in black stepped into the magic circle.

The grass badge re-opened the space channel that brought Jiang Xiaobei in before. After the Sacred Vine Grass King and Jiang Xiaobei stepped into it, the space channel immediately dissipated in the air without a trace.

Less than a minute after they left, in the space where the resurrection altar was located, a flame circle emerged out of thin air, and the man in black walked out of it.

Glancing towards the altar below, he found that the king of the holy vine grass had disappeared.

The black-robed man closed his eyes, and a powerful mental wave centered on him spread out towards the surroundings in an instant, covering the entire space in an instant. The powerful wave of mental power caused the nearby trees to shake violently.

The man in black felt it carefully for a few seconds, then opened his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Grass badge, ice badge, stone badge, fire badge, a total of four badges!"

"I didn't expect that these four badges have already appeared, and the owners of the badges are still gathered together." The man in black sighed, and then raised his hand to put away the dark magic stone below: "I didn't take the dark magic stone away, now It's also impossible to pinpoint their location."

"Forget it, although I failed to transform the holy vine, but now his foundation is so bad that he won't be able to make a big wave in a short time. In a few years, my plan will be successful. Even if he recovers by then, it will be too late. Flipping can suppress."

Thinking about it, he once again condensed a space channel and left the resurrection altar.

In the secret space of the petting garden, King Sage Vine Grass and Jiang Xiaobei stood in the grassland.

The Holy Vine Grass King feels the sunshine, the energy of the surrounding grass, and the fresh and natural air. He feels the joy of getting out of the sea of ​​suffering, but also the melancholy of not knowing what to do.

After the bloody disaster, the whole world collapsed and shattered into small spaces.

At that time, the Holy Vine Grass King and the Lingman Grass King, in order to protect the creatures in a space and allow them enough time to evacuate to a safe place, exhausted their energy to stabilize a space for an entire hour.

Afterwards, due to the excessive consumption and space shattering, the space turbulent attack, they were all severely injured. During the recovery period, Enzo was found by Enzo, who was still in the state of ghost black mist.

Because his body was severely injured, he and the Lingmancao King were both captured alive.

I was trapped in this resurrection altar, but I didn't know how the Lingmancao King was doing and whether he was still safe.

With my current situation, there are still a lot of evil spirits accumulated in my body. It will take at least ten years to get rid of them and restore the strength of the peak period.

Without recovering the strength of a demigod, seeking revenge from Enzo would be tantamount to death.

Thinking about it this way, he didn't even know what to do in the future.

Enzo has also visited him several times during the decades of being trapped at the Resurrection Altar. From Enzo's mouth, he also learned some information from the outside world.

Locke disappeared, and the outside world, which is different from the former Locke Kingdom, has another race very similar to Locke—human beings.

Enzuo also took away a human body, and the Jiang Xiaobei who rescued him was also a human being.

He also asked Enzo some questions:
Why did Locke disappear?Is it related to him?All Locke is gone, why is he still there?

For these questions, Enzo never answered him, and sometimes he would leave directly, and sometimes he would become a little tyrannical emotionally. The King of Saint Vine Grass could tell from his reactions that these things were all related to Enzo.

"Sacred Vine Grass King, I don't know what plans you have in the future?" Seeing that the Sacred Vine Grass King beside him was a little silent, Jiang Xiaobei asked aloud.

This question brought King Sacred Vine Grass back to his thoughts. He thought for a while, shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Not yet, I guess I will find a place to slowly heal the injury and restore strength."

"Then I don't know how long it will take for you to recover?" Jiang Xiaobei continued to ask.

"If there are no accidents, it will take about ten years."

Hearing these words, Jiang Xiaobei's eyes lit up.

"In that case." He raised his head, looked at the Sacred Vine Grass King, and said, "Why don't you just stay with me? I have a grass badge now, which should help you heal your injuries to some extent."

From the very beginning when preparing to rescue the Sacred Vine Grass King, Jiang Xiaobei had some thoughts in his mind.

It is basically impossible for the king of the grass elves to be subdued by him, but if he can be by his side for a few years, that would be great, he is an excellent thug.

As the king of a line, even if there is only level 90 strength left, it is estimated that it will not be inferior to the evil spirit Capricorn of Dean Chi Yongruichi.

After all, he was once at the peak, and he has a deep understanding of the strength of the peak period.

Hearing this, the Sacred Vine Grass King raised his eyebrows, looked at Jiang Xiaobei and said bluntly, "You want me to be your elf?"

"No, no, no." Jiang Xiaobei quickly waved his hand, "I'm just cooperating with you, you can use the grass badge to heal your wounds while I'm here, and if I encounter an irresistible enemy, you just need to help me. "

"Hahaha, you little guy can talk, that's all right, you saved me, and I should repay you."

"Starting today, I will be by your side for the next ten years to help you deal with some enemies. However, when I need help with grass badges, you have to lend them to me. Do you think this condition is okay?"

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaobei immediately agreed excitedly.

 Calvin is really uncomfortable. He knows how to write the plot direction, but he hesitates when it comes to specific code words. It is really annoying to write and change.

  Let's make up the next chapter tomorrow. I'll see if there will be any changes tomorrow.

  Thanks for the reward of 100 coins from the clean-loving spider boss.Thank you Natsume Duoer for the reward of 1500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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