My elf is so cute

Chapter 346 "Conquering" the Holy Vine Grass King

Chapter 346 "Conquering" the Holy Vine Grass King

Even though the strength of the Holy Vine Grass King has been greatly reduced now, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and his current strength is much stronger than the general emperor-level elves who have just been promoted.

And if the opponent's strength is really strong, and he can escape even if he can't beat it, an elf whose strength has reached the emperor level wants to escape, and it is difficult to stop it.

With the Holy Vine Grass King by his side, there were very few people on Blue Star who could threaten his life.

Things that I have been unable to do because of lack of strength before can also officially start.

As for the ten years mentioned by King Sacred Vine Grass, in Jiang Xiaobei's view, that was nothing.

After ten years of being together day and night, anyone will have some feelings, and if there are no accidents, the holy vine grass king will probably stay by his side.

Even if he really wants to leave ten years later, the impact will not be great.

Ten years, a full ten years!

For such a long time, Jiang Xiaobei believes that under his own training, Mao Xiaodou, the ancient war dragon and the others can all rise to the emperor level, and they no longer need the protection of the holy vine grass king.

With such a powerful bodyguard guarding him, the price he has to pay is to occasionally lend the grass badge to the holy vine grass king to heal his injuries.

No matter what he thinks about such a good deal, he has made a lot of money.

The Sacred Vine Grass King and Jiang Xiaobei reached a consensus, so Jiang Xiaobei also released all his elves to let them get to know the Sacred Vine Grass King.

In the future, they will live together for at least ten years.

Without exception, including the ancient war dragon who experienced the powerful strength after super evolution, and the evil basalt with the blood of the beast, when they first saw the holy vine grass king and felt his breath for the first time, they all felt a little terrified.

As a pure grass-type elf, Miaomiao reacted even more strongly at this time. As soon as she felt the breath of the holy vine grass king, her green hair exploded involuntarily, and then she bowed her head and fell on the ground. The body trembled slightly together.

Neither Jiang Xiaobei nor King Shengvine Grass were surprised by this situation.

As the king of the grass-type elves, the body of the holy vine grass king is born with a kingly aura, and has a certain ability to suppress the grass-type elves. Meow is only level 11 now. Facing today's holy vine grass Wang, this behavior is normal.

After getting along for a long time in the future, after Miaomiao's strength is improved, this situation can be weakened a lot.

The Holy Vine Grass King looked at Miaomiao carefully, then nodded slightly to him, and said, "The talent is not bad. It's the first time we meet, I'll give you some gifts!"

Saying that, in the next second, a hemispherical grass-green circular field instantly rose up on the grassland with a radius of one mile around the holy vine grass king, which contained extremely rich vegetation life energy.

Within the domain, countless grasses seemed to be dancing, swaying happily, and growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. During the growth process, countless green light spots flew out of the plants, floating in the air. In the air, there are little fluorescent lights, like fireflies.

When the sky was full of light, the middle of the two golden horns of the King of Sacred Vine Grass seemed to have a strong attraction, attracting countless green fluorescent points to gather there.

The vegetation is endless, and the fluorescence is endless. Countless fluorescences gather together, and finally form a round bead like green jade, whose volume gradually increases with time.

About 3 minutes later, the surrounding grass-green field quietly dissipated, the vegetation stopped growing, and the green fluorescent spots no longer appeared, and the volume of the green bead was as big as a baby's fist.

Under the control of the Sacred Vine Grass King, the ball floated in front of Miaomiao, and then directly merged into his chest. Afterwards, the green hair on Miaomiao's body seemed to be coated with fluorescent powder, and all of them became soft. of light.


Miaomiao only felt a cool feeling in his chest, and it seemed that there was a container in his chest, streams of cool liquid flowed out from it and flowed to his whole body, making his whole body feel numb and numb, making him a little dizzy Huge, but very comfortable.

Dizzy, Miaomiao didn't even know that her strength was improving rapidly.

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf Meow Meow level has been raised to level 12."

"Ding! Congratulations, your elf Meow Meow level has been raised to level 16."

After reaching level 16, Miaomiao was about to start to evolve. At this time, he realized that his body had changed so much in just a short while.

A white and dazzling green light flashed, and Meow Miao, who was still very petite, instantly elongated, and the grass blade tail behind her buttocks changed from one to two.

Meow Meow has successfully evolved, Meow Meow.

After the evolution, the speed at which Meow's strength has improved has not slowed down, and it is still rising rapidly like a rocket.

It has been upgraded to level 20, breaking through to become an intermediate elf, and then it stops.

Not only that, Meow's talent has also changed from cyan to dark cyan.

Such a meeting ceremony might not be a big deal to the King of Sacred Vine Grass, but it is extraordinary to today's Meow.

However, Jiang Xiaobei felt a little helpless in his heart.

Originally, I thought that after subduing Miaomiao, with the size of little Miaomiao, he could experience the joy of petting a cat for a few days, but it took less than half a day to subdue him, and he evolved.

The elf saw and saw, and basically did everything that should be done, and then there was one most important thing left to do.

Jiang Xiaobei took out a high-grade Gulu ball from the space bracelet, saw the King of the Holy Vine Grass and said, "The King of the Holy Vine Grass, the outside world is not like the world you used to live in, it is very different, if you directly Appearing in the outside world will cause a lot of trouble, so I may have to wrong you to enter the Grunt Ball."

King Sacred Vine Grass looked at the high-grade purple Gulu ball in Jiang Xiaobei's palm, and frowned slightly.

As the grass-type elf king, with the pride in his heart, he would not allow himself to be subdued.

"Don't get into the Gulu ball, can't you?" He asked Jiang Xiaobei.

"Um, unless you have other ways to hide your figure, otherwise, if you want to go out, you must get into the Gulu ball." Jiang Xiaobei saw that the King of Sacred Vine Grass was still a little reluctant, and continued:

"Sacred Vine Grass King, let me tell you about our world first."

"Different from Locke's magic civilization, we humans are a technological civilization. In your original world, some abilities that require powerful magic and treasures can be realized easily by us."

It took more than an hour for Jiang Xiaobei to roughly introduce the information of the human world to King Sage Vine Grass.

"If you don't enter the Grunt Ball, with your strength, you will face all kinds of troubles as soon as you go out. When the time comes, let alone healing your injuries and recovering your strength, your life may be threatened."

Hearing Jiang Xiaobei's description of the outside world, King Sacred Vine Grass was a little shocked, but also a little puzzled. Without seeing it with his own eyes, it's hard to imagine what Jiang Xiaobei said.

At this time, he was a little shaken in his heart, and looked at the high-level Grunt Ball in Jiang Xiaobei's hand again, thinking: With his own strength, this Grunt Ball can't limit himself, even if he enters it temporarily, it's nothing. can come out.

So, he nodded and replied, "Okay, I can enter the Guru Ball."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobei was overjoyed. After confirming it again, he took a deep breath, picked up the Gulu ball and pointed it at the King of Sacred Vine Grass, and pressed the subdue button.

A white light shot out and shone on the holy vine grass king. Immediately afterwards, the holy vine grass king turned into a beam of light, which was absorbed by the Gulu ball.

The grunt ball vibrated slightly, then stopped vibrating, indicating that it had been successfully subdued.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaobei couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, and laughed.

"I, do you think I have subdued the King of Sacred Vine Grass?"

 first change

  Thank you for the reward of 100 coins from the boss, thank you for the reward of 1500 coins from the big brother Annan Expedition

(End of this chapter)

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