Chapter 347
After walking out of the petting garden and leaving the Sunshine Gym, Jiang Xiaobei booked a room in a hotel in Kyoto.

During this period of time, he didn't plan to go to other places anymore, so he stayed in Kyoto and waited for the round-robin competition when other people from the school came to participate in the competition.

On the Kyoto side, there are many famous secret places, such as The One-Horned Wizard's Path, Dragon Vein Flame, Pet Garden and other secret places are all in Kyoto. Thunder Canyon, a famous electric-type secret place, is also very close to Kyoto.

Taking advantage of this opportunity and having free time, Jiang Xiaobei prepared to go and have a look.

I have just been to the petting zoo, so I won't go. Although Dragon Vein Flame has also been there, but because I want to take the ancient war dragon to visit his grandfather, I still want to go once.

As for The Wizard of the Unicorn,

Jiang Xiaobei has investigated, and found that many secret realms that appeared in this world, some of them are the maps in Locke that he is familiar with, and there are also many secret realms that are not the locations recorded in the map in the original game.

Just like the secret place in Xiangcheng, it is a space in which elves live, but it is not a map of any place in Jiang Xiaobei's memory.

Like Mount Vesuvius in Pengcheng, China, there are other volcanic secrets in many places abroad, such as Willis Volcano in the United States. The scale of the secret is large, and the types of elves are no worse than Vesuvius.

This may be because the actual area of ​​the world space where the Locke Kingdom was originally located is very large, but the territory of the Locke Kingdom only occupies a small part of it, so this situation will only occur after the world is broken.

There can be many volcanic secrets, but there is only one spirit horn wood that breeds unicorns. Therefore, the Unicorn Fairy in Kyoto is a very special secret. It is the only place in the world that can produce small unicorns. elf.

Because of this particularity, and Jiang Xiaobei announced the evolution method of the little unicorn, the golden unicorn and the platinum unicorn are both very strong elves, so the importance of the secret realm of the unicorn fairy tale It will be higher.

It is also difficult to get into it.

But Jiang Xiaobei thought about it. As the elf breeder who discovered and announced the evolution method of little unicorns, it shouldn't be very difficult to apply to enter it for the purpose of research, right?
As for why you have to go to this Unicorn Wizard, there are two reasons:
First, take a look at the appearance of Lingjiaomu in reality, and satisfy your curiosity;
Secondly, Jiang Xiaobei wanted to enter it to investigate, to see if he could find some good things, such as to see if there was a super-evolution stone of a platinum unicorn.

The next day, outside the Li Family Manor in Kyoto.

Jiang Xiaobei came here again. This time, because he didn't make an appointment in advance, no one came to receive him. He walked to the gate of Li's Manor by himself, and showed his purpose.

The security guard hired by the Li family at the gate notified the Li family after confirming Jiang Xiaobei's identity. Soon, someone came and led Jiang Xiaobei to the entrance of the space of the Dragon Vein Flame Secret Realm.

During the period, there were naturally some identity checks, and Jiang Xiaobei was asked to release the ancient war dragon, and Jiang Xiaobei was only allowed to enter after his identity was verified.

Fortunately, the receptionist was not the chunky middle-aged man Li Yun who brought them into the Dragon Vein Flame for the first time. Otherwise, if he saw that it was only one year, the strength of the seal envoy would have been upgraded to the professional level and evolved into an ancient Zhanlong, then he must have been quite shocked.

By the beach, the sea breeze blows, bringing a salty ocean smell.

Jiang Xiaobei stretched comfortably, then followed the route he remembered from the last time he came, and took the ancient war dragon and the small cap to the center of the island, where the ancient war dragon clan gathered.

In order to avoid trouble, he did not release other elves, including the king of holy vines.

You know, there is the ancient dragon king Xia Nai, the king of the dragon clan, at the destination.

Although the previous experience made Jiang Xiaobei feel good about the ancient dragon king Xia Nai, but he can't guarantee whether Xia Nai will have any thoughts about the now weakened holy vine grass king.

So in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, Jiang Xiaobei felt that it was better not to let the King of Sacred Vine Grass come out for the time being.

The distance was not very far, and after walking for about 10 minutes, they came to the lawn in the center of the island again.

There was basically no change from the last time I came. Some ancient war dragons either fought in pairs to learn fighting skills; or guided a group of sealed envoys and supervised their cultivation.

The young seal guards were playing in groups without any worries.

Beside Jiang Xiaobei, the ancient Zhanlong was a little excited when he saw this place, glanced at his grandfather basking in the sun in a lawn, roared, and ran towards it.

A group of ancient war dragons and seal envoys immediately looked over when they heard the roar. When they saw the agitated ancient war dragon, they immediately understood what was going on.

They often see this kind of situation, and they will be very excited when they go out and follow the ancient battle dragons of the trainers to go home.

The old ancient war dragon was basking in the sun comfortably, when he suddenly heard a dragon roar, as if he was calling his grandfather.

He opened his eyes with some doubts. Could it be that his grandson has returned?
But the roar just now was the roar of an ancient battle dragon with pretty good strength. My grandson has only been out for a year now, how could his strength improve so quickly?

However, he still looked in the direction of the sound, and at first glance, he saw the ancient war dragon running towards him.

Although it has evolved twice and its form has changed drastically, but when he saw the ancient war dragon for the first time and felt the strong blood sense, he immediately recognized that this was his grandson.

Immediately, he stood up excitedly and greeted her.

One old and one young, the two ancient war dragons came together and hadn't seen each other for a year. Now they are very excited to meet each other, and they stand together and have a good chat.

The ancient war dragon told his grandfather about his experience this year, except for the super evolution and other things that Jiang Xiaobei reminded him not to say in advance, he told his grandfather about his other experiences.

And the old ancient war dragon was also listening quietly, looking at his grandson whose strength had risen so much, he felt very relieved.

In the distance, Jiang Xiaobei stood with Mao Xiaodou, not bothering the grandpa and grandson.

Hood Xiaodou looked at the ancient Zhanlong standing next to his grandfather, looking very happy, and couldn't help being a little envious. Sometimes, he saw more elves living with their parents, and he also wondered, do he have any relatives?
"Duu~" Mao Xiaodou sighed softly, feeling a little lonely.

Hearing Mao Xiaodou's sigh, Jiang Xiaobei lowered his head, and saw that Mao Xiaodou had been looking at the ancient Zhanlong with an envious expression on his face.

Immediately, he understood the situation of the hood and the small pocket.

Stretching out his hand, he patted Xiaodou's head lightly, and Jiang Xiaobei said softly to him, "Xiaodou, we are all one family."

Hearing this, Mao Xiaodou's body trembled, then nodded heavily, stretched out his little hand, grabbed one of Jiang Xiaobei's fingers, and held it tightly.

Jiang Xiaobei stood quietly with Mao Xiaodou, waiting for the ancient Zhanlong to finish chatting with his grandfather.

At this time, he suddenly saw that not far away, in the cave leading to the living place of the ancient dragon king Xia Nai, the patriarch of the ancient war dragon clan came out of it, and walked towards him, looking at himself.

Jiang Xiaobei looked around and saw that there were no other ancient war dragons on his side, so the patriarch should have come to find him.

But why did he want to find himself?What happened?
The patriarch of the ancient Zhanlong walked up to Jiang Xiaobei, stopped, and directly communicated with Jiang Xiaobei:

"Little friend, we meet again."

"Patriarch, hello, I don't know what you want from me?" Jiang Xiaobei asked directly.

"Haha, I'm fine, but Master Xia Nai has something to do with you, come with me."

 Yesterday's update was not halfway and the middle road was sleepy, making up for a bigger cause was a dead dream
(End of this chapter)

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