My elf is so cute

Chapter 348 Conversation with Shane

Chapter 348 Conversation with Shane
"Looking for me?" Jiang Xiaobei pointed at himself, a little confused.

What did Shana ask for herself?
Could it be that the dragon scale he gave himself had no blocking effect on him, so he felt that he had obtained four badges now, so he was looking for himself?
It can't be because of the holy vine grass king, right?He has been in the grunt ball, but he didn't come out!

So, Jiang Xiaobei looked in the direction of the cave, took out two bags of elven food specially formulated with the taste of the ancient war dragon from the space bracelet, and handed it to the patriarch of the ancient war dragon, and then asked with his spiritual power: "Patriarch, what are you doing?" Do you know why Master Shana is looking for me?"

The patriarch of the ancient war dragon took it with a smile, took out a little and put it into his mouth, tasted it, his eyes lit up immediately, although this kind of food does not have much energy, but the taste is unique, which makes the dragon have endless aftertaste.

He put away the two bags of food with a smile, then pointed to the backpack on Jiang Xiaobei's back, and said, "I reckon, the person behind you, Mrs. Xia Nai, met."

There is life in the Grunt Ball, and it cannot be put into the space bracelet, so Jiang Xiaobei usually goes out with a backpack to hold their Grunt Ball.

Hearing the words of the ancient war dragon patriarch, Jiang Xiaobei was a little confused, and asked subconsciously: "Can you sense the elves in the Gulu ball?"

"Haha, such a powerful breath cannot be covered by ordinary Gulu balls, unless you can find the legendary King Gulu ball." The ancient war dragon patriarch laughed, but he was also curious.

I don't know why this little guy is carrying an imperial elf, and he feels a little bit of its breath, which makes him feel a little frightened. The momentum is mighty, like a king.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you before, I am in the Guru Ball, and the elves with strength below the emperor level cannot perceive me, but they can't hide it when they are above the emperor level." At this time, Jiang Xiaobei's mind The sound transmission of the holy vine grass king sounded in the middle.

Why didn't you say it earlier!
Powerless to complain, Jiang Xiaobei walked towards the cave with the chief of the ancient Zhanlong clan.

This is the second time he entered the cave where the ancient dragon king Xia Nai lived, and he didn't feel much freshness in his heart. When he felt that he was about to see Xia Nai, he took out the Gulu ball containing the holy vine grass king from his backpack.

After passing a bend, just when Jiang Xiaobei saw Xia Nai's figure, the Gulu ball in his hand automatically opened, and the King of Sacred Vine Grass came out from it, stood in front of Jiang Xiaobei, and looked at Xia Nai.

"Xia Nai, long time no see, how have you been all these years?"

Xia Nai was half lying on the ground, but when she saw the Queen of the Holy Vine Grass, she slowly stood up straight and opened her mouth wide: "Haha, Sheng Vine, I am doing well, but it seems that you are not doing so well .”

With Xia Nai's strength and eyesight, it is natural to see the current state of the holy vine grass king at a glance.

"What's going on? With your strength and that of your sister Lingmancao King, there are basically no elves that can threaten you. How did you get into this state?"

"Oh, it's hard to describe in a single word." King Shengvine Grass sighed, and then briefly told Xia Nai some of his experiences.

Jiang Xiaobei stood aside, pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

He just rescued the holy vine grass king yesterday and put it in the Gulu ball. He has never found a chance to ask the holy vine grass king some relevant information. For example, Enzo he mentioned before, is he still alive?
Now such a good opportunity, he naturally wants to listen carefully.

"That's how Enzuo imprisoned me at that time. If Jiang Xiaobei hadn't rescued me, within a few years, there wouldn't be my holy vine grass king anymore."

Hearing the words of the Sacred Vine Grass King, Jiang Xiaobei frowned tightly.

From the words of the holy vine grass king, he extracted two important information.

First, Enzo is still alive!

Second, it seems that the reason for Locke's disappearance is related to Enzo.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobei's mind reappeared the scene Xia Nai showed him back then, countless Lockes were swallowed by blood flames, the space was shattered, and the bustling world was reduced to ruins everywhere.

Thinking of this, he frowned, feeling that there were many unreasonable things.

Enzo, in the final analysis, is also a poor man. Many things he has done are to revive his teacher Shirley.

He has done many evil things, no matter what the purpose is, this cannot be justified.

However, if it was said that Enzo wanted to destroy the Locke race, Jiang Xiaobei would not believe anything.

At this time, Xia Nai also asked with some doubts: "Enzo? I remember this Locke. I paid attention to him because of Ming Gulong. Although his temperament was extreme, under the influence of Ming Gulong's power, he did not lose his heart. Being Ming Gulong's puppet shows that he still has a trace of warmth in his heart."

"Will he do something to destroy his own race?"

The King of Sacred Vine Grass shook his head: "I don't know, but last time I saw Enzo, his body was surrounded by wisps of karmic flames unique to Ming Gulong. What I'm afraid of is, Under the influence of Ming Gulong, he has lost his heart and completely reduced to Ming Gulong's puppet."

When "Ming Gulong" mentioned the name, Xia Nai's expression was serious.

Although he is the king of the dragon clan, not all dragons are at his command.

People like Shenglong, Minggulong, and Ice Dragon King are all existences of the same level as him.

Among them, Ming Gulong was the most feared by him.

Ming Gulong has a very high growth rate, masters the most evil and evil power, can devour other elves, and enhance his own strength. If he is not controlled and allowed to devour him wantonly, he can even break through the hundredth level by virtue of devouring, and reach the level of God. level field.

And if Ming Gulong breaks through to become a god, the existence of kings in this world, including them among the elves, will become his rations, and this world will also be reduced to death, and it will be rendered lifeless.

At the beginning, Dean Griffin in Locke, together with all the magicians, used the power of the magic circle to pull out the bright part of Minggulong's body and turned it into a holy dragon. With the help of the holy dragon and Stonehenge, he sealed Minggulong up. . --1
The demigod-level elves, unless they encountered special circumstances, such as the holy vine grass king was seriously injured, otherwise it was extremely difficult to kill, and because they couldn't be killed, they chose to seal the ancient dragon.

Now there is no Locke, and almost no one knows the art of sealing, and he can't kill him. If Minggulong gets out of trouble, the world will usher in a catastrophe.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things. It's just this time. Let's take out all the good things and see if they can help me recover my strength quickly." King Sage Vine Grass shook his head, then looked at Xia Nai and asked.

"I haven't seen you in nearly a hundred years, but your skin is thicker." Xia Nai shook her head, then turned around and said, "Come with me, I will take you to see my treasure house."

1——Extracting the bright part here is not aimless. In the Rock Kingdom movie, what Dean Griffin said at the beginning, the official explanation.

In other words, Abu was once a part of Ming Gulong's body.

(End of this chapter)

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