Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 107 The First Appearance of Building Cards

Chapter 107 The First Appearance of Building Cards

"Hahahaha! God help me too!"

Seeing the domain appearing, the guardian hiding in the dark suddenly burst out laughing.

When the realm came, everyone became nervous because monsters began to appear around them.

The battle that was on the verge of breaking out suddenly took a strange turn due to the appearance of the domain, and everyone stopped.

Wang Qi didn't care about others, he directly asked his summoned beasts who had already been scattered around to test the monster's level.

[Machine Core Spirit: Level 68]
The appearance is full of metal, and it is completely a mechanical monster.They are either humanoid, or beast-shaped, or tanks, or airplanes, there is nothing heavy about them.

Therefore, this kind of monster that is not easy to provoke at first sight made everyone subconsciously stop.

The boss of the mercenaries stopped his subordinates. Faced with this situation, he didn't want to conflict with the members of the Spirit Card Association.

With monsters present, when the two sides fight, various unexpected factors will appear, which will make the battle out of control.

But the little pig who was hiding in the dark finally launched his own means at this moment.

"Come out! Beast Maze!"

The little pig roared, and a majestic maze rose from the ground, dividing the people on the ground into different positions.

"Oops!" Whether it was the mercenaries or the Spirit Card Association, both sides quickly wanted to join their companions.

However, they discovered that these walls possessed strange powers. When two people wanted to get close to each other, a wall would appear in the middle to quickly block the line of sight and separate them.

The longer and higher the wall, it broke through the sky in the blink of an eye, and you can't see the top when you look up.

"Alas..." Only Feng Zimo sighed, activated a spirit card, disappeared from the spot, and then appeared from Yang Liuqing's side.

The rest of the people directly became singles.

"Damn it! I knew you were uneasy and kind!" The boss saw that his people were also divided, and immediately activated his hidden spirit card ability.

"Assembly horn!" He shouted loudly, and above his head, a horn suspended in the air suddenly appeared.

And his subordinates immediately heard the voice of the boss in their hearts.

"Don't panic, move closer to me! This is the means of guarding! When everyone meets a companion, act together! If you encounter an enemy that you can't beat, run away!"

"Oh, naive." Little Pig sneered secretly, "Do you really think my maze is so easy to navigate?"

"The Maze of Beasts: Construction Card, Beyond Level."

"The first effect: Covering a circular area with a radius of 1 kilometer, a random maze is generated. The walls of the maze are infinitely high, there will never be a top, and the walls cannot be broken."

That's why everyone can see that the maze wall rising from the ground in front of you can't see the top at all, and it doesn't respond to how you hit it.

"Second effect: fighting beasts, non-hostile creatures will be automatically separated by the maze, and hostile creatures will be automatically arranged to approach by the maze."

Except for Feng Zimo who used his ability to merge with Yang Liuqing, none of them were able to stand together with their companions. Even Wang Qi, Zhang Yuxiang and the three students who had not been separated were directly separated by the raised wall.

The road in front of the three of them was estimated from their feelings, and it was simply unrealistic to go around to their companions.

"The third effect: The maze changes every 10 minutes. Within one hour, if no one reaches the end, all the walls in the maze will gradually disappear until they disappear completely. If someone reaches the end, the maze will disappear immediately. After that, The cooling time is three days."

Piggy knows this effect best in his heart, after all, it's just a transcendent building card.

Although the building cards themselves have super powerful effects, they also have restrictions such as duration due to levels.

However, an hour is enough for these guys in the maze to fight to the death.

It's a pity that the people in the magic circle were not covered.Because if the magic circle disappears, the old and weak inside will just deliver food to this group of mercenaries, and it is impossible for me to let them take advantage of this.

Just wait for them to fight each other to the end, and bring your men up to harvest the fruits.

Well, although twenty of his men were sent to the mercenary leader to deal with it before, they were also sent to the maze together now.But those... They are cannon fodder, they are all the bugs I dislike the most, so if they die, they will die, it doesn't matter.

As long as these enemies can be killed, a mere twenty worms will be a good deal.

After thinking about this, Little Pig waited patiently at the end of the maze, which is in front of the magic circle, expecting to arrive in an hour.

In the maze, everyone has calmed down by now.

The summoned beasts were not counted as human heads, so all the ordinary and invisible summoned beasts that Wang Qi placed around his body at that time were divided into three parts, and they followed Zhang Yuxiang, the students and himself respectively.

Zhang Yuxiang's level is now lower than Wang Qi's, but not much lower.But Wang Qi himself has more means, and it's good to keep those summoned beasts in front of him to help.The same goes for the students.

As for the void butterflies that were originally distributed in all directions, some of them were also shrouded in the maze, but they didn't know where they were.The other part is outside the maze. I watched this huge brick building appear. I flew around and couldn't see the entrance, and I couldn't see the top above. There was only a layer of dark clouds that appeared from nowhere to block the view.

But seeing that the magic circle was still there, Xiaobai and the others were still inside the mask, looking anxiously and helplessly at the maze that suddenly appeared outside, Wang Qi was also relieved.

At least the people inside the mask didn't come in, so that's not bad.

In that case, let me have a go.

Gathering up all the remaining summoned beasts around him, he also summoned one bright and one dark white Nightmare Reaper. The clone was not far beside him, and Wang Qi was confident.

Everyone didn't stay where they were, and after simply sorting out their thoughts, they all started to act quickly.

Enclosed by the maze, there are also the original monsters in the domain.

Therefore, almost everyone, the first wave of battles started with monsters.

But the monsters obviously conformed to the rules of the maze, so they were all alone.In this case, monsters that seemed difficult to deal with originally became much easier to deal with.

Then, the first group met.

After casually slapping a machine-core spirit to death, Maitreya followed the road and came to a fork in the road.

After thinking for a while, he chose the left.

Then, he saw an enemy of the mercenary group who just happened to come from the opposite corner.

Because they met unexpectedly, neither side hid in advance, so the two sides looked at each other straight.

The man from the mercenary group was taken aback, he didn't seem to have seen this fat man before, and he wasn't among the members of the Spirit Card Association just now?
Just when he was wondering, Maitreya moved.

In a blink of an eye, he directly came to the back of this man, and then cut across his palm with a huge force, directly splitting his neck firmly.

Although the mercenary was still in doubt, his injuries were solid.He was carried away by the power of this palm, and fell straight forward.

Maitreya didn't show mercy at all, didn't say a word of nonsense, took advantage of the situation and added more than ten palms, the sound of "Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu" sounded like hitting a sandbag.

But mercenaries are not sandbags.

"It hurts! You're so weak!" The mercenary who was knocked to the ground by dozens of palms first yelled, and then, regardless of Maitreya's reaction behind him, he lay on the ground and stood up with his hands supporting his body.

If Wang Qi saw him, he would definitely recognize him. This is the mercenary whose eyes were instantly reborn when he let the Void Butterfly attack him at the very beginning.

"Tsk, I've met the most annoying type." Mi Le narrowed his eyes slightly, stepped back a few meters, stopped making any moves, and watched this guy stand up slowly.

After the mercenary stood up unsteadily, his figure was unstable, but within a few breaths, Maitreya could clearly feel that he had recovered a lot.Then, looking at him, he raised his hands, and with a "crack" sound, he straightened his neck.

I know the strength of my own palms. After dozens of palms, it is really a pig. It can be directly beaten into meat stuffing. Stir it evenly. If there is a kind that can directly make dumplings with seasoning.

But this guy, after standing up, he fully recovered within a few seconds. This resilience is really amazing.

"Stop fighting? That's not okay. Let's start the second round." After breaking his neck, the mercenary seemed to feel a lot more comfortable, and his figure became more stable.Shaking his head, he made a random move, and a sniper rifle appeared in his hand.

Maitreya did not speak, but still squinted his eyes, but he was not prepared to act rashly.

The mercenary kicked his feet, and rushed forward with a sniper rifle in his right hand.Maitreya was not afraid, he flipped his palms over, vomited vigorously, and was the first to meet him.

Although the mercenary has a very strong regenerative ability, he is not stupid or really that reckless.Seeing Maitreya rushing, he slightly raised the muzzle of the sniper rifle, without aiming, he pulled the trigger again and again, and eight bullets flew straight forward.

Maitreya's palm wind urged him to move, without dodging or evading at all, he directly vibrated the eight bullets into the air.

But what surprised him slightly was that after the eight bullets were knocked into the air one after another, they turned around and shot at him again.

The mercenary took advantage of this opportunity, suddenly a short dagger appeared in his left hand, and stabbed directly at Maitreya's chest.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome."

Mitreya curled his lips, and suddenly a phantom figure appeared on his body. He suddenly changed from extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, and he stopped resisting, letting the eight bullets and the mercenary's dagger hit him.

An illusory wall locked them all at a distance of several inches from Maitreya's body, and they couldn't get any further.


The mercenary was not discouraged, and when he saw the opportunity, he shouted loudly, and the dagger in his left hand suddenly extended, piercing directly into the phantom, and stabbing towards Maitreya's body.At this moment, the sniper rifle in his right hand was directly regarded as a stick by him, and he smashed down on Maitreya's head.

But Maitreya gave up his extreme speed and stopped, summoning this phantom, but not for the purpose of being beaten.

Countless tentacles suddenly emerged from the phantom in the ordinary human form.

Several tentacles wrapped around the elongated dagger, tightly entangled it before touching Maitreya's body.

Several more tentacles directly met the sniper rifle on the mercenary's right hand, and they were also tightly entangled, making his right hand completely immobile.

The remaining tentacles, whose number could not be seen clearly, directly blasted at the mercenary whose hands had been restrained, and then directly swallowed him.

(End of this chapter)

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