Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 108 Battle in the Maze

Chapter 108 Battle in the Maze (1)

Although it looks like a phantom, the mercenary knows that it is a real tentacle monster when it touches the body.

At the tip of each tentacle, there is a mouth full of sharp teeth, constantly biting its own flesh and blood.

"Ah!" The mercenary kept screaming, but he was already surrounded by phantoms, and there was no possibility of breaking free at all.

In the blink of an eye, countless tentacles completely engulfed the mercenary from head to toe. After a scalp-numbing chewing sound, even his left and right hands and weapons were devoured.

On the ground, there was only one dropped spirit card and a key of the spirit card, which glowed faintly there, waiting to be picked up.

Maitreya vs. Mercenary A, in less than 1 minute, Maitreya won.

"So, I don't like to use this card, it's too intrusive. Let some girl know, and spread my reputation as a tentacle monster, so I won't be single anymore."

Seeing that the mercenary had completely disappeared, Maitreya naturally took back the tentacle monster, and after complaining to himself, he used his fat body to move forward again with agile movements.

Another corner of the maze, coward.

His companions disappeared behind the maze wall one after another, which immediately made him lose all desire to sing, and felt a little guilty.

"What are you doing, I'm just an assistant, not a combatant!"

While complaining, the coward started to move forward cautiously.

Waiting here is definitely not an option. Only by moving as soon as possible and finding any companion to meet up can we exert our greatest value.

"Ah, look who I caught." Suddenly, a voice came from a fork in the road that the coward had just passed.

The coward was startled, turned his head quickly, and backed away, but never thought that behind him, he did not bump into the hard wall of the maze in his impression, but a soft body.

Before he had time to think more, he turned around quickly, but when he looked back, there was no sign of anyone there at all, and the empty walls seemed to be mocking his suspiciousness.

"Wow, there must be ghosts..." The coward groaned secretly in his heart.

Shifang, a monk, said before that cowards are afraid of ghosts.

Although he knew that many ghosts were monsters in the spirit card field, or the abilities of some spirit card masters, but cowards were afraid of ghosts since they were young, and this couldn't be changed.

"Hehe, it seems that you are really a weak chicken."

A figure finally turned around from the fork in the road, showing his own appearance.

Seeing the figure appear, the coward breathed a sigh of relief.As long as you can see it, it's a spirit card master, not a ghost, it doesn't matter, I'm not afraid.

With a firm mind, he changed the VCR, which was originally on his shoulder, into his hand, and held the microphone in his right hand tightly.

Coward vs Mercenary B, fight.

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense with you lackeys of the Spirit Card Association, I have to find the boss quickly."

Although you can't see it with your eyes, as long as you close your eyes, the horn above the boss's head will clearly appear in front of your eyes, pointing out the direction to go.

Only by converging as soon as possible can we expand the advantage of our own side, and then we can get this matter done quickly.

However, before that, it shouldn't take much time to clean up this guy.


Mercenary B showed a sinister and wild smile, the main body was still advancing at a leisurely pace, but he had already used one of his spirit card abilities.

As long as the main body keeps moving, it can continuously center on the body and send out an invisible phantom with a gun to attack any target within a radius of 20 meters.

Of course, it's not just about attacking, as long as it keeps moving, this kind of phantom can do a lot of things in a second, such as scaring the coward just now and causing psychological pressure on the enemy. I like to use the comparison method.

But at this moment, walking lightly in small steps, countless phantoms emanated from his body continuously, attacking the coward continuously.

This kind of offensive like flowing water is also the characteristic of his confrontation with the enemy.

Facing mercenary B head-on, the coward was not so scared. Although he was suddenly frightened just now, and his heart was still jumping a little bit, but now he knew that he was the enemy, so he naturally had to show his due momentum.

Raising the microphone in his right hand, the coward didn't care what kind of attack he launched, just opened his mouth and came.

"Your Majesty called me~ Come to patrol the mountain~ Be careful to beware of Monkey King~ Ah Leixiu~"

A burst of invisible sound waves came out from the recorder in his left hand directly with the help of a microphone.


Please note that Mercenary B didn't burst out laughing, but he was directly injured from the shock.

And the countless phantoms he summoned with small steps were instantly defeated by the singing, and they were wiped out invisibly.

We all know that the power of sound is very powerful.In the front, there was a certain X Tiger who sang to death, and later there was Ke X who was tone-deaf, and X Ding who sang who would sleep with him. Just by using one trick to sing, he could defeat the enemy invisible and kill people without a shadow.

And this cowardly member of a special operations group of the Spirit Card Association, although his singing is not bad, but with his Spirit Card ability, it is really old and powerful.

Seeing the power of the coward's singing, mercenary B immediately became vigilant, stopped taking small steps, and directly retreated a few steps, as if he wanted to distance himself from the coward.

Then, he quickly made mudras with both hands, one after another dazzingly flipping the mudras, and then, a water curtain rose from the spot, blocking him behind.

Seeing that mercenary B just vomits blood, and can even resist, cowards are not discouraged. This song is sparse and ordinary, mainly for cuteness, so the lethality is not strong.Then change to a better one.

"It's so cold~ I play mud in the Northeast~ Although the Northeast is not big~~ I don't have a home in Big X~~~"


The water curtain directly exploded into splashes, scattered all over the place and disappeared.Mercenary B stroked his chest with his hand, and several mouthfuls of blood spewed out directly.

He was terrified in his heart, he didn't expect that he thought he squeezed a soft persimmon, but it turned out to be so strong.

Before he had time to think more, he bit his finger hard, and then his body quickly turned black and swelled up, suddenly becoming extremely mighty, with countless black patterns appearing on his body.

Then, he stamped his feet violently, shook his fists, and directly pulled out an afterimage, which instead rushed towards the coward.

Seeing that the enemy was still alive, the coward didn't worry about it at all. After thinking about it, the song ended immediately, and he changed to one of his favorite songs.

"Spicy girl~~ Faker~~~"


This time, Mercenary B finally had no way to suppress his injury, a mouthful of old blood spewed out to the sky, his fist was just a hair away from touching the coward's body, but he had no chance.

The black patterns on his body gradually disappeared, and he gradually turned into his original appearance, and then fell on his back, his whole body was broken, and no one part was intact.

Before he closed his eyes, he seemed to vaguely see a tough guy with white stubble on his face, but spring water in his eyes, full of tenderness, smiling to greet him...

Mercenary B, pawn.

"Tch, who told you to scare me, only let you listen to three songs, and I haven't sung my repertoire yet, so you're lucky." Dropped, curled his lips, and complained disdainfully.

Just don't know, his seemingly stronger repertoire, and don't know who will have a chance to hear it.

Picking up what fell on the ground, the coward continued to hold the VCR in one hand and the microphone in the other, stepping on his own beat and walking forward.

The angle of view turns again.

"Ah, it looks like I'm lucky."

Monk Shifang was wearing cassock with an ordinary shirt underneath, and holding a string of beads in his hand, he looked at the two people who appeared in front of him.

These two people were really lucky. Two of the mercenaries who had gathered together were called Mercenary C and Mercenary D.

Among them, the mercenary Ding was one of the snipers who were followed by the three people from the ten directions.

"What should I do... I don't know if I can beat them alone."

Because of the lack of presence, although Shi Fang was dressed strangely (the green hat had been taken off), the two of them didn't notice Shi Fang's existence at all, and walked in front of them.

"Forget it, let's find a chance to sneak attack. If I let them gather more people, then I will have no chance."

Shi Fang thought of this and decided to do it.

But how to do it is also particular.

Passing past the two of them, Shi Fang directly overtook them and arrived in front of them.

"Well, let me see... I'll use you this time."

As he said that, Shifang had a small incense burner in his hand, and a fan in his right hand.

The secret spiritual card passed down by the monk - ecstasy incense.

Shaking the small fan with his right hand, he gently fanned the curling green smoke from the small incense burner, just in time to fan the faces of the two people who were walking towards them.

"Huh? Did you smell any strange smell?" Mercenary C suddenly felt a little strange, and asked to his side.

"It seems to be... an inexplicable fragrance?" The mercenary Ding also happened to smell the fragrance, and confirmed that his companion's sense of smell is normal.

"Not good...! It's the enemy!" Only then did the two of them come to their senses.

But it's too late.

The two ignored the ten directions in front of them, and inhaled a large amount of ecstasy incense, which was enough to fascinate any creature. Even monsters in the secret realm rarely fell down after smelling this ecstasy incense.

"It's true, it's true!" Shi Fang cheerfully saw the two of them fell down, and confirmed that they had already got their way. Then he put away the small incense burner and fan, and then made a backhand move, and the two balls of rope Appears on the left and right hands.

The secret of the monk's spiritual card--the rope for binding immortals.

The rope was thrown by him casually, and it turned into a spirit snake in the air, automatically bound towards the two people, binding them into a very shameful posture.

One was the very famous tortoise shell, the other was tied with an M-shaped open foot, and the two were tied face to face in a very shameful way, and they had a panoramic view of each other's posture.

Immediately, the two people's brains were congested, their eyes were dazed, and they felt that their shame was about to explode, but they couldn't help but want to see what the other person looked like. They were very conflicted and at a loss for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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