Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 116 The Means of Spirit Beast Guarding

Chapter 116 The Means of Spirit Beast Guarding

"Wow, this pig looks so cute!" Zhang Yuxiang screamed first.

"Pfft, why, you still want to catch and raise it." Ye Tianbing joked.

"It's really good. Give it to my family Manman when you go back. She will definitely like it." Zhang Yuxiang nodded affirmatively, "At that time, do you think you should eat the front leg first or the hind leg first... It seems too small for such a small size. There is not much meat, and the whole one looks good when roasted..."

Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, it turns out that you are greedy.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuxiang's murmurs clearly fell into Xiaozhu's ears.

"The front leg... the hind leg... roasted, you all deserve to die!"

It roared suddenly.

"Humans! You hateful humans! You know how to eat our flesh and drink our blood! What did we do wrong! We were raised by you after birth, waiting to be served on the table by you one day! Why!"

When it started to roar, lightning bolts began to appear around its body. Matched with its angry voice, it was full of momentum, and everyone's expressions gradually became serious. The cowards who sang all lowered their voices. Sing again.

"That's why... that's why I hate you humans the most... I want revenge... I want to avenge my brothers and sisters... Today is the first interest I received from you!"

Before he could finish speaking, a sharp arrow and a bullet were shot at him together.

It was Wang Qi and Yang Liuqing who made the move together.

According to the theory of the novel, the villain dies because of talking too much. This pig talks so much, the standard plot villain is undoubtedly.But listening to his ramblings is a waste of time, it's better to kill everyone early, go home, wash and sleep.

But how could the strength of the spirit beast's guard be defeated so easily with a single bullet and an arrow.

When the bullets and arrows approached the pig's body, their speed became slower and slower, until they came to a complete stop when they were within one meter of it, and then suspended there quietly, as if they were already there. Same there.

"Hehe, you despicable and shameless human even engage in a sneak attack while I'm talking...but forget it, you're going to die anyway, so I forgive you."

The little pig's tone suddenly became very soft, but everyone could feel that the spiritual power in it began to surge.

The faces of several of them changed, and Qiu Mingshan quickly gave Wang Qi and Zhang Yuxiang an order.

"You go back! It's not something you can handle!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Qi pulled Zhang Yuxiang back quickly, and the student stopped cracking the magic circle, and retreated.

The others summoned their full armor one after another, ready to go up and kill this little pig together.

"Let you see it! Our strength! Men! Come out!"

The little pig roared in the sky, and then heard the roars of wild beasts from all around, as if it was responding to it.

As for the original monsters in this field, the nearby ones have already been emptied, and the boss doesn't know where it is yet, and no one cares about it.

Within a few seconds, countless animals and insects appeared in all directions, flying or walking, and surrounded everyone.

This is not over yet.

The little pig in the sky kept roaring.Amidst the roar, its figure continuously grew larger out of thin air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even if Yang Liuqing and other people with long-range attacks kept attacking, the bullets or magic bullets would just slow down slowly and finally float in front of him. Its body would not be affected at all, and would keep getting bigger.

In the end, a gigantic pig with an incomparably sturdy appearance, like a hill, appeared in front of everyone.

"It's a little troublesome..." The boss said with a serious expression.

The birds and beasts surrounding them just surrounded everyone and did not step forward. They just watched their leader, and the spirit beast gradually grew bigger.When it became like a hill and finally stopped growing in size, all the birds and beasts roared in unison, as if to give it momentum.

"It's been too long... It's been a long time since I changed back to my original form... But, it's a good deal to kill so many of your human spirit card masters this time..."

Little pig, no, now he has to be called giant pig, and he said this sentence again.

"Don't wait any longer, tear these humans into pieces and turn them into our food!"

With a loud roar, it gave orders to all the surrounding beasts.

Immediately, all the birds and beasts swarmed up together as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

"I actually think that if you become like this sooner, maybe the price of pork won't rise so much recently... Be darling, this is enough for how many people to eat together!"

Zhang Yuxiang stared and sighed there, and everyone was speechless.

No matter what time, you still want to eat!
"We can protect ourselves, be careful!" Wang Qi, who had already retreated, erected several shields directly around them, and the army of summoned beasts appeared again to block them.

Although these summoned beasts may not be of any use, and they may not be able to stop a round, the momentum is still good.

Zhang Yuxiang directly started to cast his own mushroom spells and started to plant mushrooms around him, and the students also posed in various poses to assist with different spells.

The coward didn't know when he came over, and the singing in his mouth sounded again.


A famous Divine Comedy was sung from his mouth, and played around through the tape recorder, which immediately caused the animals who had already gathered around to become staggered and unsteady.

The cooperation of several people stabilized the position temporarily and ensured the safety of the four of them.

As for the others, those with higher force values ​​have already bullied themselves and attacked the most central mountain of meat.

The boss's avatar spirit card had already cooled down, and now it was used again. Countless identical figures appeared together, each with a silver spear dancing around Roshan, making people dazzled.

The halo of the woolen sister has never been broken, and she herself directly entered the body of a huge adventure doll that came close, as if turning the doll into armor, and then killed them together.A set of swords and shields is used to slash and kill with great power, and it seems that they have done this before.

Maitreya sighed helplessly, then went around to the back of the giant pig that everyone couldn't see, and used his tentacle monster ability again, trying to bite the meat of this pig.

Shifang once again summoned his demon-subduing pestle with an unknown mosaic on it, and came to Roshan, poking it again and again.

Needless to say, the remaining few people used their best methods to try to get rid of this meat mountain first.

However, Roshan really got meat.

That invisible defense, like a layer of transparent skin, covers every inch of the giant pig's body surface, blocking all attacks. If it is the kind of ability that is released outside, it will still stagnate there, no longer Can't move.

Inside the very human eyes on its huge pig head, it looked at the people who were attacking it, but it was full of disdain.

"Is this the only thing you can do? Aren't you guys better than those mercenaries? Why do you fight like you haven't eaten?"

Thick sarcasm spit out from its mouth.

But no one paid any attention to him, and he still buried himself in the attack.

Of course, Wang Qi also tried to use dragonflies to bring trap bombs up to deliver them, but it didn't work at all. The five dragonflies are now floating on the surface of the giant pig's body like other bullets and arrows, unable to move.

When the giant pig was beaten like a mountain, the surrounding birds and beasts did not sit idle, but rushed forward one after another.

The boss had to separate most of his clones to block these birds and beasts.

But with so many spirit beasts, there are always some abilities that are inexplicable, and the avatars can't block them all, and still miss some to others.

These beasts that slipped through the net directly divided the formation of the crowd, fighting with everyone, and immediately made the scene extremely chaotic.

"Since this pig can't be hit, let's hit something else first!" The boss roared, turned his head and gave up on the ineffective attack on Roshan, turned around and killed a cow beside him.

Everyone took it seriously, and changed their targets one after another, and stopped attacking this meat mountain, wasting time in vain.

"Stop fighting? Then replace me!"

The giant pig roared again, and then it took a sudden breath, the blocked attacks that were suspended around its body, as well as the energy that should have caused him damage from the attack just now, suddenly began to shoot out towards the surroundings .

"Return the attack!" The giant pig roared.

"Damn!" Everyone became depressed together.

The bullets and arrows of the long-range attack all returned the same way and found the person who shot them.

And those melee attacks turned into the same light and shadow in the form of energy one after another, finding the person who made the attack.

In front of the boss and his avatar, there was an extra silver-white energy spear, clanging against the spear in his hand.

Maitreya looked at the pile of tentacles appearing in front of him with a sad face, and helplessly let his tentacles go up to them, and began to bite.

Shi Fang was miserable, just now he poked countless times with the mosaic pestle, and kept changing positions. Now, several mosaic pestles suddenly appeared next to his body. The pestle, poking back and forth at him, made him miserable.

The most uncomfortable thing is the dolls of the woolen sister.Although there are many halo blessings, at this moment, when the fists condensed by the halo blessings hit him back as they were, many smaller dolls exploded into messy woolen flowers.

And the woolen sister herself was also beaten by the very enjoyable output just now, and she vomited several mouthfuls of blood directly after the beating.

Even if there is a halo of rebound, but this kind of attack was originally bounced back from the opposite side, and it couldn't bounce off the giant pig at all, so the big sister Maoyan is the worst at this moment.

Feng Zimo and Yang Liuqing saw that the situation was not good, but they were very quick. The two of them dodged and hid beside Wang Qi. Wang Qi did not disappoint everyone. All were perfectly blocked, and a few people did not suffer any damage.

All of a sudden, the giant pig's unexpected move returned the attack, causing everyone to be completely suppressed and beaten, and even the woolen sister was injured.

(End of this chapter)

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