Chapter 117

"It can't go on like this!" Shifang shouted excitedly, but no one paid attention to him, making him vomit blood depressedly.

But anyway, Wang Qi still heard it.

The data master tried his best to analyze what should be done in this situation, but Wang Qi's own spirit card ability couldn't solve the current predicament, and the data master couldn't come up with any good solution after doing calculations.

"Maitreya!" The boss suddenly shouted after he finally killed his gun flower.

As soon as the words fell, Maitreya flashed directly in front of him.

The two looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then the boss jumped up, and Mitreya slapped his palms, which happened to hit the boss's feet.

The boss pierced the air with his silver spear, and his whole body turned into a sharp silver arrow, which pierced straight into the sky.

"Is the boss going to use that trick?" The student actually showed an expectant look.

"That's right, it must be that trick!" The coward echoed from the side.He had just finished singing the Divine Comedy, and now he was singing a different tune, but he still took the time to say something.

"Take a trick from me! Finishing touch!"

A roar came down from the sky and hit the giant pig's head heavily.

This is a unique move in the boss' marksmanship. It needs to rise to a certain height first, and then use the momentum of descending from the sky to make this fatal blow.

"It's not enough ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The giant pig was as immovable as a mountain, and also let out a loud roar.

Where the point of the gun touched the protective layer of the pig's head, there was a dazzling light, which prevented everyone from looking directly at it for a while.

But in fact, it took less than a second, the light disappeared, and then everyone quickly looked, the tip of the boss's spear finally broke through the invisible defense circle, and plunged into its huge pig's head... half an inch .

If it was the miniature pig that flew in the sky at the beginning, a half-inch spear point would be enough to smash its head into pieces, and it would be impossible to die again.

However, facing this pig's head the size of a mountain, half an didn't even break its skin.

"Drink!" The boss was not discouraged at all, a burst of silver flames burst out of his body, maintaining this upside-down posture, he directly pushed the tip of the gun half an inch further with a burst of force.

But, that's all.

"Attack returns!"

Everyone was shocked, how could they forget his move!
An energy spear of the same silver color emerged from the giant pig's head in an instant, point to point, and in the blink of an eye, it pushed the boss's figure directly into the sky again.

This kind of move has its own powerful locking function, and with that indomitable momentum, it can usually take down the enemy.But at this moment, being counterattacked by the enemy in the same way, the boss felt extremely uncomfortable.

Obviously, as long as the tip of the gun tip is slightly staggered, the position of less than 1 mm can directly avoid this measurable long gun, but he, who is locked all over his body, seems to be bound in a cocoon, unable to move at all, and is directly caught by the huge gun. The higher the impact, the higher it turned into a bright spot in the sky.

"Isn't this the most common exit method for villains in cartoons..." Zhang Yuxiang was dumbfounded.

"Okay, it seems to be...Are we villains?" The student next to him was also dumbfounded.

Everyone was very anxious, but there was no good way at all, they could only look at the pig in front of them more like an enemy.

"Is it gone? Just such a trick? It seems that there is no need to continue playing."

The giant pig satirized calmly, and then said something that made everyone very nervous.It finally stopped standing there, and it seemed that it was going to use its new ability.

"Don't forget, I can be a magic pig!"

That's right, everyone was shocked, such a big magic circle was standing next to it, how could they forget about it!
But you are so kind to remind us, should we say thank you?

No matter how much he complained in his heart, countless magic circles, large and small, began to appear beside the giant pig's body, and it seemed to be full of powerful abilities.

Three of the friendly soldiers are from the magic department, and they are most familiar with this kind of scene. They all jumped in their hearts, "It's going to happen!"

"Come here!" Wang Qi roared.

Regardless of how many other people heard about it, he directly summoned dozens of impenetrable barriers in front of the residence, and prepared to use this method to block all attacks.

The unbreakable barrier has the advantage that it can completely resist three attacks.Moreover, after it is fused, it reaches the legendary level, and its weight is very high. Unless there is a higher-level spirit card, otherwise this kind of complete defense is really not much that can be broken through.

However, Wang Qi also remembered that this shield has a disadvantage, it cannot defend above.

At the moment when the giant pig's magic was released, all the frontal magic was blocked.However, some of them were higher than the largest unbreakable barrier, and they directly jumped over the shield.

After all, the height of the giant pig is placed there, and people will look down at you casually, so what can you do?

However, Wang Qi, with the full support of the data master's ability, accurately placed the remaining magic at a lower and closer position, and intercepted it with the corresponding giant shields. For a while, the giant shields flew around in front of everyone, but they were also solid. Really blocked all attacks.

"Huh..." Everyone let out a long breath.

Wang Qi didn't relax at all, because the vision of the Void Butterfly in the sky had already shown him that the giant pig showed serious disdain and launched another wave of attacks.

"This won't work! My spiritual power will not be enough!" Wang Qi was anxious.

My own level is not high. Although I can practice this internal strength fast enough, but the helpless time is too short, only hundreds of thousands of spiritual power, supporting a small-scale battle is not bad, this kind of large-scale use consumes spiritual power If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to support it for long.

When everyone couldn't see it just now, the avatar actually shot at the side, and there are many invisible giant shields blocking the front together, so as to completely block this powerful attack.

"I'll help you!"*3
As soon as the woolen sister came back, she didn't care to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and a halo appeared at Wang Qi's feet.

The inspiration halo, speeds up the recovery speed of spiritual power by 100%, and then multiplied by ten times, it is 1000%, directly ten times the recovery speed.

"You betrayed my love and you owed your conscience! No matter how much affection you give, you can't buy it back!"

This is the song of a coward, and it also has its own spiritual power recovery effect. When it is superimposed with the aura of the hairy sister, Wang Qi's spiritual power recovers faster.

And the last one to speak out was Maitreya.

A tentacle stretched out from his back and landed directly on Wang Qi's shoulder, and then Wang Qi began to feel the continuous input of spiritual power from his shoulder.

Well, aside from being a little gross, it works pretty well.

In an instant, with the help of the three abilities, Wang Qi's spiritual power immediately returned to the peak from the bottom at the speed of an old driver.

But the giant pig is not stupid.

The frontal attack was blocked, and he could hit from above. He jumped directly and flew into the sky.

Then everyone remembered that this pig still has wings.

Isn't that right? Behind the pig, at a place that already seemed very inconspicuous, the pair of super miniature angel wings were fluttering just now, and even drove his mountain-like body to fly up.

But now is not the time to study this.

When the giant pig flew up, all the frontal shields lost their effect immediately, they could only stop the other birds and beasts that were still attacking hard.But with the boss' avatar standing beside him, there's no need to worry about those guys for a while.

After the giant pig flew into the air, this time it actually opened its mouth and chanted a magic spell.

"Something darker than dusk, something redder than blood, come out of the stream of time, and in your great name, I swear in this darkness, that all foolish things that stand in our way Things, gather your strength and give them equal destruction!..."

"Fuck, does this pig still watch animation?" Zhang Yuxiang was shocked.

"Is now the time to think about such things!" Wang Qi took the time to complain.

A mass of pitch-black clouds emerged from the huge magic circle beside the giant pig, and lightning crackled and slid down inside.

Finally, when the dark clouds gathered more and more, the giant pig finished chanting all the spells, and then a dark mass full of ominous aura appeared from the magic circle.

In the blink of an eye, this group of things rushed towards the crowd.

"The animation effect is wrong! That's obviously the spell of Long Po Zhan!" Zhang Yuxiang still complained there.

"Shut up, you!" Everyone glared at him together.

"Does anyone else have a good idea!" Wang Qi ignored Zhang Yuxiang, but asked someone else.

"Let me try it!" Shi Fang said without everyone noticing.

Wang Qi has been using the master of data to automatically lock Shifang, so he can see the people in Shifang and hear what he said.

Turning his head to look in all directions, he found that this fellow suddenly had a gleaming golden cassock on his body without knowing when.

"The secret of the monk's secret transmission of the spirit card—the sky is used as a bed by the earth!"

Shifang shook his hands, and then the cassock on his body took off automatically as if being blown by a blower, and then turned into a huge pink tent, directly facing the black shadow in the sky.

Wang Qi didn't care about complaining about the weird card name, or why the golden cassock turned pink when it was turned into a tent, but focused on looking at the pitch-black thing in the sky.

The tent transformed from the cassock quickly became extremely huge. Only then did the others realize that it was the spirit card used by Shifang, and they all looked at the sky expectantly.


The tent was torn in half by the pitch-black shadow.

Shifang cried.

"My cassock ahhh!"

Who cares about your cassock at this time, bastard!Didn't you see such a big black clump? Is the black thing about to fall down!

Everyone panicked for a while, and when they didn't know what to do, suddenly, a voice sounded from the side.

"Hey, I told you to wait. No, I'm in danger."

 Happy New Years Eve everyone!It’s Chinese New Year, wear it at home and read more novels if you have nothing to do!

(End of this chapter)

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