Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 138 Explosion is Art

Chapter 138 Explosion is Art
"Hey, it's interesting."

Seeing the spirit card dropped in his hand, Wang Qi was not in a hurry to find the natural spirit card, but carefully looked at one of them.

Even if the luck produced a legendary spirit card this time, it was a good start for Wang Qi to come here.But what Wang Qi paid most attention to was another one.

"Summon Snow God Moth: ability card, rare level. Consume 50 points of spiritual power, you can summon five rare level Snow God Moth. Snow God Moth attributes: [Physical Strength: 15] [Strength: 15] [Speed: 30] [ Spiritual Power: 15]. Skill 1: "Snow Hidden", when the Snow God Moth is summoned in a snowy environment, the speed +100. Skill 2: Consume 15 points of spiritual power, you can use "Summon Blizzard" to summon a covering radius In a blizzard of 500 meters, the speed of all enemies within the coverage area is reduced by 30%, and the total field of view is reduced by 70%. The blizzards of different snow moths can be superimposed. Only five snow moths can exist at the same time."

It's just a rare level, the attributes are not strong, and the skills are not directly output, but they are very strong.

This summoned beast is strong because it is a weather hand, a tool man specially used to pave the field.

If you summon five Snow God Moths at once and use Blizzard at the same time, the superimposed power of five Blizzards can bring great debuff to the enemy.This creates an environment that is beneficial to one's own side. Although there may be problems with one's own vision, after all, there is still a deceleration at the bottom, which is terrible.

But... It feels a bit tasteless to use it here.

If it is brought back to Shui'an City, Wang Qi estimates that this move can be used as a surprise weapon, and most of the enemies will not have any good countermeasures.

This is the northernmost country in the world, and it is a world of ice and snow. For things like snowstorms, it is estimated that all kinds of spirit cards have the effect of dealing with them, and they are not afraid at all.

Still not available for the time being.I can only save it first, and use it as a fusion material in the future.

Without wasting time, Wang Qi directly took out the detection device and found the natural spirit card. It was still a useless effect, and Wang Qi didn't care.

In the following time, the avatar continued to scan various fields, and saw the unique field environment here.

Most of the fields are covered with snow, and monsters are often hidden in the snow or flying snowflakes, which is very difficult to find.But the falls are therefore all related to snow.

"If the people here have always used this ability to fight, then what is the best way to deal with them?"

Wang Qi couldn't help thinking.

After much deliberation, there is only one answer, fire.

Whether it's fire-type swordsmanship or boxing, or fire-type magic or Taoism, even a burning bottle can play a very good role in this environment.

The experience of the avatar here was directly received by the main body, and then quickly searched for fusion materials related to flames on the trading platform.

In fact, if there is a legendary drought 魃, it will go to the ground as soon as it comes out, then you don't need to care about the snowy environment, and the enemy will probably feel extremely uncomfortable.

But whether Ka Wangqi has this ability is unknown, anyway, he can't find it on the trading platform.

In this case, we have to take a step back and consider, choose some high-quality and cheap things for integration, maybe there will be good results.

The spirit card ordered by the ontology side was confirmed to have arrived on the trading platform in a short while. Wang Qi pressed the calling bell, and soon Alexey knocked on the door and came in.

"Alexey, I bought some spirit cards on the trading platform, please send me a car, I'm going to pick them up."

After hearing this, Alexey hesitated a little, but after thinking about it, he still said it.

"Mr. Wang Qi, I can send someone to help you with this small matter. The owner is the person in charge of the Spirit Card Association here. His customers don't need to pick up things in person."

"Is that the case, then I will trouble you." Wang Qi was right after thinking about it, why not use it if he has the power, so he nodded in agreement.

The Spirit Card Association is quite far from here, and it took half an hour for Wang Qi's avatar Void Butterfly to follow Ivanov to get there.But in less than 10 minutes, Wang Qi heard a knock on the door.

After getting the consent, Alexei walked in directly carrying a plate with a box on it. He handed the box to Wang Qi, then turned and left.

Although the spirit card cannot be taken by ordinary people, it can be passed on indirectly, and there is no problem in putting it in a box. This is how the three-piece calligraphy set of Mr. Liu was kept before.

Wang Qi opened the box, and it turned out to be the spirit cards he just bought.He couldn't help sighing, it's really happy to have power and money.

After some fusion operations, Wang Qi had a brand new spirit card in his hand.

"The Karma Red Lotus Talisman Grenade: Prop card, transcendent level. Consume 30 points of spiritual power to summon a Karma Red Lotus Talisman Grenade. After the grenade explodes, it can release a Karma Red Lotus spell. Effect 1: Comes with a Karmic Fire effect, burning All objects with a radius of 15 meters within the target range will last for ten seconds. Effect 2: Pull, perform a pull operation on hostile creatures, and forcibly attract them to the burning range of fire. Effect 3: Purify, against darkness, Styx, undead, and abyss The damage of the four attributes is doubled. Effect 4: Inextinguishable, the fire of karma cannot be extinguished by any means."

A grenade can cover a range of 15 meters, and because of the fusion, it has four effects, which can be called an excellent prop to deal with monsters in the snow.Wang Qi nodded in satisfaction, and then directly put this spirit card into the book of spirit cards.With a thought, the clone over there directly saw the spirit card that appeared in the book.

"Let me see how it works."

The avatar is hitting an ice crystal-like monster in a field of ice and snow. The level of this monster is quite high, with an average of more than 50 levels. The body is extremely hard. Diamond Flying Dragon, Void Butterfly, and White Nightmare Reaper can be hit and killed one by one by virtue of their powerful attack power.

Speaking of which, the damage of the shadow snaketail wolf really can't keep up.

The avatar made a move, and a grenade appeared in his hand. The style was just like an ordinary grenade, but it was painted with Taoist talismans, which looked unusual.

Pull out the pin, throw it casually, and throw it at an ice crystal monster that is attacking by the summoned beast in front of it.

boom!With a loud noise, a huge group of flames exploded in an instant, forming a beautiful flame lotus shape in an instant, and then turned into raging flames, engulfing the ice crystal monster inside.

As for the surrounding ice crystal monsters, the moment the lotus flower appeared, their bodies were involuntarily drawn and fell towards the flames.However, the traction effect was not strong, and a few of them escaped after a pause, without being affected by the flames at all, and only a few of them fell directly into the flames.

After ten seconds passed, the flame automatically finished burning and extinguished, revealing the scenery inside.

Sure enough, the thick layer of snow on the ground completely disappeared, revealing the broken ground of the ordinary domain.Although the ice crystal monster was not directly eliminated, it has shrunk a lot, and it feels like it has become several sizes smaller, directly changing from XXL to S.

"The effect is very good! As expected, explosion is art!" The avatar nodded in satisfaction, and then, as if the spiritual power didn't cost money, he made a random move, and he summoned a lot of grenades and threw them out. Lotus blossoms bloom all around.

All of a sudden, wherever Wang Qi's avatar went, the snow scene quickly dissipated, the ground was flowing with melted snow, and the ice crystal monsters were inhumanly burned one by one.

"Well, this can be regarded as the current conventional attack method." Ontology nodded in satisfaction.

Animals are afraid of fire, and plants are also afraid of fire. Flame has always been a symbol of the progress of human civilization, and it is also the first manifestation of human beings driving away wild animals, proving that they no longer eat hair and drink blood, and are fundamentally different from animals.

Thinking about using this kind of flame to deal with those spirit beasts and spirit plants this time, everyone should have no opinion.

However, the method should not be too single. Wang Qi simply set this spirit card as the main card and prepared to drop some flame-related spirit cards. The power of the weapon can be increased a bit, or new similar props can be added.

With this newly obtained spirit card, the speed and efficiency of the avatar's advancement of the field were greatly improved at once, and the ice and snow monsters suffered disaster one after another, expressing strong condemnation.

After putting away a new nature spirit card, the avatar entered a new field again, and finally saw someone in this field.

A group of seven people, one old man and six young men and women, are advancing steadily.The avatar breathed a sigh of relief, since someone else was brushing the domain, it happened to be easy.

"Chekov, speed up the progress, stop playing! You too! Simon!" The old man looked dissatisfied at the two boys who were dawdling and didn't kill the monster for a long time, and yelled loudly.

"Understood!" The two said, but the subordinates were still in a playful mood.

But the monsters in this field, just now Wang Qi has obtained the level information of the monsters, only level 28, no wonder everyone is very relaxed.

"You are not steady at all. Look at Alexander! Learn more from him!"

As the old man said, he pointed to the silent young man with short blond hair, a handsome face, a silver armor, and a two-handed giant sword in his hand, calmly killing monsters one after another.

"Ah, yes! Brother Alexander is almost level 100, so don't compare us to him!" Seeing that he was being compared with this serious young man, the two boys immediately put away their playfulness , muttered in his mouth, and his subordinates also sped up their movements a little.

As for the young man named Alexander, his expression remained unchanged, and he didn't care about the old man's praise at all. He just quickly killed the monster in front of him, and he didn't forget to help the people next to him.

The avatar watched with interest for a while, but stopped talking when seeing these people, shrugged and turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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