Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 139 Meeting the Spirit World Merchant Again

Chapter 139 Meeting the Spirit World Merchant Again
This time it entered a medium-sized field, and the scope was not small.The avatar didn't want to watch those people advance slowly, so it went directly to the center of the field, found the huge white fluffy monster, and shot it directly, wanting to touch the damage.

As a result, with one shot, the monster spit out words.

"Who is it? Who is hitting me? Don't bully the poor spirit world merchant!" The fluffy troll covered his head with his hands, shouting and trembling.

"Huh?" The avatar was very surprised. This huge guy standing in the center of the field is not a boss, but a rare NPC?

Wang Qi came directly in front of it. Since he had already attacked it once, the other party could hear what he said.

"It's me, I thought you were a monster, but I didn't expect you to be a spirit world merchant."

"Ah! It turned out to be an invisible gentleman!" The fluffy monster opened its eyes, looked around but couldn't find the target, raised its nose and sniffed, and then confirmed the king Odd location.

"Hi sir, I am a free spirit world merchant, you can call me Abai." He said cautiously, not knowing why he looked so timid despite being so big.

"Hello, Ah Bai, you said you are a spirit world merchant? Then do you know Ah Huang?" Wang Qi suddenly thought of the Ah Huang he met last time, so he asked directly.

"Ah Huang? I know a lot of spirit world merchants named Ah Huang. We don't have a fixed name. We only use a temporary name when we are in different places and have different bodies."

Hearing Wang Qi's greeting, Ah Bai finally stopped trembling. After thinking for a while, he said something that surprised Wang Qi a bit.

"Spirit world merchants don't have fixed bodies?" Wang Qi was surprised.

"Yes, this is a unique method of our spirit world merchants. It can temporarily possess a body, and leave after the transaction is completed." A Bai rubbed his head.

"Well, it's really an amazing ability. Then, Abai, what good things do you have here?" Wang Qi kept it in his heart, and then asked.

"Do you want to do business? Let's take a look." As Bai said, he waved his hands, and a huge screen of light appeared in front of him.

Wang Qi had already seen this store interface before Ah Huang, so it wasn't surprising.He himself looked at the contents inside.

This time, unlike last time, there were only five spirit cards that appeared on the interface, and the number was a little less.With the corresponding price listed below, Wang Qi looked at it and found that it was not too expensive.

The spiritual power of the avatar is double that of the main body. The main body now has nearly 70 spiritual power, and the level is over 80, so the avatar now has nearly 140 million spiritual power. Although the level remains the same, the reserve of spiritual power is Much more.

This is also the reason why the avatar can use various spirit card abilities at will most of the time.

It seems that the highest level of these five spirit cards is only two transcendent level ones, and the highest price is only 18 spirit power.The remaining three are all rare grades with lower price tags.There are five spiritual cards in total, and the total price is more than 50 spiritual power.

Wang Qi directly waved his hand, "I want all five, let's pay for the spiritual power."

"Ah, you are such a generous gentleman!" Ah Bai was overjoyed, he waved his hand and took out a ball like Ah Huang, and placed it beside the light screen.

Wang Qi directly put his hand up, input the corresponding spiritual power directly, and then the five spiritual cards directly turned from the light screen into reality, and appeared in front of his eyes.

Reaching out to take the five spirit cards and putting them in the book of spirit cards, Wang Qi was not in a hurry to leave, but continued to ask Abai.

"Ah Bai, the business is over, do you have any other good things here? I know, you still have some really good things." The clone asked A Bai.


"Sir, stop talking! How could you know such a secret!" A Bai panicked and asked Wang Qi's invisible clone.

"Of course Ah Huang told me. Don't worry, I have a very good relationship with you spirit world merchants. I did Ah Huang a big favor last time, so he told me this secret. If you don't believe me, you can find it yourself when you go back." Ah Huang asked."

"This..." Abai was a little embarrassed. If he knew which Ahuang it was, he must be taken care of when he went back. How could he just talk about our hidden treasures?

"Don't worry, I won't rob you. I'm a civilized person. In this way, if you need help, I can do it for you. When it's done, you can give me your treasures as a reward. How about it?" ?” The avatar continued to induce him.

"What you said... makes sense. I happen to have one thing, and I want to ask someone for help." After hearing what Wang Qi said, Abai hesitated slightly.

"Okay, don't waste time. You also know that your time here is very short. If you need help, just tell me. I am a good friend of your spirit world merchants, and I am absolutely duty-bound." The clone quickly added a put on fire.

"Oh, okay, then I'll say it." Ah Bai was right when he thought about it, now that the time each time he can appear is shortened, and if it's not guaranteed, he really has to ask this invisible gentleman to help.

"It's actually like this. We spirit world merchants don't show up without a reason every time. I'm here this time because I sensed that there is a treasure that I need very much here, but after coming in so I haven't found any trace of this treasure for a long time. If you can help me find this treasure, I will exchange it with you with the good things in my collection."

Sure enough, he was looking for something again.Wang Qi nodded secretly, and this sentence revealed some useful information.

"So, what's the name of the treasure you're looking for?" Wang Qi asked.

"This baby is called the Angel Key. It looks like a key, but it has six pairs of small wings. It flies so fast that most people can't see it. Alas, if my speed is not so slow, I will definitely Try to catch it yourself."

While describing, Ah Bai gestured with his hands, for fear that he might not be clear enough about the characteristics of this baby.

"Oh, that's how it is. Then I'll think of a way. If I can find this treasure, I'll definitely bring it to you, but you can't be stingy when the time comes!"

The avatar nodded, agreeing.

"Then please, as long as you can bring me this treasure, I will definitely not let you down! Ah Bai will do what he says!" Ah Bai seemed to want to express his trustworthiness, and patted hard Slapping her chest, silly and cute.

The avatar said hello, turned and left.

Wang Qi is actually not afraid of looking for things.A long time ago, he extorted from Xiaoyu, ahem, it was a reward, and he got an item turned into a spirit card, which has been lying in his free card slot, and has not been opened yet.

This spirit card is the "Miracle Compass".

"Miracle compass: item card, legendary level. The first activation requires 200000 points of spiritual power, and each use requires 100000 points of spiritual power to summon. A compass needs to be summoned in your hand, and you need to think about what you want to find in your heart, and the compass will indicate what you are looking for The direction and distance of the item lasts for 1 hour. It can be used to find the natural spirit card, with no time limit. Nothing can escape the Goddess of Miracle's search."

The level of Miracle Compass is very high, and the effect looks very Eagle Dad, and there is a special suffix.But I tried it before, this spirit card can't be used to find people, and if I don't know the exact name of the thing I'm looking for, I won't be able to search for it.To find the natural spirit card, you must meet the conditions, for example, you have already beaten the boss before you can use it to find it.Therefore, Wang Qi has never used this card.

However, in this situation, isn't it just right to meet the conditions?The name is also there, and the conditions are met, and the only thing left is to find it and get it in your hand.

Summon this golden compass that looks very mysterious and simple, and the pointer in the middle is floating in a transparent sphere.Wang Qi held it in his hand, input the required [-] points of spiritual power, and then silently recited the four words "angel key".

Immediately, the compass lit up with a golden light, and the pointer in the middle crazily rotated in the transparent sphere, finally pointing in an upward direction.

"Very good, I found it."

The avatar no longer hesitated, directly summoned the flying dragon, and quickly lifted off in the direction pointed by the compass.

Although Abai is a spirit card merchant, he is just in the middle of this field. If those people who are also brushing the field come here, they will definitely attack him as a boss involuntarily.

Therefore, my speed must be fast, and I just need to get it done before those people arrive.

The speed of the flying dragon is naturally extremely fast.With the accurate pointing of the compass, Wang Qi constantly adjusted the flying angle of the flying dragon, and came to the high altitude in the field.

But when he reached a certain height, he found that the direction pointed by the pointer had changed again.

"It's broken, this thing can fly, and it's still changing its position." Wang Qi suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Ah Bai just said that this thing flies so fast that most people can't see it.If he keeps flying in the sky like this, it's really hard to find him, let alone catch him.

If he can find its shadow, Wang Qi is still confident that the skills of the diamond flying dragon can just play a key role.

But the first priority now is to see its shadow first.

So Wang Qi looked at the compass and kept flying back and forth in the sky, flying here and there, like a hardworking bee.

And the group of people on the ground seemed to be approaching the center of the field where Ah Bai was.

"I see!"

Wang Qi narrowed his eyes suddenly, and found the key with six pairs of angel wings not far ahead.

 Thanks to the deceased Golden Crow, Misty Rain on the Broken Bridge, and Undying Dog for their rewards!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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