Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 140 Epic Enhancement

Chapter 140 Epic Enhancement

"Diamond Imprisonment!"

Wang Qi's heart moved, and the skills of the diamond flying dragon were used directly.

As long as it is in the field of vision, this skill can be activated.Therefore, a phantom like a diamond appeared directly around the angel key that was still flapping its wings, and then gradually shrank.

In a blink of an eye, the angel key was imprisoned in a huge diamond-shaped crystal, unable to move.

The effective time of this skill is only 3 seconds.So when Wang Qi let the flying dragon use his skills, he drove it to fly over quickly, and then used the ability of the second spirit card, "Xuanming Zhenshui".

Under the control of "Xuanming True Water", the water that had been prepared earlier quickly wrapped the entire diamond crystal, and then pulled it towards Wang Qi's side.

After three seconds passed, the diamond crystal disappeared. The Angel Key seemed to know that he had just been imprisoned. When he was freed, the six pairs of wings naturally flapped together, wanting to leave as quickly as possible.

However, it directly hit the soft water curtain and failed to escape.

The water curtain continued to shrink, filling the space exposed after the diamond crystals disappeared, and soon, it directly turned into a water mass.And in the middle of the water mass is the angel key that can no longer be moved.

"Huh, it's okay."

Wang Qi nodded in satisfaction, tentatively reached into the water ball and touched the angel key, but found that it could not be transformed into a spirit card, so he gave up.Then without wasting time, let the water polo float in his hand, and then manipulate the diamond flying dragon to descend at an extreme speed.

Finally, before the team arrived in front of A Bai, Wang Qi succeeded in appearing in front of A Bai.

"Abai, I'm back. Look, what is this?" the clone said loudly to Abai.

"Oh! My God, you really brought it to me!" Ah Bai exclaimed holding his head, and then quickly caught the water polo floating in front of him.I don't see how it did it, the water polo disappeared immediately, but the angel key stayed there firmly and would not fly away at all.

"Then, the thing has been found for you, now, should you fulfill your promise?" the avatar reminded.

"No problem! No problem! This is what it should be. Spirit world merchants keep their promises the most!"

A Bai patted his head, put away the angel key, and then flicked his hand lightly in the air, a new light screen appeared in front of Wang Qi's avatar.

"You have helped Ah Bai a lot, and Ah Bai will not treat you badly! These are treasures treasured by Ah Bai, although they are not as precious as the angel key, so you can choose any three of them, please feel welcome!"

Wang Qi quickly looked into the light screen.

Last time, I traded a treasure he needed from Ah Huang for my three most important cards. Whether it is "Void Butterfly Legion" or "24 Solar Terms Swordsmanship", they are all my most commonly used combat powers now. .I don't know what good will be gained this time?

Sure enough, the content this time did not disappoint Wang Qi. Among them, there were three Legendary cards and seven Transcendent cards. There were ten cards for Wang Qi to choose from.

Since the attributes could be seen, Wang Qi still took a look.After a quick analysis of the pros and cons, he chose the three legendary spirit cards without hesitation.

"Okay, Ah Bai, I've already chosen it." After the avatar chose the spirit card, it confirmed that the three spirit cards were in hand, and said to him loudly.

"Then, since my purpose of coming here has been fulfilled, this kind Mr. Invisible, I hope to have a chance to see you next time, so Abai will leave first!"

Abai didn't care what Wang Qi chose, he finished the sentence in a simple manner, and then disappeared into a puff of smoke.

The huge body disappeared in an instant, which just surprised the team who had just arrived.

They couldn't see Wang Qi, they could only see the disappearance of the boss in this field, and they thought that someone had killed the boss first.

But after waiting for a while, I found out why the settlement didn't pop up?
Alexander frowned, "Could it be, that wasn't the boss just now?"

He turned to the old man and asked.

"I've never encountered such a situation. But it seems that that should not be a boss." The old man also frowned, thinking hard.

"Could it be, that is the NPC that said in the world announcement that there is a small chance of appearing in the field? It's just that we came late, so the NPC left." Suddenly, the one next to him looked a little shy and wore a braid. The girl said.

"Well, it's really possible." The old man and Alexander looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"It seems that we missed an opportunity." The old man shook his head regretfully, and then looked around, "The boss hasn't been killed yet, please look carefully and be careful."

Several young people nodded together, and then looked around for the boss.

And Wang Qi, who had already left here and rode a flying dragon to the top of a nearby building, stopped and began to check his harvest.

Three rare-level cards, two transcendent-level cards, and three legendary-level cards, a total of eight spirit cards, are all the harvest this time.

I didn't look at their attributes just now, now I can take a good look at them one by one, don't worry anymore.

There were no surprises for the three rare-level spirit cards, which belonged to the normal drop attribute, so Wang Qi directly received the material column and didn't care about it anymore.

Only one of the two Transcendence cards looked good, Wang Qi thought for a while, and kept it in his spare card slot.

"Sun chariot (pseudo): item card, transcendence level. Consume 1000 points of spiritual power to summon a sun god chariot pulled by eight flame horses, which lasts for 10 minutes, can run in the sky, and the fastest speed can reach 1666 km/h. The chariot naturally emits the rays of the sun. Creatures with dark, undead, Styx, and abyss attributes cannot approach the chariot within 10 meters of the radius. It can automatically resist 50% of all damage from these four attributes, and in the When receiving these four kinds of damage, it will automatically launch a solar arrow to fight back."

This is a prop card that can be used for riding, similar to the helicopter spirit card that I took when I went to help, but this one is in a fantasy style, but it looks pretty good.The fly in the ointment is that the duration is too short, the speed is not particularly fast, and the attributes are too targeted and too limited.

But it looks very cool, even if he doesn't need it, Wang Qi estimated that many people would like this kind of spirit card. When he asks in the Squirrel Club's internal group later, he might be able to exchange for a good spirit card.

In the end, there were three legendary spirit cards, none of which disappointed Wang Qi.

"Steam Burst Sword: item card, legendary level. The first activation requires 200000 points of spiritual power. Effect, use 20000 points of spiritual power to summon a steam sword, double the body's heaviness. It can be used to use swordsmanship. Strength +500 , agility -300, sword damage +50%. Self-contained skill: "Steam Acceleration", when the sword wielder uses "slash" and "stab" type moves, consume 100 points of spiritual power to double the speed of the move; "Steam Burst", when using this sword to block, consume 100 points of spiritual power to make Sword God burst out a large amount of steam, and bounce off the blocked attack; "Steam Illusion", consume 100 points of spiritual power, can make Sword God emit A large amount of steam, and create an illusion that has the same breath as the body but does not have the attack to confuse the enemy's sight."

It consists of a weapon spirit card. The difference is that the weapon style this time is very cyberpunk.

It can be clearly seen from the map that this is a giant sword full of sci-fi style. Wang Qi estimated that maybe he is not as tall as this giant sword.The body of the sword is single-edged as a whole, and the edge of the blade is shining with silver light, which looks very sharp.On the other side, although only the front part is edged, there is a row of circular nozzle holes in the place where there is no edge. Wang Qi guessed that this is where the steam comes out.Looking down at the sword body, there is a mechanical core with complex pipelines inlaid in the handle, and the lights and shadows in it are vague, as if there is water flowing in it.

On the whole, this is a very hard-core weapon. Just by looking at Katu, you can already imagine that it is a rough and tough style. If you can match it with the same style of equipment, Wang Qi guesses that he is a sci-fi weapon. 3A masterpiece game cospaly will be believed.

"Lord of the Wind: Ability Card, legendary level. The first activation requires 1000000 points of spiritual power. After activation, there is no need to consume spiritual power, and the ability to manipulate the wind is automatically obtained, and corresponding skills can be developed by yourself. In a windy environment, the wind attribute damage + 500%, long-range damage received -50%, all other abilities used +50%, movement speed +100%. I am the storm."

The second legendary spirit card was also a huge surprise.

Simple but not simple, low-key but luxurious, this is Wang Qi's evaluation of the attributes of this card.

The phrase "you can develop the corresponding skills by yourself" is enough to trigger countless reveries. Wang Qi can already imagine how many different wind-attribute attacks he can use by drawing inspiration from animation, game and novels.Not to mention, the attributes of this card itself also match the internal strength card "Heaven and Earth Da Xiaoyao Zi Zi Fu" that I cultivated. With a wind attribute external power card, it will directly explode one's output ability.

Moreover, I feel that the effect of this card can be well matched with the Summoning Snow God Moth that I just got.The one that can summon a blizzard happens to create a blizzard environment for this card.

"Split: Legendary, special card. The first activation requires 500000 points of spiritual power. All attacks by the user (including summoned creatures) will automatically cause 80% of the same damage to the two units around the target. If there are no other units around the target, then The target body bears it all. Sometimes when you see something you don’t want to see, you will feel that I am cracked.”

The last card is really completely unexpected, a long-lost special spirit card.

Apart from his own "Data Master" and "Fusion", this is the third special spirit card that Wang Qi has seen so far.

Even with the huge number of spirit cards on various trading platforms, Wang Qi has never seen a third special type of spirit card. It can be seen that this type of spirit card is as rare as the construction type of spirit card.

And its effect is also worthy of the category of special-type spirit card, which is indeed extremely powerful.

Although it is not as irreplaceable as "Data Master" and "Fusion", the bonus to the overall combat power cannot be ignored.

In short, this time Wang Qi has made a lot of money again, with epic enhancements.

(End of this chapter)

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