Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 172 Pretending to be a good one

Chapter 172

"Xiao Xia, I brought two good friends here today, don't mind."

Shui Di stepped forward and took the woman's hand and said to her.

"It's okay, your friend is my friend, I welcome it very much."

With that said, the woman stood up and stretched out her hand to the two of them.

"Hello, my name is Yang Shengxia, you can also call me Xiaoxia."

"Hello, I'm Yan Zhiyun, Shui Di's good sister, and you will be my good sister in the future." Yan Zhiyun took Xiao Xia's hand first, and shook it, which is considered familiar.

"Hello, I'm Wang Qi." Wang Qi put down the bucket, shook hands with Xiao Xia, and simply reported his name.

"Everyone, don't dislike me here, come and sit in the house."

Although she was very curious about the bucket in Wang Qi's hand, Xiao Xia still greeted everyone to enter the house first.

The design of this room is very interesting. The antique courtyard and buildings are equipped with huge floor-to-ceiling windows. There are countless paintings carefully arranged inside. It looks like Xiaoxia's own handwriting, but it doesn't look messy. It just makes people feel very artistic. breath.

"Everyone, sit down, what kind of tea do you want to drink? I have a special tea room here. When the water drops come, I will definitely entertain you with the best tea."

Xiao Xia asked a few people to sit down in front of a tea table made of strange stones, then stood in front of a huge shelf full of glass tea jars, and asked them a question.

"Don't worry, Xiao Xia, do you know why we came here today? You listen to me first." Shui Di asked Xiao Xia to sit down first, and then began to tell her the experience of the three of them.

"Oh? So this bucket of water is actually the spiritual water brought back by Mr. Wang Qi? And you brought it back from that special Taiji small pool? This is a bit interesting."

After listening to Shui Di's brief introduction, Xiao Xia's eyes suddenly brightened.Obviously she is also a Spirit Card Master, otherwise Shui Di would not have told her this.

"I have been to Taixu Wonderland many times, and occasionally drank the water in it, but I never thought about looking for this special water. Since you brought it back, let's try it out and see if this water has any effect. There's nothing magical about it."

As she said that, Xiao Xia stood up, took a small ladle for scooping water, asked Wang Qi with her eyes, then scooped out a ladle of water from the bucket, and added it to a beautiful glass kettle next to it.

While waiting for the water to be boiled, she didn't ask the three of them any more. She searched carefully for a can of tea leaves on the shelf, and put it on the stone table.

"This is a kind of tea that I got from the Taixu Wonderland before. Although I didn't pick it myself, it was brought back from the mountains of the Wonderland by others. I exchanged it. After tasting it once, I never wanted to drink it again. .”

She paused, then said again.

"After brewing this tea with water, drinking it will make people feel peaceful, and it is very easy to enter a state of emptiness. In that state, spiritual power and spiritual power become very sensitive, although this state cannot be used For fighting, but for doing other things, like drawing, it’s very useful.”

"So, I named this tea Kongling Tea."

"You are willing to take out such a good tea." Shui Di jokingly said. "It doesn't look like much."

"Good tea can be matched with good water. Your water, whether it has any miraculous effects or not, sounds miraculous, and it is thanks to Wang Qi's ability to bring it back. It is really not easy. It is used to brew this kind of tea. Tea is not a waste."

Xiao Xia shook her head, seeing that the water was almost boiling, she started the brewing process.

She probably likes drinking tea very much. She sat at the head seat of the stone table. After a series of pleasing operations, a pot of tea with a faint fragrance was placed in front of the four of them.

After filling a cup for several people, and pouring another cup for herself, Xiao Xia didn't remind anything, picked up the teacup by herself, closed her eyes and began to savor it carefully.

Wang Qi picked up the teacup in front of him, brought it up to his nose, and took a light breath.Immediately, a light but not scattered fragrance of tea entered the brain from the nasal cavity, refreshing the whole person.

Really good tea!Although Wang Qi doesn't drink much tea at ordinary times, he can guarantee that this is the first time he has seen tea with this fragrance.

After smelling enough, Wang Qi put the tea to his mouth and took a small sip.

Suddenly, he felt that his whole body really entered a state of floating in the air.

The spiritual power of the whole body and the spiritual power in the mind have become surprisingly active at the moment, but at the same time seem to be very calm, giving people a feeling full of contradictions.But Wang Qi is sure that if he fully activates the data master at this time, his mental power will not be consumed too much and cause headaches, but will become sharper and stronger.

It is worthy of the ethereal tea, it is really worthy of the name.

Opening his eyes, Wang Qi directly summoned his Spirit Card Book, and then turned to the page of the attribute column.

Sure enough, as expected, there was a new line of attributes under the attribute bar.

"Ethereal state of all things: spiritual power recovery speed +100%, mental power recovery speed +100%, sharp thinking, burst of inspiration. Remaining time: 00:59:41"

This state is good just by looking at the name. Two very important attributes have been added, and there is also an attribute of "sharp thinking and burst of inspiration" that does not know the effect but seems to be very useful.

It is estimated that if this attribute is seen by those online novel writers, they will all go crazy.

"You all read the book of spirit cards, there is a new attribute." Wang Qi reminded those who still had their eyes closed.

The three of them opened their eyes immediately, and then summoned their own spirit card books to check them out, and they couldn't help showing joyful expressions together.

"This water is really effective! The ethereal tea I made before didn't have this special attribute bonus in the Book of Spirit Cards." Xiao Xia was a little excited.

"It's a pity that the bonus is only one hour, it's too short." Yan Zhiyun felt a little regretful.

"Satisfy you, you only have a sip of tea, and you can add an hour, which is already a huge bargain." Shui Di said to her.

"Well, I tried it, and this tea is effective after just one sip, but if you continue to drink it, it won't add up. It's a pity." Wang Qi said, and drank the tea in the cup.

"That's really a pity." The three of them also drank the tea in their cups one after another, and then Xiao Xia filled everyone up one by one again.

"Sigh, it's a pity that this kind of tea is not easy to preserve. Otherwise, it can be stored after brewing, and it can be used as a long-term buff when you need a sip."

Yan Zhiyun had another fantastic idea.

"It's okay, I can give you some of this tea. But it's not too much, and everyone may get less."

Xiaoxia expressed it generously.

"In this case, Miss Xiao Xia, let's take this bucket of water away in a few bottles, and leave the rest with you." Seeing Xiao Xia's generosity, Wang Qi expressed it immediately.

"Then the two of us have no choice but to take advantage of you." Shui Di said with a smile.

Xiao Xia got up to find some empty bottles, divided three for each of the three, and Wang Qi used his ability to manipulate water to directly fill them up, leaving her with more than half of the barrel.

Next, the four of them didn't want to waste this buff time, and under Xiao Xia's suggestion, they meditated and practiced separately.

Naturally, Wang Qi doesn't need to meditate to practice, but he can feel that the speed of being left in the hotel as a clone of the supercomputer has become much faster. swollen.

This is the benefit of accelerating the recovery of mental power, and those two attributes are also indispensable.

The three of them were meditating on one side, and Wang Qi didn't want to disturb them, so he had to stand up and look around in Xiaoxia's teahouse by himself.

Walking to a desk, Wang Qi saw the Four Treasures of the Study and some blank papers on the desk, and suddenly his hands started to itch.

It feels like I haven't written a word for a long time.

So while a few people are meditating here, let's just have a hand addiction.Wang Qi directly pulled a piece of white paper, and then began to grind ink and moisten the brush.

After laying out the paper, Wang Qi thought it over, and simply picked a humble room inscription to write.I feel that this article matches the style of Miss Xia's tea room very well.

"If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, there will be dragons. This is a humble room, but my virtue..."

Soon, a humble room inscription was written.Wang Qi also didn't have his own private seal, so he simply signed the words "Wonderful Layman" as a finishing touch.

After finishing this article, there was still a lot of time, so Wang Qi pulled out a few more sheets of paper, splashed ink, and wrote to his heart's content.

An hour later, the three girls finished their meditation, woke up, and saw Wang Qi sitting there, quietly drinking tea.

"Hey, Wang Qi, haven't you practiced yet?" Yan Zhiyun asked directly.

"My exercises are a bit special, so I don't need to meditate all the time." Wang Qi explained briefly. "Also, Miss Xiaoxia, I have to apologize to you. I saw you guys practicing just now, and I saw the Four Treasures of the Study over there. I couldn't help itching and wrote something. I moved your things without authorization. I'm very sorry."

When the three of them heard this, they looked at the table next to them together.

Xiao Xia stood up suddenly, walked quickly to the table, then picked up the "Humble Room Inscription", her eyes lit up.

"This is... why your handwriting is so beautiful!" Yan Zhiyun also ran over and picked up a piece of handwriting, but she was so uneducated that she almost jumped out of it.

"Wang Qi, you really wrote this?" Shui Di also took a pair, his face full of disbelief.

Although ordinary people may not be able to write good handwriting, everyone in Winbond possesses the basic ability to distinguish which words are good and which are ugly because they read words every day.

Wang Qi's words also shocked Mr. Liu, who also has a large group of old fans and a little fan girl. It was easy to shock the three girls in this area.

Wang Qi took a sip of tea and nodded calmly.

Pretend to be a good one.

(End of this chapter)

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