Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 173 Re-entering the Void Wonderland

Chapter 173 Re-entering the Void Wonderland
The three girls were immersed in Wang Qi's wonderful calligraphy, and after a long time, it was Xiao Xia who spoke first.

"Mr. Wang Qi... Can you send me a picture of your words?"

She turned her head to look at Wang Qi full of expectation.

"I will seriously frame it and hang it in my tea room!"

"Ah, you don't have to be so polite, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone used here are all yours, and these are just casual creations, you can dispose of them as you like."

Wang Qi said he didn't care.

"Really? Then give me a picture, Xiao Xia!" Yan Zhiyun quickly turned to look at Xiao Xia.

"We've been good sisters for many years, I'll take away the one you don't have!" Shui Di also looked at her.

"Okay, but the rest are my treasures, you can't take any more! This was given to me by Mr. Wang Qi!" Xiao Xia hurriedly held all the rest in her hands, and no one could take a picture of it. The look of not giving.

"It's okay, you really want it. I'll write to you when I have a chance. Drink tea, drink tea." Wang Qi sat there, holding a teacup, and smiled.

"Yeah." The three girls nodded again and again, and then sat back.

In line with the principle of not wasting, pour all the tea into a large cup and put it on temporarily. The first pot of tea was soaked until it had no color, and the four decided to give up.

Then Xiaoxia brewed another kind of tea that ordinary people can drink, and tried her best to show her profound tea ceremony cultivation, and finally got a tea with new attributes.

Sure enough, this water is really extraordinary.

It's a pity that the total amount is still too small, otherwise Wang Qi would even have the idea of ​​using him to make medicine or wine, and maybe he would get some magical attributes.Or if you have an item card like the fire pot, maybe you can produce this kind of water infinitely.At present, it can only be saved temporarily, leaving a root for storage.

The four drank a lot of tea, and Wang Qi showed off his calligraphy, but the chat started, and they got along much more harmoniously.

When they arrived at the hotel, everyone went to have a meal together, and then Shui Di sent Wang Qi and Yan Zhiyun back to the hotel, and left alone.

Back in his room, Wang Qi simply drank the empty cup of spirit tea he had brought back in the afternoon, then switched to the main body, and continued to simulate and analyze the fusion circuits of those spirit cards, releasing the avatar and letting the avatar go out.

The clone came to the headquarters of the Spirit Card Association again, and quietly entered the Great Void Wonderland from the entrance.

Wang Qi wanted to give it a try, to see if he could find other opportunities in it.It's a bit greedy, but how will you know if you don't try.

After entering the Taixu Wonderland, he directly summoned the Diamond Flying Dragon, then soared into the sky and flew straight towards the distant mountains.

The time in Wonderland also changes just like outside.At this moment, the time has come in the evening, and the gorgeous sunset spreads on the golden land, which looks very spectacular.

Wang Qi's avatar controls the flying dragon, while flying forward, while looking at the scenery below.Suddenly, he found a trace of discordant colors from the ground.

"Huh, does that look familiar?"

The avatar felt a little strange, the speed of the flying dragon was very fast, Wang Qi hesitated a little, and stopped the flying dragon directly, and then rushed there.

It was a spirit card master who should have looked very ordinary, but with black flames burning all over his body, he looked very ordinary, which made him look gloomy.

This place is quite far away from the building area, and there are no people on the road. A person who appears here is basically just like Wang Qi, looking for the opportunity in the mountains.

"Isn't this the flame on the body of the idiot I saw today who rushed into the fairyland to die?"

Wang Qi frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple.

When he came to this person, he really had a strange expression on his face. The evil smile on his face, coupled with the eerie black flame, made him feel a sense of disharmony all over his body.

"It seems that the guy who gave away the head a few years ago is not actually dead."

Having seen the metal villain of the mercenary leader before, Wang Qi knew that the life-saving methods of the spirit card masters were all kinds of strange and strange.

The guy who was sent to death today was covered in black flames and claimed to be immortal. Although [-]% of them were killed by the Ice Queen's blow, but now it seems that there are still some of them hidden in this fairyland of emptiness.

"'s not easy..." The clone was a little distressed.

If the main body came here and found it, go back to the Spirit Card Association directly, and naturally there will be experts coming.But now that the avatar is here, it is bound to be impossible to go back and call people.

It seems that I have to go up and try the depth by myself.

The man covered in black flames walked forward step by step, and he didn't know where his destination was, but he never stopped.

Wang Qi directly summoned the Dragonfly Death Squad, and went up to touch porcelain first.

The legendary dragonfly squad can now ignore the defense and directly cause 10% of the target's body's life damage, which seems to be a lower ratio than before, but it is actually much more powerful.

Moreover, don't forget that after merging with the Karmic Fire Red Lotus Grenade, the built-in Karmic Fire effect has the effect of doubling the damage to the four attributes of "Darkness, Immortality, Styx, and Abyss".

The black flame in front of him doesn't seem to be a decent attribute, Wang Qi thinks it is acceptable to give it a [-]/[-] attribute chance.

So the five dragonfly death squads swarmed up directly, without bumping into other places, and directly bumped into this guy's face.

In the eyes of the avatar, the karmic fire red lotus directly bloomed five times, and the burning karmic fire immediately covered the black flame.

And when the blazing karma fire blended with the black flame, the avatar could clearly see that the blaze of the karma fire suddenly burned more vigorously as if a large amount of fuel had been poured into it.

Even if there was no damage notification like in the game, Wang Qi knew that he must have won one of the four attributes.


With a scream, this man covered in black flames was directly reduced to ashes in the karmic fire.

Originally, the five dragonflies only dealt 50% of the total damage, but with the addition of the karmic fire attribute counterpart, after doubling it, they can just kill him 100% without hesitation, recreating the pleasure and speed of Wang Qi's use of bomb traps to torture small monsters back then. .

Just when this person screamed and turned into ashes, in the uninhabited places in all directions of Taixu Wonderland, there were many figures that looked exactly like this person, and they raised their heads at the same time and looked towards this side.


A voice of countless people talking at the same time came out of their mouths, but after only saying this word, everyone became more cautious, put away the black flames on their bodies, and accelerated their progress speed.

After killing this person, Wang Qi felt a bit ominous, but he couldn't figure out where there was a problem.The Void Butterfly had already spread out in all directions when it came in, but there was no second shadow like this person, so it had no choice but to give up.

Riding on the flying dragon again, the diamond flying dragon flapped its wings and flew directly to the distant mountains with the clone.

For the next whole night, the avatars ran around in the wonderful mountains of Wonderland.

It's a pity that I saw a lot of scenes that seemed like fairy tales or dreams, but I never came across one by chance.

Wang Qi also tried to pick some wild fruits and eat them, but he didn't add any attributes, which made him quite regretful.

It seems that a chance is a chance, when there is a fate, you will meet it naturally, when there is no fate, you will not find it even if you look for it.

Forcing is really not enough.

However, the avatar walked through this wonderful mountain, and found a place that was very suitable for Wang Qi's cultivation.

In the attributes of the internal energy card "Heaven and Earth Great Happiness and Freedom", it is stated that "the effect of cultivation is doubled in an environment with wind or water attributes".When he was in Shui'an City, Wang Qi had already tried to practice in Anjiang Center, and the speed was indeed doubled, which made the cultivation of spiritual power much faster.There was even a reason why he even directly bought a house by the river.

But later, because he left Shui'an City, he didn't stop all the way, so he didn't find this kind of environment to practice, but relied on the automatic operation of internal strength to practice continuously.

But right now, although the avatar did not find any good opportunities, it found such a good place.

In the mountains after a certain change, the surrounding countless fluorescent plants reflect colorful colors all around.Following a natural path, the avatar unexpectedly saw a huge cave.

When he first discovered this cave, Wang Qi thought he was lucky, and after searching all night, he finally found a new opportunity.But after going in and walking along the winding path for a long time, I came to a hidden map in the middle of the mountain, a gourd-shaped sinkhole.

In the center of the tiankeng is a bottomless pool, surrounded by boulders in the shape of a gourd, and the mouth of the gourd at the top can see the starry sky outside.

The water strips flowing down from countless boulders, under the illumination of fluorescent plants, make the scenery of this gourd cave beautiful and dazzling.

This environment is so special no matter how you look at it, Wang Qi firmly believes that there must be good opportunities here, and he can gamble with his head.

But helplessly, he searched all over the place, and even jumped directly into the water pool, and dived into the deep bottom of the pool, but found nothing.

In the end, Wang Qi had to admit that this place was indeed just a special cave. Although it looked very strange, there was really nothing good about it.

However, since there is such a pool of water here, the avatar basically decided to give up after searching for it all night, and thought of the exercises he practiced.

The exercises that run automatically, after coming here, the speed of practice has obviously accelerated a lot.

Thinking of this, the avatar simply summoned the Sword of Traveling Waves, and with its ability to step on waves, stood directly on the water surface in the middle of the pool, then assumed a meditation posture, and began to practice seriously.

The clone's speed of cultivating spiritual power is twice that of the main body.And at this moment, the bonus of the environment is directly four times the speed of the body's cultivation.Coupled with the newly added attribute "spiritual power training speed +50%" in the Book of Spirit Cards, the relationship between the two is multiplicative, that is, after 4 times, it is increased by 50%, so that the speed directly changes became six times.

Six times the speed of cultivation, it is really too fast!

(End of this chapter)

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