Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 175 Breakthrough Level 100

Chapter 175 Breakthrough Level 100

"Summon the Dancing Pazinit Avatar: Ability Card, mythical level. The first activation requires 1296000 spiritual power points. Effect: Consume 129600 spiritual power points to summon the dancing Pazinit Avatar. When the avatar appears, it will automatically cover the summoner's body , the incarnation is immortal, and the summoner is immortal. Dancing Pazinit incarnation attribute: [Physical strength: 672599] [Strength: 13586] [Speed: 35479] [Spiritual power: 1296000]. Skill 1: Dance with me, consumes 10% Spiritual power, all creatures within the range of Pazinit's gaze must be consistent with Pazinit's actions, and those who are inconsistent will die at a speed of 10% HP per second. Skill 2: Ignite War Pattern, consumes 10 % spiritual power, all the war patterns on Pazinit's body began to ignite, and all attributes of Pazinit increased by 10% every second, and reached the brightest state after ten seconds, lasting for ten seconds, and the cooling time was 30 seconds. Skill 3: Pazzi and Nit, consume 10% spiritual power, the dancing Pazzi Nit is split into two parts, the summoner can choose to hide one part, the part named Pazzi inherits strength and speed, and the value of physical strength and spiritual power is 1; The part named Nite inherits physical strength and spiritual power, and its strength and speed are 1. Skill 4: Two-person battle dance. After skill 3 is activated, Nite can consume 10% of the spiritual power to activate the skill. The two parts are cloned into the battle In the dancing state, all attributes are increased by 100%, lasting for 15 seconds, and the cooling time is 45 seconds.'——Come and dance with Pazinit!'”

In terms of attributes, this card is a well-deserved mythical spirit card. The powerful attributes and Eagle Dad's skills all bring great temptation to this card.

The only thing is... this Paznit is really ugly.

It can be seen from the map that Paznit is a non-human monster, with a dark red body covered with bright yellow patterns, the head is like a round pot, and the eyes are not symmetrical at all. One is long and the other is an irregular shape.There are only three round holes in the mouth, and the middle is all black, so you can't see the inside clearly.

The slender neck is connected to the body, and the body is also extremely slender. There are many arms on the left and right sides, each arm is different, some are long and some are short, and the ends are not entirely palms, some are spikes , some are claws, some are a ball, and the whole looks like a deformity.

The bottom should be the position of the legs, but at this moment there are two identical round and thick objects. Although the patterns are different, the shape is still consistent. It is the most pleasing position on the whole body.

Besides these connected parts, there are also twelve round shield-like objects floating around its body, arranged to form a ring, enclosing it.

All in all, it's ugly, ugly, and weird.

Anyway, Wang Qi swore that he would never use this kind of thing.Even if he is not Yan Dang, he still cannot accept this ugly spirit card ability.

However, there are many people who only pay attention to attributes and ignore appearance.

After the internal trading platform canceled the auction, those people who just left some time for them to consider started the bidding activity directly.

You know, on the public trading platform, the mythical-level spirit card with very ordinary attributes is priced at 60 billion.Now this one, don't look at the card picture is not good-looking, but the ability is really strong, as long as it is easy to use, many people will not rely on the appearance.

Of course, there are also those who have similar ideas to Wang Qi, or those who have a lot of money in their hands, they will think more about the appearance and effect.After all, the first effect has to enter the body of this avatar to dance. It's really hard to say how many people are willing to output while dancing like this.

In short, the attitude towards this card is basically polarized, which is very obvious.

However, there are not many people who can afford it, and most of them are just watching.Even when discussing the irrigation section, someone has already opened a special post to analyze this spiritual card and this auction.

Wang Qi himself did not participate in it at all.At this time, he had arrived at the location of the avatar, and after many twists and turns, he finally found the cave hidden deep in the mountains.

After entering, just like the clone, Wang Qi directly stepped on the water with the ability of Xingbo to the center of the pool, and then sat down with his back facing the clone.

Isn't it strange to be face to face with your clone?

When the main body and the avatar are cultivating together in this environment, Wang Qi's "Heaven and Earth Great Happiness Endowment" starts to work at 9 times the speed in an instant.

This kind of rapid spiritual power improvement speed, if the level progress bar is directly displayed like in the game, it must be increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even if you can practice walking, sitting and lying down, once you enter this state of concentrated cultivation, time seems to pass quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the time has come to night, and the Taixu Wonderland is just like the real world outside, with a full moon rising slowly.

At this moment, Wang Qi and the avatar opened their glasses at the same time. It happened that there was a bright moon in the sky, and a ray of white moonlight directly shone down from the top of the gourd-shaped cave.

"Heaven and Earth Da Xiaoyao Zi Zi's first level has been completed, level 100 has arrived!"

Wang Qi thought to himself, but he suddenly found that the environment around his body had undergone a huge change.

The moonlight was like milk, slowly flowing into the pool, and the whole cave suddenly began to emit a silver-white light, and the water in the pool below seemed to disappear, Wang Qi seemed to be sitting in mid-air.

More and more moonlight, like a drop of oil dripping on the water, quickly flowed through Wang Qi's body, entered the bottom of the pool, and then continued to spread upward along the intricately pieced boulder walls around him. open.

When the spreading moonlight finally converged at the mouth of the gourd at the top, Wang Qi suddenly couldn't see anything else in his eyes.

At this time, many messages suddenly flowed through Wang Qi's heart.

That is the information that all spirit card masters will automatically get when they upgrade to level 100, instructing them on what to do in order to cross this level and enter a new level.

Probably due to the arrangement of fate, just when Wang Qi broke through to level 100, and the environment he practiced in, this opportunity came.

Chance was directly integrated with his level 100 promotion, bringing new options and changes to his promotion.

When a spirit card master reaches level 100, the main change is to consume a spirit card above the transcendence level to make a level breakthrough.After breaking through, the improvement of physical fitness and spiritual power is determined by the level of the spiritual card you consume.

After deciding on the spirit card to use for the breakthrough, the breakthrough will begin, and the body of the spirit card master will be washed by spiritual power, entering a process of rebirth.

At this time, if you continue to practice your internal strength card, you will naturally break through your spiritual power and directly enter the next stage, level 101.

When entering level 101, the second benefit of breakthrough will come.In the book of spirit cards, each person has seventeen equipment card slots, three of which are the most important, named "life", "spirit", and "body".

At this time, the "body" card slot will light up directly with the breakthrough, and any spirit card placed in this card slot will increase its effect tenfold from now on.

After lighting up the "body" slot, the third and last benefit of the breakthrough will follow.

When everyone breaks through the hundredth level, they can have a chance to choose a spirit card that they own as their natal spirit card. From then on, they can use it directly without occupying the equipment card slot. This also avoids some special abilities. , such as the ability to destroy someone else's ability to equip a spirit card, or the ability to steal a spirit card from a specific slot, and so on.

This information flowed through Wang Qi's mind in an instant, and he also understood why others didn't tell him what preparations he needed to make to break through level 100, and only let himself break through as soon as possible.

Because of the first benefit here, if you know it in advance, and prepare a high-level spirit card, such as a mythical level, it will affect the mysterious and mysterious sense of breakthrough, and it will make the result of the first breakthrough worse. .Therefore, this is something that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words. No one will deliberately remind others what to do when they break through.You remind others that your next breakthrough will also be affected.

But Wang Qi's luck is really good. He just fused more than ten additional mythical spirit cards today. At this moment, he naturally chose the best one.

What he didn't expect was that the opportunity of the Calabash Cave brought new changes to his breakthrough.

Wang Qi discovered that he could choose two mythical-level spirit cards as breakthrough materials.One is for him himself, and one is for his avatar!

After the main body chooses a mythical spirit card, it can break through to level 101, and its body gets the best strengthening. After consuming this spirit card, the avatar can directly upgrade the quality of the spirit card to the mythical level!

If there was such a good thing, Wang Qi would of course do it without hesitation.He directly selected the two mythical spirit cards he got today as materials for improving himself.

Immediately, he felt his body, accompanied by the moonlight flowing outside him, was constantly changing, and with the movement of the heaven and earth, the spiritual power in his body was constantly flowing to the whole body, allowing his body and spiritual power to fuse together. more closely.

I don't know if it was a moment or a long time, Wang Qi suddenly opened his eyes, feeling this brand new body.

The first breakthrough is completed.

And the other spirit card, after being disassembled as a material, gradually disappeared, and the essence did not disappear. If Wang Qi opened his eyes with all his strength and activated the ability of the master of data, he would see the components that make up this spirit card. The tiny lines like star clusters are all integrated into the spirit card of "Non-Existent Clone". stronger and more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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