Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 176 I Feel Super Strong

Chapter 176 I Feel Super Strong

Regardless of opening the book of spirit cards to check the status of the "non-existent clone" spirit card, the second benefit of the breakthrough followed.

The "Physical" slot has been lit up, and Wang Qi's mind flashed an understanding. What is placed in it is only the rare-level "Spiritual Bat Twelve Turns" agility, but if he uses the effect of this card now, The actual display will be far more than the effect that I used before level 100.

This is also the reason why the stage between level 101 and level 200 is called "Physical Realm" by spirit card masters.

Of course, by analogy, from level 201 to level 300, it is called "spiritual realm", and from level 301 to level 400, it is called "life realm".After that, it was temporarily unknown.

After lighting up the "Physical" card slot and officially calling it the Physical Realm Spirit Card Master, Wang Qi faced the last benefit and encountered a difficulty.

Which spirit card should I choose as my natal spirit card this time?
After much deliberation, Wang Qi finally set his sights on the "Data Master", and then firmly chose it.

Anyway, this is Wang Qi's only Chaos Spirit Card so far.He has never seen anyone mention the level of "Chaos Level" in other people's mouths or in any materials. It is conceivable that a spirit card of this level must be very special.

Moreover, "Data Master", as Wang Qi's indispensable ability, has already penetrated into every aspect of his words and deeds. It can be said that Wang Qi is completely inseparable from the ability of this spirit card.If there is really the ability to seal or erase the spirit card in the equipment column, once the data master's ability is restricted or eliminated, it will have a devastating impact on Wang Qi's combat power.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with this choice.

After making a choice, all 100-level breakthroughs are completed.

At this time, the moonlight outside the body began to slowly disappear with the movement of the moon in the sky. The light became weaker and weaker, and the surrounding mountain walls also turned darker, until it could no longer be seen clearly. Those beautiful fluorescent plants, sparkling.

Summoning the Book of Spirit Cards, Wang Qi began to check his current state.

Turning to the attribute column page, he saw his current attributes, and he was overjoyed immediately.

【Real name: Wang Qi】

【Race: Human Race】


[Level: Level 101]

【Basic Physical Data】

【Physical Strength: 783+300】

[Strength: 466+300]

【Speed: 513+300+1000】

【Spirit: 6182】

【Spiritual Power: 1036581】

[Tai Chi Yang Fish: Spiritual power training speed +50%. 】

[Moon halo fairy gourd: the effect of spiritual power training under the moonlight +100%, the effect of moonlight abilities +100%, the attributes of gourd props +100%]

Not only the physical attributes have been greatly improved, but also the first level of internal strength has been completed, and there are attribute bonuses, and the most gratifying thing is that I have another passive attribute!
This state of "Moon Halo Immortal Gourd" not only allowed me to obtain great benefits when I broke through, but also allowed my avatar to be directly promoted to the mythical level, and also brought me a resident attribute. As long as I practice under the moonlight, the cultivation effect will increase again 100% so much!
As for the latter two effects, although they will not be used temporarily, they can be said to be very strong.In the future, if you make spirit cards, you can move closer to these two directions.

Wang Qi felt like he was about to knock himself out with the missing pie.

After admiring my own attributes, I turned to my equipment bar. Sure enough, besides the 17 equipment card slots, there was an additional separate card slot. The "Data Master" had been moved into it. His spirit card cannot be put in, and the master of data cannot take out the book of spirit cards, and can only move between the free card slot and this fixed extra card slot.

Since it was bound to a real-name spirit card, it was expected that it couldn't be taken out, but Wang Qi was not surprised.

The vacant space made it difficult for him. The "Fate" card slot is limited to only Dao Seed cards and special cards. I haven't seen Dao Seed cards until now. "Two, the former is not necessary to be equipped, and the latter is not affected by putting it in the item card slot.After thinking about it, I can only put the "split" here first, so that it can be regarded as an extra card slot for the item card slot.

Finally, there is the main event, "the non-existent clone".

Wang Qi moved his gaze up, carefully looked at its current effect, and couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and laugh three times, and write a poem by the way, to celebrate such a great opportunity for himself.

"A clone that does not exist: Ability card, mythical level. Create a clone, as long as the clone is not canceled, it can exist forever, and its attribute is 300% of its own; it can use all the spirit cards on its body, and its effect is 300% of the original effect. When the clone attacks After the target, the attacked object can start to counterattack the clone. Before the attack, the clone and everything it uses are in a parallel space that is undetectable and untouchable by everyone except yourself. The main body and the clone can change positions at will. Skill: Moon Halo Gourd , can summon the fairy gourd phantom formed by the moon halo, use it on any target, the target's spiritual power training effect under the moonlight +100%, the effect of moonlight abilities +100%, the attributes of gourd props +100%, the duration is 1 hour , cooling time is 24 hours."

After being promoted to the avatar of Mythology, the most important invisible and intangible effects are all retained, the consumption of spiritual power is cancelled, there is no time limit, and the most important thing is that there is an additional attribute that can switch positions with the main body at will.And the extra skill at the end can be said to be the icing on the cake. It can be regarded as very complete if the benefits you have gained can be blessed to others.

The strengthening of the avatar suddenly gave Wang Qi some new ideas, but this can be discussed later.

Finally, after reading the attributes, Wang Qicai suddenly remembered the auction, took out his phone, and saw that it was about to start in less than half an hour. Wang Qiqi let out a strange cry, jumped up immediately, and quickly ran out of the cave.

The opportunity of the cave has been obtained by myself, and it is estimated that this cave will disappear due to the reorganization of the boulder after I leave.But this is not what should be concerned about now.

Jumping up, Wang Qi found that his body became extremely light, and the spiritual power naturally flowed through his body, motivating every inch of his body, making him feel endless energy, and he could run as fast as the wind.

The spirit bat's twelve-turning method, which was blessed ten times, was used directly when leaving the cave. Immediately, countless afterimages were left in the passage of the cave. As the afterimages slowly dissipated, Wang Qi himself I don't know how far I have run.

After leaving the cave, Wang Qi directly summoned the diamond flying dragon, jumped up lightly, and the flying dragon took him soaring into the sky.Turning his head to look, the boulders around the cave began to tremble, and then the process of reorganization began, which was regarded as the complete completion of the opportunity.

While urging the diamond flying dragon to go all out, Wang Qi didn't care whether it was eye-catching or not, while looking at his phone, he wanted to see the auction results of the mythical spirit card he hung up today.

He needs to rely on these auction points to participate in the auction later, otherwise if he sees something but doesn't have the points or money to buy it, wouldn't it be very wronged.

As soon as he opened the app, sure enough, the platform had sent a message, congratulating him on the successful delivery of his spirit card.Looking at the final price again, Wang Qi's mouth suddenly opened into an O shape.

1833333 points!

After deducting the 3% handling fee on the Spirit Card Association platform, Wang Qi got a total of 1778333 points, which is an unimaginable number for him.

You know, 1 point is 1 yuan in cash, and 177 million points is 177 billion in cash!
The cash piled up together, although the master of data could calculate the result in an instant, Wang Qi didn't want to.He only knew that it was a bunch of big and big.So much cash is enough to buy several listed companies for fun!
For a small company like Uncle Zhang Yuxiang, Wang Qi can buy at least a few thousand!

However, whether these funds are as much as grand uncle Subaru's family is still open to discussion. Wang Qi conservatively estimated that it should be a lot worse.

But no matter what, with so much money at once, Wang Qi no longer dared to claim that he was poor.

"If I were poor, I would be poor and only have money left!"

After thinking about it, it's not right to say that.

"I'm so poor that all I have left is a mythical spirit card!"

Finally, with Wang Qi's silver smile on his face, the diamond flying dragon returned to the entrance of Taixu Wonderland.

When he got to the front, Wang Qi rode the wind lightly and landed directly. He didn't need the shadow snake-tailed wolf anymore. Now that he had unfolded his movements, he was running many times faster than the shadow snake-tailed wolf. He really ran to the exit by himself.

After returning to reality through the passage, Wang Qi quickly found a car.Fortunately, the auction site chosen by the Spirit Card Association was not far away. It took less than 10 minutes for the car to arrive outside the auction site.

After quickly verifying the tickets, Wang Qi went inside and saw that there were basically no empty seats inside, and it was overcrowded.

He found his seat and sat down, but Wang Qi ran into an acquaintance again.

"Hey, Wang Qi!"

Several people nearby spoke together.

Wang Qi took a look and was immediately happy.

"Yo, why are you guys!"

That's right, it's the comrades who fought together a while ago, Shifang, the student, the coward, and the boss.Maitreya and Sister Maoxian were not there, there were only four of them.

"We are originally from the imperial capital! We have an auction at home, and we will definitely come to see it!" Shi Fang happened to sit next to Wang Qi, and said with his arms around his shoulders.

I don't know if the staff has checked his ticket. It is estimated that he can come in without buying a ticket.But here is one seat for one person anyway, so there is no need to be afraid of others sitting over.

"So that's the case, why don't you see Big Sister Wool and Big Brother Maitreya?" Wang Qi asked casually.

"They have business at home, so they didn't come. What about us, what about you? Where's your girlfriend and those buddies?"

Shifang asked directly.

"They went on a trip with the master, and everyone else has something to do, so I came here by myself."

"Shh, stop talking, the auction has started."

At this time, the student quickly reminded the two of them and pointed to the stage in front of them, so the two of them stopped talking and looked forward together.

(End of this chapter)

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