Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 180 The face-slapping love chapter of a third-rate novel

Chapter 180 The face-slapping plot of third-rate novels

"Sure enough, close combat is more likely to make people excited."

Killing a few monsters easily is not even a warm-up for Wang Qi now.In fact, the defense of these monsters may not be able to break through the current Wang Qi's defense, but Wang Qi is used to being cautious, and he prefers not to be hit at once, otherwise he will directly face the hard steel, and the end will only be faster.

Pausing for a while, Wang Qi directly unfolded his movements, turned into a shadow, and rushed forward quickly.Since you want to play, let's just have fun, and it's not bad to just kill the boss like this.

Along the way, like chopping melons and vegetables, no monsters survived Wang Qi's sword pass, which greatly satisfied his vanity, and he had a good time as a swordsman.

After finally coming to the center of this field, Wang Qi found that there were already several figures fighting the huge boss and elites.

One of them looked calm and steady with every punch and kick, and the body of the giant Senxuan turtle that was bombarded with every move was constantly cracking. It was the master of the martial arts gym, Bian Mochang.

But he didn't use a knife, which was a bit beyond Wang Qi's expectation. I thought he knew Brother He Yu, and he made a knife for Brother He Yu. He must also be a swordsman with a knife. Using fist and kick kung fu, and without a trace of fireworks, it looks simple and plain, giving people a calm and restrained impression.

In addition to Bian Mochang, there were several unseen Spirit Card Masters fighting with him, I believe they were all locals.

Now that there are people here, and people they know, it is naturally not easy for Wang Qi to go forward to snatch the output. They also found Wang Qi's arrival, and Bian Mochang took the time to nod to Wang Qi, explaining to others in a low voice , everyone was not too nervous.

After thinking for a while, Wang Qi put away his long sword and switched his long spear out.This time, the flame attribute was chosen randomly, and a long spear with scarlet flames appeared in Wang Qi's hands, which was quite eye-catching.Pulling the trigger, he aimed directly at the heads of the boss and the elite, and fired several shots. The silent bullets knocked them out of their bodies, and the few people who were fighting immediately seized the opportunity.

To say that the level of the boss and the elite is not high, it belongs to the most common monster in the field, but because the boss generally has special life-saving skills, such as the skills of the boss of the forest turtle, Wang Qi has already seen it after coming here for a while , it is mandatory to lose blood by a percentage, no matter how strong your output is, you can only knock out 1% of your blood at one time.And it can restore its life with the help of the unusual big tree on its back, which made several seemingly not weak masters fight for so long.

After waiting for a few minutes, seeing that several people were still unable to take down the black tortoise, and the progress of blood loss was slow, Wang Qi was also a little impatient, so he asked directly.

"Master, do you mind if I make a move? If you don't mind, let me help."

"Okay, just go ahead."

Bian Mo often nodded, agreeing.

None of them have the ability to deal with this kind of monster very well, and they only lost nearly half of their blood volume by grinding their blood, so they are a little dissatisfied.Someone is willing to help, or someone he knows, so naturally no one objects.

Wang Qi didn't pretend to be aggressive, and didn't continue to use his sword and spear skills, but directly summoned the most convenient Dragonfly Death Squad, and rushed up together.

In front of everyone, the five red lotuses exploded on the boss of Senxuan Turtle, and immediately its blood bar was like a roller coaster, 50% of it was blown up in an instant, leaving less than 10%.

Seeing Wang Qi's strength, several people immediately looked at each other, their spirits lifted, and they tacitly intensified their attacks. It took less than ten seconds to kill the boss on the spot.

Once the boss died, the elites also lost the super recovery ability it provided, and they couldn't withstand the attacks of several people. They were called one by one and went directly to report below.

Wang Qi didn't make any further moves. After watching the settlement pop up, he made a random choice and got a few bad spirit cards. He put them away and looked at the people who were walking towards him.

"I didn't expect you to leave here yet."

The owner of the side hall spoke first, and said to Wang Qi.

"I've already thought of a way to send things to Brother Heyu, and I happened to pass by the neighborhood today, so I came in to have a look when I saw the domain, and I'm ready to leave."

Wang Qi briefly explained.

"The summoning ability you used just now is very good. How about it? Are you interested in selling it? I'm not short of money." A young man next to him suddenly said.

Originally, Wang Qi and Bian Mo were talking, and he didn't plan to get to know these people, so he was about to leave.Unexpectedly, this person would open his mouth to buy his own spirit card, which is a bit novel.

"Sorry, I don't intend to sell this card." Wang Qi directly rejected this guy.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll give you a good price. I'm not short of money." That guy was a little unhappy when he saw Wang Qi's refusal.

Wang Qi didn't bother to answer any more, and looked directly at Bian Mochang, asking him with his eyes.

"Master Wu, do me a favor, this is my friend, so don't make things difficult for him." Bian Mochang turned his head to look at this Young Master Wu.

"Why, if I give you face, he doesn't have to give me face? My third son, Wu, has never seen anyone dare to refuse in this land." Hearing this, Young Master Wu's expression changed immediately. , directly reprimanded Bian Mochang.

As for the other young men and women, seeing this posture, they scattered around laughing and laughing, as if they were going to surround Wang Qi.

"Bian Mochang, don't think that you are just a dog of the Zhang family, and people can just give you face. You are nothing in our eyes now!"

Young Master Wu let out a yell, and directly tore his face, making Bian Mochang's expression very ugly.

Hello!Am I caught in the stage of pretending to slap my face with third-rate online literature again?
Wang Qi was a little speechless, and couldn't help but want to complain about their conversation, but he didn't know where to start.

It's also unlucky, I haven't encountered anything in the field of brushing, but today before I left, I came to brush the field on a whim, met someone I knew, and encountered such a shitty thing.

"Okay, hurry up and show us all the spirit cards on your body, let us pick and choose what is good, don't worry, I will give you money. Do you want to resist, be careful that we are blind."

Bian Mochang, who was so angry with Master Wu, had nothing to say, he winked at his partner, and then yelled at Wang Qi.

"Master Bian, step back a little bit." Sighing, Wang Qi turned to look at Bian Mochang, "Don't implicate you."

"Tsk, still want to do it?" Several people summoned various weapons and equipment again, and looked at Wang Qi with a playful smile.

Bian Mo saw that Wang Qi was not afraid at all, he thought for a while, then shook his head, turned and walked to the side.

Forget it, if you want to fight with them, then I'll protect you by the side. It's okay to clean up these brats, and it won't be too late for me to come up to persuade you to fight after you finish your fight.

He didn't think at all that Wang Qi would lose.

To put it more bluntly, call that guy the third young master, he is just a dude and his cronies, otherwise how could he fight so hard even with such a low-level domain boss.

Seeing that Bian Mochang really backed away, these guys secretly thought that he was being sensible, and then looked at Wang Qi with malicious intentions.

Being bullied to the head, Wang Qi naturally wouldn't let it go.This is in the field again, no one will know about killing them except Bian Mochang.

The difficulty is that if these guys have the ability to escape, it would be bad to let them escape one by one.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi made up his mind, and then summoned the Book of Spirit Cards to float beside him, and suddenly unfolded his movements, leaving a phantom in place.

He rushed to that young master Wu in an instant, and stabbed his chest with a sword in his surprised eyes.

Master Wu was horrified, and in desperation, he used his own spirit card, "Slippery".

Wang Qi's sword touched his body, but instead of piercing him, the tip of the sword slid, and under Wang Qi's surprised gaze, it slid out directly against his body.

"Hey! You can't hurt me!" Young Master Wu suddenly felt complacent, and took advantage of the time when he was wrong, he was about to hit Wang Qilai with the gun in his hand.

Seeing that Wang Qi almost hurt Master Wu, those few people used their abilities to rush forward together.

But don't forget, Wang Qi is a level 101 physical master.

Speed ​​is Wang Qi's best attribute. Under the burst of power, Wang Qi disappeared from the sight of several people in an instant, and then turned into an afterimage. Such a lap.

A line constructed by spiritual power suddenly appeared around these people, emitting a bright light.

"Realm exchange!"

That's right, from the very beginning, Wang Qi's stabbing at Young Master Wu was simply to activate this ability.

Since I'm afraid of you running away, and I don't care about those two or three drops, I might as well send you away.

Without the avatar by his side, Wang Qi couldn't use the "Spirit World Exile" that took too long to read, but "Domain Exchange" is also the best choice.

As long as these guys are sent to the spirit world, if there are any monsters there, they will definitely leave the place. After 300 seconds, the domain exchange comes back, even if there are still people on the top who switch back, Wang Qi will wait for them with the "Exile from the Spirit World" that has already been read.

This is the serial set of "send you away tactics".

The domain exchange was activated, and several people within the delineated range were sent to the spirit world by Wang Qi along with the ground under their feet.

The scene of this exchange probably meant that their fate was really bad. In a flash, they found that their surroundings had changed, and then they saw countless monsters with mouths as big as pots staring at them.

The exchanged land also brought a monster, but Wang Qi directly launched the "Unbreakable Barrier", and the four huge shield walls connected into a closed space, sealing the monster inside tightly, leaving only exit above.

(End of this chapter)

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