Lingka World Adventure

Chapter 181 I Will Send You Out of the World

Chapter 181 I Will Send You Out of the World
Ignoring Bian Mochang's surprised eyes, Wang Qi jumped lightly, stood on the top of the shield wall, and then began to pour his firepower downward.

The monster's hands and feet were restrained, and it was difficult to turn around in the narrow space. Before he realized what was going on, he fell under the fire of gunfire with Wang Qi.

I don't intend to pick up the monster's body, who knows if it carries any inexplicable things, it's better not to be contaminated.

The Master of Data faithfully recorded the time after the skill was activated. During the final countdown, Wang Qi brewed the light bullet of "exile from the spiritual world" in his hand.

When the last second of 300 seconds was over, the ground where the monster was located was instantly re-exchanged, and it was switched back to the ground of the spirit world that had just been replaced, and then there was only one panicked and howling guy, who appeared surrounded by the shield wall within.

Looking at the surrounding scene in astonishment, he suddenly raised his head and saw Wang Qi above, just in time to swing the skill in his hand.

"Do not kill me!"


The world is quiet.

With a wave of his hand, the four shield walls were put away, and the space inside was completely wiped out. No matter what was there just now, it was taken away by the "exile from the spiritual world" at the end of the last shot.

This ability is really useful, and it is indeed a spirit card that was obtained by sacrificing Zhang Yuxiang. (Zhang Yuxiang: I give you a lung!)
But Wang Qi found out that he didn't see the vice-chairman coming this time. Void Butterfly could see that he was still handling official business. Didn't he realize that he was using this ability?worthy of study.

"Okay, owner of the side hall, as long as you don't tell me about this matter, no one will know about it. Don't worry, they will never come back." Wang Qi turned to look at Bian Mo often.After finishing speaking, he added in his heart, unless they were as lucky as Zhang Yuxiang.

"You killed them all?" Bian Mochang looked at Wang Qi in surprise.I didn't expect this kid to be quite powerful despite his appearance.

Not knowing that he was slandering his appearance, Wang Qi nodded, then shook his head.

"It's just sending them to another world, I didn't kill them."

Well, what's the difference between the two?Bian Mochang never thought that "send to another world" means literally.

Since there were only the two of them left in this field, Wang Qi signaled that he didn't want the Natural Spirit Card, Bian Mochang was also polite, and went directly to find the target, and then the two returned to the real world.

"Master Bian, then I'll take my leave, and see you in the future." Wang Qi simply said goodbye, and without waiting for Bian Mochang to stay, he turned and left.

Bian Mochang was hesitant to open his mouth, and asked Wang Qi if he wanted to go to his martial arts gym for a while. Seeing Wang Qi being so straightforward, he finally gave up with a sigh, turned around and walked towards his own martial arts gym.

——— The level of monsters in the field varies, but generally the difference will not exceed 20 levels———

At the same time, Wujia, the imperial capital.

This is an antique quadrangle compound, which retains the style handed down from ancient times, but is full of modern conveniences.

"It's not good! The eldest young mistress is not good! Something happened to the third young master!"

A servant ran into a large room in a panic.

"What's the matter! What's the matter, tell me clearly!"

A young man was talking to a woman, when he saw the servant rushing in, he frowned and began to scold.

"Second Young Master! I just went to clean the ancestral ancestral hall. The treasure handed down by the ancestors of the Wu family, on the "Thousand Souls Card", the third young master's aura disappeared! His name suddenly disappeared!"

The servant hurriedly confessed to the man in front of him, and then told his discovery.

"What? Although the youngest guy is ineffective, isn't he always followed by several people? How could something happen!"

The woman next to her, whom the servant called the young mistress, also frowned after hearing this.

"Second brother, go and tell the master about this, and I'll go find your elder brother."

In the Wu family, the young mistress, as the good wife of the young master, has been married for many years and has shown her ability to rule the family. The Wu family also trusts her to take charge of the internal affairs of the family, so when this servant encounters an accident, Think about coming to her to discuss it first.

The servant left in a hurry, and the young lady made a phone call. It was her husband, the current helm of the Wu family.She briefly explained the matter on the phone, said to go back and check, and then hung up the phone.

After a while, two elders of the Wu family came to the hall together. They were the head and wife of the previous generation, and they were also the parents of the three brothers of the Wu family.

"Daughter-in-law, what's going on?"

Bao Yangjiao, the lady who looked very young, was the first to ask when she came in.

"Mom, I've already arranged for someone to investigate, and the results will come out soon, why don't your two elders wait here for a while."

"Hey, don't provoke someone outside again, you unworthy son." The master of the Wu family sighed and sat down directly beside him.

"Yesterday, the Spirit Card Association just held an auction, and many members of the association are still in the imperial capital. It can't be..." The second young master guessed.

"The third guy shouldn't be so short-sighted, right? I've told him countless times, and he usually just hangs out with those friends, so he shouldn't offend anyone."

Master Wu sighed.

"It's not all about you. You usually don't supervise and be more diligent. He hasn't reached level 100 until now, otherwise it would be so easy to have an accident!"

Madam suddenly became angry, and directly scolded Master Wu, leaving Master Wu quite speechless.

If it weren't for you, a loving mother and a loser, who are always afraid of him suffering, wouldn't I be able to watch him practice every day?
After a few people sat for a while, a servant came in with two people.

As soon as they came in, seeing so many people sitting in the room, the two quickly bowed their hands and saluted.

"Aren't you two protecting the third young master? Do you know that something happened to the third young master!"

Without waiting for others to speak, the madam yelled directly.

"This... the third young master was going to have a drink with the fourth young master Yu last night. He thought we were in the way, and there were a group of younger brothers around him, so he drove us away. They were both at Young Master Yu's house that night, so we just kept going. Didn't go. I called this morning to ask the servants over there, and said that the third young master hadn't woken up yet, so we set off to pick him up, but when we got there, the third young master had left and returned by himself, so we hurried out to look for him, and we didn't get up yet. If you find it, you will be called back."

That's right, the Third Young Master Wu woke up in a daze in the morning, brought a group of younger brothers out of the villa of the Fourth Young Master of the Yu family, and without saying hello to anyone, they were ready to go home swaggeringly.

Everyone thought that it was just going home, and no one was worried about what might happen during this short journey, so no one cared.

As a result, this guy suddenly wanted to eat some snacks, and the group of people just turned a corner and turned into the field over there.

The two bodyguards definitely wouldn't have thought that the third young master would run into the field after waking up. He never liked to do things by himself, and the younger brothers were too useless. Normally, the bodyguards took him in, so this time the two bodyguards happened to pass by this field Just didn't go in and take a look.

"You... oh, you bastard, third!" Master Wu slapped the table immediately, and there was a crack on the table.

Except for the eldest son, the second son, and the eldest mistress, the rest of the Wu family have become spirit card masters. It is not surprising to have such strength.

"Then hurry up and arrange for someone to look for me now! Let me search carefully for all the places that can be found on this road!"

The madam was furious, and the two bodyguards looked at each other, so they had to leave with a bitter face.

At this moment, the young lady's phone rang again.When she saw it, she quickly picked it up. It was the young master of the Wu family.

"I've already asked my friend to help. He just speculated that the third child is indeed dead. As for the murderer, he said it was a monster. I don't believe it. Let him speculate again. But you don't want to make too much noise at home. Maybe this is really the third child who went to find his own death."

Everyone could hear the young master's words clearly, and suddenly everyone felt that they didn't know what to say.The friend he can find, everyone knows in his heart, he can count with iron fingers, although he can't find people and things, he has never missed a life or death. If he says he is dead, he must be dead.

The madam burst into tears immediately, and the eldest and young mistress hurried forward to comfort her. The atmosphere in Wu's house was so sad that she couldn't control it.

It's better to die elsewhere, at least there is a corpse.If it dies in the hands of monsters, it will really be wiped out and nothing will be left.

Wang Qi still didn't know that he didn't do it himself, but sent the three young masters of the Wu family to the spirit world, and instead allowed himself to escape the pursuit of the iron fingers, otherwise it would not be so easy to escape.

———Spirit cards of the same level also have high and low levels, and some low-level spirit cards are even more powerful than high-level ones——

After merging and experimenting with the new card, Wang Qi felt that he had nothing left to do. It was easy for the main body to find trouble in the field here, so it was better to leave as soon as possible.

So Wang Qi called Shifang while returning to the hotel.

"Hey... oh, it's Wang Qi... how can you wake up so early..."

Shi Fang answered the phone feebly, obviously he was still sleeping late, and he didn't have the slightest awareness of being a spirit card master practicing all night.

"I said, I'm going to leave, let me tell you." Wang Qi said into the phone speechlessly.

"Oh... where are you going?"

"I'm going to wander all the way home. By the way, I will work part-time as a wilderness spirit card master to find those natural spirit cards that have not been discovered."

That's right, that's what Wang Qi planned.

Since there is no particularly good place to go, why not walk all the way home and look for any natural spirit cards that have been missed by others.

When he first became a Spirit Card Master, Zhang Tiansheng told him that, except for the Spirit Card Fields in the city, which are cleaned by the cleaning company on time every day, and some naturally formed fields in the wild, many times no one entered until the end. It will disappear naturally, and the natural spirit card will return to its normal appearance, absorbing the power of the domain and improving its quality.Unless a spirit card master touches it, perhaps until the end of time, no one will find out that it is a natural spirit card.

(End of this chapter)

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